DNA fragmentation is assessed by a variety of methods, including internucleosomal fragmentation that produces 180- to 200-bp DNA fragments or their multimers,
58 which are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Histologic stains, such as cresyl violet, hematoxylin and eosin, and toluidine blue, also demonstrate changes within nuclei, such as an outer dense ring or unusual density changes that reflect chromatin condensation,
59 60 although some nuclei normally exhibit denser regions with these stains. DNA-specific fluorescent dyes (propidium iodide, 4′,6′-diamino-2-phenylindole [DAPI], and the Hoechst stain
61 ) also identify condensed nuclear areas. Labeling of the terminal nicked 3′-OH ends of DNA breaks also demonstrates DNA damage,
62 63 but this method cannot reveal strand lengths to distinguish necrosis from apoptosis. Although this TUNEL technique is a good indicator of damage, DNA would, theoretically, also label at single-strand breaks. Interpretation is limited if additional methods are not used. Electron microscopy demonstrates morphologic changes within the nucleus.
60 64 Moreover, induction and activation of certain enzymes can also suggest apoptosis. However, enzymes associated with apoptosis, such as caspases, do not indicate DNA damage. The direct method to determine whether DNA has been fragmented is to demonstrate nonrandom fragmentation and accumulation of 180- to 200-bp fragments. Therefore, we combined detection of TUNEL-labeled photoreceptor nuclei and quantification of retinal DNA by length to assess the nature of light-induced photoreceptor DNA damage.
We monitored the appearance of damaged photoreceptor DNA through 19 time points and demonstrated that fragmentation occurred in a biphasic manner. Histologic analysis of TUNEL-labeled sections, Southern blot analysis, quantification of DNA ladders, and analysis of SINE repeats showed two waves of DNA fragmentation.
Cell counts of TUNEL-positive photoreceptor nuclei revealed a second wave of nuclear damage occurring from 36 to 54 hours after light treatment. The technique for labeling the 3′-OH DNA ends of damaged DNA does not distinguish between single- and double-strand breaks, but labeling of double-strand breaks is much more efficient.
65 Thus, analysis of TUNEL-positive cells cannot determine whether the two waves of nuclear damage have different strand-break ratios. However, in single- and double-strand break analyses in light-damaged retinas with and without antioxidants present, Specht et al.
37 suggest a two-phase process in which initial damage could be mediated by active oxygen species, implying random single-strand damage, followed by nonrandom enzymatic fragmentation.
Gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments from the retinal time courses produced ladders. Presence of a 180- to 200-bp band has been considered an indicator of apoptosis.
6 37 44 Density analysis of this band indicated a relatively brief initial wave, a decline, and a more prolonged wave of fragmentation approximately 24 hours later in a pattern similar to that shown by TUNEL analysis. However, unlike the TUNEL technique, laddering can only separate DNA fragments (i.e., DNA with double-strand breaks). The TUNEL labeling of retinas suggests that the second wave may only appear to be broader than the first because of the occurrence of numerous nuclear blebs near the end of the cell-death phase. The laddering technique is incapable of separating fragmented nuclear DNA from the same DNA later localized within blebs, and so an artificially elevated trailing edge may follow actual nuclear fragmentation.
Biphasic nuclear damage was also demonstrated by quantitating the amount of fragmentation within one specific portion of the rat genome. Mammalian genetic material contains unique repetitive DNA elements in nuclear DNA. One type is the highly repetitive SINE repeats, present in at least 10,000 random copies per eukaryotic genome.
66 67 68 SINE analysis is very size specific, detecting DNA of only mononucleosome length. This highly sensitive technique, capable of detecting a very small number of breaks, can be used to compare mitochondrial and nuclear DNA damage and repair kinetics.
69 70 To assess the integrity of the nuclear genome (the intactness of the DNA double strand), nuclear-specific SINEs were used as primer sites for DNA-based PCR reactions.
41 70 71 Rat-specific SINE primers were used for extraction and amplification. Subsequent DNA quantitation demonstrated two peaks of low-molecular-weight, mononucleosome-sized DNA fragments approximately 36 hours apart in the 6-hour-interval retinal time courses. As in the laddering experiments, the second wave of fragmentation was longer than the first. This may be from continued endonuclease activity or from detection of persistent DNA fragments within the blebs.