purpose. This study was designed to determine intersession repeatability of
measurements of macular thickness made with a commercially available
optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The images that can be
routinely acquired with the commercial instrument differ significantly
in quality from the images in the literature, which have mostly been
acquired on prototype systems.
methods. Multiple OCT images of the nasal macula were obtained from the right
eye during three independent measuring sessions, using the Humphrey
2000 OCT system (Humphrey, San Leandro, CA). Twenty-six volunteers with
no history of ocular disease participated in this investigation. Eyes
in all subjects were undilated during scan acquisition. Scans were
horizontal, 3 mm long, and through the fovea. Five scans were used from
each session, for a total of 15 scans per subject. Retinal boundaries
were automatically detected using custom software. Statistical software
was used to calculate intersession and intrasession repeatability.
Manual correction was performed on the automatically detected
boundaries, and a second analysis was performed using these boundaries.
results. When no manual correction of boundaries was performed, there were no
significant effects between different sessions (P =
0.529) or between different scans within the same session
(P = 0.509). Average retinal thickness was found to
be 274 ± 17 μm for a 1-mm long region 0.75 mm from the fovea.
Individual scan averages differed from overall patient averages by
0 ± 4.3 μm (99% confidence interval, 11.2 μm).
conclusions. OCT measurements of macular thickness made with the Humphrey 2000 OCT
system are repeatable over different sessions with an expected
variation of less than 11 μm (99% confidence
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a new ophthalmic technology
that has been used to image a multitude of retinal diseases. Macular
lesions associated with optic nerve head pits,
1 epiretinal
2 central serous
3 age-related macular
4 choroidal neovascularization,
4 and diabetic macular edema
5 are just some of the diseases
that have been studied using OCT. For many of these studies, OCT’s
fine, 10-μm resolution in vivo
6 has given insight into
disease mechanisms.
OCT’s ability to provide quantitative measurements makes it
complementary to traditional means of examination such as opthalmoscopy
and slit lamp biomicroscopy. In particular, OCT has been used to
measure macular thickness, and the variability of measurements taken
during a single session has been reported.
5 6 7 To
date, no studies have demonstrated the
repeatability of retinal thickness measurements obtained with OCT. For
OCT measurements to be used to monitor patient progress over time,
however, the variability of OCT measurements made during different
sessions must be known. Determining the appropriate treatment for
diabetic macular edema, for example, requires tracking retinal
thickness changes in a patient through subsequent visits.
8 Therefore, one purpose of the present study was to determine the
intersession repeatability of OCT measurements of macular thickness.
The prototype OCT systems, which, to date, have dominated the
literature, demonstrate significant differences with the commercially
available system used in this study. Differences exist in the optics,
internal amplification of the interference signal, output interface,
and superluminescent diode (SLD) power range, as confirmed by Humphrey
Instruments (San Leandro, CA). Although it is not clear exactly how
these differences might affect the OCT images acquired, there is a
substantial difference in quality between the OCT images
9 and those that can be obtained easily with the
commercially available Humphrey 2000 OCT. There is therefore a need to
demonstrate that the variability reported in the literature using the
5 7 is applicable to commercially available
systems. The ultimate purpose of this study was to assess both
intrasession and intersession repeatability in patients using the
commercially available Humphrey 2000 OCT system.
All eyes in this study were imaged through undilated pupils. Pupil
size can vary considerably, however, between normal persons. Thus, to
assess the applicability of this study’s results to other subject
populations, each pupil was measured in both dark- and light-adapted
states. A pupil gauge was held on the forehead while the subject
fixated on a distant object. Pupil measurements were made in a darkened
room using a transilluminator held obliquely from below to visualize
each pupil before it contracted. The transilluminator was maintained
shining into the pupil for the constricted pupil measurements. This
method was selected because it is commonly used in routine practice.
Estimates of pupil diameter were made to the nearest 0.5 mm. In all
subjects but one, pupil measurements were performed by the same
investigator (SEK).
All scanning was performed by the same investigator (DK). For each
scanning session, the undilated right eye was aligned with the OCT
machine. The subject was then asked to gaze at an internal fixation
light within the machine. The machine was programmed to assume a
normal, emmetropic eye and to scan along a horizontal line beginning at
the temporal edge of the foveal pit and extending nasally 3 mm.
Figure 1 illustrates the position of the scan on the retina of a study subject.
In the figure, the white haze above and below the machine’s scan line
is an artifact resulting from glare. The system was set to image along
a line overlapping the fixation point, and scanning was begun. The
scanning line position was then adjusted so that the image of the
foveal pit appeared as deep as possible on the temporal side of the
scan. It was assumed that the deepest part of the foveal pit was its
center. A sample scan is shown in
Figure 2 , in which the typical placement of the scan is seen relative to the
foveal pit.
