One of the more interesting series of experiments examining
control of lens polarization has come from Chamberlain and McAvoy.
5 6 Initial experiments showed that at least some of the
fiber cell differentiation activity in retina-conditioned media
was FGF2 (basic FGF). These experiments showed that FGF2 could function
to stimulate fiber cell differentiation in vitro, but given the nature
of the analysis, fell short of showing that an FGF pathway was
necessary for fiber cell differentiation.
Circumstantial evidence has suggested that a gradient of FGF may be in
part responsible for controlling lens polarization. This idea is
derived from the observation that different cellular responses within
the lens lineage are optimally stimulated by different concentrations
of FGF.
7 Specifically, the half-maximal concentration of
FGF required for epithelial cell proliferation is low (0.15 ng/ml),
whereas the half-maximal concentration required for differentiation is
high (40 ng/ml). This arrangement implies that if an FGF gradient
existed in the eye (anterior, low concentration; posterior, high
concentration), a polarized lens might be the result. The best evidence
that such a gradient exists comes from measurements of FGF activity in
ocular media. Using a variety of techniques, it has been shown that FGF
activity levels are higher in vitreous than in aqueous.
8 The distribution of immunoreactive FGF1 and FGF2 is also consistent
with a role for FGFs in the control of lens polarization.
Experiments using transgenic mice have shown that various members of
the FGF family can act as fiber cell differentiation stimuli in vivo.
The first of these was generated by Robinson et al.,
10 11 and Lovicu and Overbeek
12 who showed that FGF1 (acidic
FGF) expressed from the αA-crystallin promoter and secreted from lens
fiber cells would stimulate adjacent epithelial cells to form fibers. A
number of experiments since then have shown that various FGFs including
FGFs 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 are also able to stimulate fiber cell
Overexpression studies are limited to showing what a factor can
stimulate. For this reason, a number of groups have used
dominant–negative FGF receptors
13 as a means of
inhibiting FGF action and asking whether this signaling pathway is
necessary. Although the degree of the phenotypic response varies in
different transgenic lines, it is clear that an inhibition of FGF
signaling results in diminished fiber cell
14 15 This provides evidence that the FGF
signaling pathways normally function in vivo for fiber cell
differentiation. Combined, all these data have led to a general
acceptance that FGFs are required for fiber cell differentiation and
probably for other aspects of lens development.
However, a number of recent results have initiated a degree of
rethinking. Perhaps most surprising is that adult mice made homozygous
null for both FGF1 and FGF2 show no defect in lens or eye development
on histologic examination (Claudio Basilico, personal
communication). These FGF ligands have been the prime
candidates for fiber cell differentiation factors, and the absence of
phenotype in the null mice makes a clear statement that, although they
may participate, they are not necessary for fiber cell differentiation.
It is, of course, possible that one of the other FGFs (currently, a
family of at least 18 molecules) is critical for fiber cell
differentiation or that a number of FGFs are responsible for fiber cell
differentiation when their activities are combined. Presumably, as more
FGFs are tested for their activity in lens development through both
overexpression and activity inhibition, we will learn whether this
explanation is valid.
With the information available to date, we should also consider the
possibility that stimulation of fiber cell differentiation may not
normally be an FGF function in vivo. Fiber cell differentiation in
response to FGF overexpression in the lens could be explained as an
aberrant response to a level of FGF ligand that is not physiological
(although the presence of FGF receptors suggests a role for FGFs in
some aspect of lens fiber cell physiology). If FGFs do not normally
function in fiber cell differentiation, the most difficult experimental
results to explain are those in which differentiation was inhibited
with a dominant–negative FGFR1.
14 15 The biochemical
specificity of such mutant receptors appears unchallenged. If these
experiments have been misinterpreted, it is a consequence of our lack
of understanding of the complexity of the vivo response.
Experiments performed using the chick as a model system have also
contributed to uncertainty about the function of FGFs in fiber cell
differentiation. It has been presumed that the mechanism of lens
development in different vertebrates would be conserved, at least in
the major elements. For this reason, it is surprising that neither
recombinant FGFs nor eye-derived growth factor (containing a mixture of
FGFs) can stimulate the differentiation of fiber cells from chick lens
epithelial explants. In addition, unlike the mouse, expression of a
dominant–negative acting FGF receptor in the chick lens (using a
retroviral expression vector) does not result in changes to fiber cells
that are consistent with an inhibition of fiber cell differentiation
(David Beebe, personal communication). As in the mouse,
16 the chick lens is known to express FGFR1,
17 and it is
therefore likely that the signal transduction machinery is present.
Thus, we are left with apparently conflicting results in chick and
mouse that may argue for evolutionary divergence in the mechanism of
lens development.
Consistent with the idea that FGF pathways may not be required for
normal lens development and fiber cell differentiation is the recent
observation that in chimeric mice generated with ES cells
without the FGFR1 gene, the mutant cells make a substantial
contribution to the lens, suggesting that FGFR1 is not required for
normal lens development.
12 These data are not necessarily
at odds with previous experiments inhibiting FGF receptor function in
the lens,
14 15 because messenger RNAs for FGFR2 and FGFR3
are expressed in elongating lens fiber cells.
16 18 19 To
summarize, although none of the evidence available so far is
conclusive, the requirement for FGF signaling during normal lens
development has become less certain. In the remaining sections of the
review, we consider alternative stimuli.