A fundus camera (Fundus Flash III; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen,
Germany) mounted with a ×2 magnification adaptor was used to acquire a
pair of sequential ONHPs in each subject. Subjects’ pupils were
dilated, and photographs were taken at the leftmost and rightmost
position of the pupil, to maximize the stereoscopic base. Each
stereoscopic pair of transparencies was diffusely retroilluminated by a
horizontally mounted, color-corrected, discharge-tube light box (Logan
Electric Spec Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL) and viewed through a stereo viewer
(Carl Zeiss). Three experienced observers (ALC, JC, DFG), who
were masked to the patients’ identities and diagnoses by concealment
of written information on the photographs, independently made
qualitative assessments of the ONH and RNFL for glaucomatous damage.
One observer had not seen the photographs for more than 6 months and
two of the observers had never seen them. Each OHNP was graded as 1
(definitely normal), 2 (probably normal), 3 (undecided), 4 (probably
glaucoma), or 5 (definitely glaucoma). The cumulative
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 for each ONHP was the sum of the scores
assigned by the three observers.
CSLO (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT); Heidelberg Engineering GmbH,
Heidelberg, Germany) was performed in each patient with a 10° ×
10° image field. Three 10o topographic images
taken at the same sitting were used to generate a mean topographic
image. A good-quality image was defined as one in which the mean SD of
height measurements was less than 50 μm. The optic disc was defined
by a contour line drawn along the inner margin of Elschnig’s ring by
the concordance of two operators (DFG, MJG) referring to the ONHPs. HRT
proprietary software (ver. 2.01b; Heidelberg Engineering GmbH) was
applied, with the standard reference plane, to calculate global cup
area, rim area, cup-to-disc area ratio, rim volume, cup volume, cup
shape measure, height variation contour, RNFL height, and
cross-sectional area of the NFL. In addition, a proprietary HRT
software program (HRTclc10 ver. 2.01; Heidelberg Engineering GmbH) was
used to calculate rim area in each of twelve 30° sectors.
SLP (GDx Nerve Fiber Analyzer; Laser Diagnostics Technologies, San
Diego, CA) was used to estimate the peripapillary RNFL thickness. The
mean of three good-quality aligned images was evaluated. The
proprietary software (ver. 1.0.16) calculates summary measurements:
symmetry, superior ratio, inferior ratio, superior-to-nasal ratio,
maximum modulation, ellipse modulation, the number (a score generated
by a neural network in this system), average thickness, ellipse
average, superior average, inferior average, and superior integral. The
RNFL thickness was measured along an annular ellipse 10 pixels wide,
concentric with, and 1.75 times the diameter of the ellipse drawn over
the scleral ring. In addition, the average RNFL thickness on this
ellipse was recorded in each of twelve 30° sectors. The SLP
parameter, the number, was recorded.
OCT (Humphrey Instruments, Dublin, CA) was used to measure the
thickness of the peripapillary RNFL. Measurements were made at 100
points along a circle concentric with the ONH at a radius of 1.69 to
1.73 mm. These were used to calculate the average RNFL thickness for
each of twelve 30° sectors.