The procedure used to acquire scans was consistent with the standard
clinical use of OCT. The OCT system displays scans continuously at the
rate of approximately one per second and updates the screen image
accordingly. Acceptable scans were selected as quickly as they
appeared. Acceptance criteria were based solely on signal strength and
absence of artifacts due to motion and pupillary shadowing. These
artifacts are obvious and are caused by subject motion; even small head
or eye motions can cause jumps in the scans, as well as great
reductions in signal strength. Nonetheless, subjects could typically be
seated, positioned, and their eyes scanned within 5 minutes for each
session. Each subject participated in three separate scan sessions, and
all sessions were conducted within 1 day. To make each session
independent, a minimum separation of 5 minutes was mandated, and the
machine was realigned between sessions.
The acquired scans were exported to an SGI computer
workstation (Mountain View, CA) for subsequent analysis using custom
automatic boundary detection software written for the MATLAB software
platform (The Mathworks, Natick, MA). The software automatically
detects the vitreoretinal junction as the inner retinal boundary and
the retinal–choroidal junction as the outer retinal boundary. The
retinal thickness was then calculated as the distance between the two
boundaries along each A scan. For the purpose of comparison, the
automatic boundary location was manually verified for all scans and
corrected when necessary. All inspection and correction was done by the
same unmasked investigator (DK). Separate analyses were performed with
both the corrected and the uncorrected boundaries. Although the
Humphrey 2000 comes with its own automatic boundary detection software,
its results cannot be exported for analysis.
A sample measured scan is presented in
Figure 2 with the marked
retinal boundaries highlighted.
Figure 3 shows the calculated retinal thickness contours for all five scans
within a single session (subject 25, session 2). That is,
Figure 3 shows how the thickness varies across the acquired scan. The fovea is
represented by the point of minimum thickness toward the left side of
the plot. More variability was found near the fovea, as expected,
because the actual retinal thickness changes in this region. Thus,
small changes in scan placement could cause very different scan
profiles in the foveal region.
The retinal thickness value for a scan was calculated for a 1 mm long
section located 0.75 mm from the fovea. The mean and SD for each
subject were calculated over each session (5 scans total per session)
and over all sessions (15 scans total). Finally, the mean thickness
value was calculated over all subjects using the mean of 15 scans in
each subject.
To examine the effects of the within-subject factors scan number
(intrasession repeatability) and session number (intersession
repeatability), a repeated-measures analysis was performed using a
statistical software package (SAS, Cary, NC). For each subject there
were 15 observations (three sessions with five scans per session).
Separate analyses were performed on the thickness measurements derived
from the corrected and uncorrected boundaries. The effect of boundary
correction was measured by finding the difference between thickness
measurements from corrected and uncorrected boundaries for each scan.
The mean and SD of these differences was found.
To quantify the typical variability occurring between sessions, average
thickness values were found for each subject over each individual
session and over all three sessions (the latter is assumed to be an
estimate of the true value). Then, for each subject, the individual
session averages were subtracted from that subject’s average over all
sessions. These differences indicated how much session averages varied
around the true value (the assumption was made that each subject’s
true retinal thickness did not change between sessions). The
differences in means were then averaged over all patients and all
sessions as an indication of normal intersession variability in mean
retinal thickness measurements. A similar analysis was performed
comparing the retinal thickness measurements derived from individual
scans to each subject’s average over all scans. This result indicated
the normal variation between individual scans.
Two additional statistics were computed for comparison with the
literature. For each subject, the SD of thickness values was calculated
for each of the three sessions. The intrasession SD was then averaged
over all subjects for comparison with the value of Hee et
5 Each SD was also divided by its corresponding session
mean to compute the intrasession coefficient of variation (CV). The CVs
were then averaged over all subjects and all sessions for
comparison with the results of Baumann et al.
Two separate linear regressions were performed to study the effects of
pupil size and refractive error on intrasubject variability. The
variability for a subject was measured as the SD for that subject’s 15
scans. This SD was then regressed against mean pupil size and mean
spherical correction.
For the uncorrected boundaries, the result of the repeated
measures analysis testing showed no significant effects for either
session number (intersession repeatability) or scan number
(intrasession repeatability); P = 0.529 and 0.509,
respectively. Correcting the retinal boundaries similarly yielded P = 0.567 for session number effects and P = 0.573 for scan number effects. The thickness
measurements from corrected and uncorrected boundaries differed by a
mean of 1.1 ± 3.3 μm (±SD), which was not significantly
different from zero (P = 0.739).
The mean and SD for retinal thickness measurements for all patients and
all scans was 273 ± 17 μm for uncorrected boundaries and
274 ± 17 μm for corrected boundaries. The means (±SD) of
retinal thickness measurements for all patients, grouped by session,
are presented in
Table 1 . Each of the 26 subjects had five scans per session, and the
means are therefore determined from 130 values. The means of retinal
thickness measurements for all patients, grouped by scan number, are
presented in
Table 2 . The 26 subjects participated in three sessions each, providing means
from 78 values.
