A few members of the large GSH-
S-transferase family are listed. These enzymes detoxify products of oxidation and xenobiotics, with GSH as a cofactor. Because the different GSH-
S-transferase classes have different specificities and cellular locations, it is not surprising to find the expression of more than one affected by peroxide stress. Whereas GSH alone can detoxify the products of reactive oxygen species (ROS), its effectiveness is directly related to its concentration. It is well established that with H
2 stress, GSH concentrations quickly plummet in lens epithelial cell preparations and in the epithelial cell layer of the lens itself.
24 47 Thus, GSH cannot effectively protect the cell through nonenzymatic reactions for more than a very short period. However, by acting as a cofactor for the GSH-
S-transferases, where the
K m for GSH is approximately 0.1 mM,
48 100-fold lower than the normal lens epithelial cell concentration,
49 it continues to effectively degrade the toxic products generated by H
2. Previous work has shown that GSH-
S-transferase alpha 1 and alpha 2 have been markedly increased at the protein level in the H cell lines.
26 Recently, it has been found that transfection of human lens epithelial cells with an alpha class GSH-
S-transferase protects the cells against H
2-induced lipid peroxidation.
50 It is interesting that not all detected GSH-
S-transferase transcripts had increased expression. As shown in
Table 4 , the theta-1 enzyme mRNA was found to have decreased activity in both the H and HT line in relation to the C cells.