The mean differences between the individual session averages and the
average over all sessions, calculated for each subject, are presented
Table 3 . The mean of differences between individual scan averages and each
subject’s average are presented in
Table 3 as well. The mean
intrasession coefficient of variation was 1.2% ± 0.7% for corrected
boundaries and 1.1% ± 0.8% for uncorrected boundaries. The mean
subject intrasession SD is 3.2 ± 2.1 μm for corrected
boundaries and 3.0 ± 2.2 μm for uncorrected boundaries.
Pupils ranged from 4.0 to 7.0 mm in the dilated state (mean, 5.9 ± 0.8 mm). Constricted pupils ranged from 1.5 to 3.5 mm (mean,
2.6 ± 0.5 mm). The range of refractive errors for the subjects
(mean spherical correction) was +1.00 to −10.75 D (mean, −2.50 ± 2.75 D). No significant relationship was found by regressing either
mean pupil size or mean spherical correction against the SD of each
subject’s 15 scans. For the pupil size, the slope of the regression
with corrected boundaries was 0.16 (P = 0.76), and for
mean spherical correction, the slope of the regression was −0.03
(P = 0.83).
In this study, macular thickness measurements obtained in
undilated eyes by the Humphrey 2000 OCT system were shown to be
repeatable within a session and over different independent sessions.
The measurements made in this study were performed on scans obtained
through the fovea; repeatability for measurements made elsewhere would
depend on how easily the scan could be consistently placed at the same
location. Intersession repeatability suggests that OCT can be used to
observe patients over time to measure the progression of disease.
Furthermore, the commercially available Humphrey 2000 OCT system, while
providing images qualitatively different from those in the literature,
gives a satisfactory quantitative performance with the software used
for this study.
For this study, retinal thickness was calculated using both corrected
and uncorrected retinal boundaries output by the software. The
necessity of correcting the results of the automatic boundary detection
algorithm may be questioned, because this increases the amount of time
necessary to obtain retinal thickness information. The corrected
averages differed from the original output of the algorithm by 1.1 ± 3.3 μm. This is not significantly different from zero
(P = 0.739) and is less than 9.7 μm (99% CI). An
advisable strategy may therefore be to view the algorithm’s output to
verify that there are no gross errors but otherwise to accept its
results. Software allowing correction of the boundaries could be a
useful addition to the OCT system. Because the difference was not
clinically significant, only the corrected results are discussed in
this article.
The average retinal thickness was 274 ± 17 μm over all 26
subjects, when calculated with corrected boundaries. Our subject
population was generally young and with the exception of four subjects,
the refractive errors ranged from +1.00 D to −5.00 D. Our average
thicknesses are also consistent with the values presented by Hee et
5 They measured the retinal thickness within a 3-mm
disc radius surrounding the fovea by interpolating the results of six
foveal scans placed 60° apart.
5 All scans were acquired
in one session. The average foveal thickness for all subjects was
reported to be 174 ± 18 μm. Along a horizontal line segment
extending nasally from the fovea, they reported the average in 73
subjects to be 260 ± 16 μm for the segment extending 0.5 to 1.5
mm from the fovea, and 255 ± 16 μm for the segment extending
1.5 to 3.0 mm from the fovea.
The technique of Hee et al. provided six foveal thickness measurements
for each subject, all within the same session.
5 The
intrasession SD within the six measurements of each subject was
reported to be distributed with a mean of 11 ± 6. In this study,
each session yielded five thickness measurements; a similar calculation
by Hee et al.,
5 for the purposes of direct comparison,
yields an average subject intrasession SD of 3.2 ± 2.1 μm with
the corrected boundaries.
For the present study, the data in
Table 3 show that the differences
between session averages and total patient averages are distributed
with an SD of 2.7 μm. Similarly, the differences between individual
scans and subject averages are distributed with an SD of 4.2 μm.
These SDs best quantify the variability within this study and are of
the same order of magnitude as those in Hee et al.
5 The
larger size of Hee’s variability assessment may result from their
measurement of thickness at a single point rather than within a region.
The data from this study may be better interpreted by using confidence
intervals. There is a 99% confidence that session averages will be
within 7.0 μm of the true subject value using corrected boundaries.
Similarly, there is a 99% confidence interval that individual scan
averages will be within 11.2 μm, using corrected boundaries. Only a
small decrease in the variability is achieved by averaging five scans
per session. Therefore, it may be reasonable for a clinician to accept
retinal measurements from only one or two scans.
The intrasession reproducibility results found here can also be
compared with those of Baumann et al.
7 They obtained six
vertical scans of length 2.88 mm through the fovea of 18
7 The scans were divided into seven sections, and the
sections were treated individually. The CV (SD divided by the mean) for
each scan segment was averaged over all subjects, and these averages
were presented for both manual and automated retinal boundary
determinations. The segments of their scans most relevant to this study
were the most superior and inferior segments (1.12–1.44 mm from the
fovea). For these they found mean CVs of 4.1% and 3.8%, respectively.
The average CV of 1.2% achieved in the present study is comparable.
The ability to perform OCT measurements in undilated eyes extends the
potential uses of this instrument. Although Baumann et al
7 obtained their single-session OCT measurements in patients with
undilated eyes, the pupil sizes were not reported. It is not uncommon
for circumstances to make dilation either difficult or undesirable.
Adequate dilation may be difficult in patients having extended topical
pilocarpine therapy, exfoliation syndrome,
13 pseudoexfoliation syndrome, chronic diabetes, and, occasionally, old
age. Subject variability does not seem to be related to pupil size,
although the smallest pupil diameter for which macular thickness
measurements can be made routinely with OCT was not determined in this
study. The use of OCT in undilated eyes presents further limitations.
In particular, the fundus is frequently difficult to visualize during
scanning. Thus the patient’s cooperation in fixation or the presence
of clearly identifiable OCT landmarks, such as the foveal pit, is
necessary for scans to be located precisely on the fundus. Scans around
the optic nerve head would most likely be compromised in undilated eyes
for these reasons.
The OCT measurements made in this study were made without knowledge of
the subject’s axial length or refraction. Because of the design of the
OCT system’s optics, these parameters are necessary for distances in
the transverse direction (i.e., along the direction of the scan line)
to be measured accurately.
5 A standard, emmetropic eye
(plano, 23 mm axial length) was assumed for all subjects and probably
caused some intersubject variations from the assumed scan length.
However, these errors would remain constant for each subject from
session to session, and therefore would not be expected to affect
repeatability. Moreover, measurements in the axial direction (i.e.,
into the retina) do not depend on the refraction or axial length of the
eye. Thus, thickness values are not affected. To date, no study has
been published in which axial length and refraction were used to ensure
accurate scan length measurements.
In conclusion, OCT offers a way to make measurements of retinal
thickness that are repeatable over different sessions. In particular,
the repeatability obtained with the Humphrey 2000 OCT system is
comparable to that of the prototype systems in the literature. The
automatic boundary-marking system used here can be expected to provide
repeatable measurements close to those marked manually. Moreover, this
intersession repeatability has been demonstrated in undilated eyes,
extending the noninvasiveness or OCT.
Supported by The Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Columbus, Ohio; Sunbury Lions Club, Sunbury, Ohio; Humphrey Systems, Dublin, California; and The Whitaker Foundation, Rosslyn, Virginia.
Submitted for publication May 7, 1999; revised October 26, 1999; accepted November 8, 1999.
Commercial relationships policy: Cc5(CR).
Corresponding author: Cynthia Roberts, Biomedical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Surgery, 270 Bevis Hall, 1080 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1002.
Table 1. Retinal Thickness Measurements Grouped by Session
Table 1. Retinal Thickness Measurements Grouped by Session
Session | Number of Subjects | With Uncorrected Boundaries | With Corrected Boundaries |
1 | 26 | 272.8 ± 17.0 | 273.7 ± 16.9 |
2 | 26 | 272.8 ± 17.0 | 274.2 ± 17.6 |
3 | 26 | 272.1 ± 16.7 | 273.3 ± 17.1 |
Repeated measures test for intersession effects | | P = 0.529 | P = 0.567 |
Table 2. Measurements Grouped by Scan
Table 2. Measurements Grouped by Scan
Scan | Number of Subjects | With Uncorrected Boundaries | With Corrected Boundaries |
1 | 26 | 272.9 ± 16.9 | 274.3 ± 17.0 |
2 | 26 | 272.4 ± 16.8 | 273.7 ± 17.3 |
3 | 26 | 272.6 ± 17.2 | 273.3 ± 17.2 |
4 | 26 | 272.7 ± 17.1 | 273.5 ± 17.3 |
5 | 26 | 272.2 ± 16.6 | 273.8 ± 17.4 |
Repeated measures test for intrasession effects | | P = 0.509 | P = 0.573 |
Table 3. Intersubject Differences in Thickness Averages and Thickness
Measurements from Individual Scans and Sessions
Table 3. Intersubject Differences in Thickness Averages and Thickness
Measurements from Individual Scans and Sessions
| Uncorrected Boundaries | Corrected Boundaries |
Session differences averaged over all subjects and all sessions | 0 ± 2.5 | 0 ± 2.7 |
Individual scan differences averaged over all subjects and all sessions | 0 ± 4.2 | 0 ± 4.3 |
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