Once it was found that inherited and environmentally induced retinal degenerations in mice and rats activate the apoptotic cell death pathway,
89 a large number of studies were initiated to determine whether manipulation of the many genes involved in apoptosis could ameliorate the rate or extent of degeneration. This has been a challenging decade of research, so far, with only partial and idiosyncratic results, confounding attempts to generalize their interpretation. In a wide variety of tissue culture and in vivo studies, elevation of expression of Bcl-2 and its homologous proteins reduces apoptosis. Similarly, loss of Bax function reduces apoptosis.
Ganglion cells seem to be most protected by these mechanisms but photoreceptor survival has been more difficult to interpret. One extensively studied transgenic mouse line that overexpresses Bcl-2 in rods under the control of the mouse rhodopsin promoter shows partial reduction of rod death after light exposure. It also induces a transient delay in cell death of
rd and
rds mutant mice.
91 92 Other transgenic mice expressing the same gene under control of the same promoter
93 or under the control of the IRBP promoter
94 do not show such survival, despite clear evidence that the product is produced and that the product has appropriate anti-apoptotic properties in other cell systems. The issue of where the transgene inserts into the genome of the transgenic mouse and its phenotypic consequences becomes important when such discrepancies arise and will be more easily resolved now that the mouse genome sequence is nearly completed.
Clinical studies of retinal degenerations clearly document the failure of attempts to follow the syllogism that one mutation equals one disease. Numerous previously distinguished retinal disorders can be generated by single mutations of rhodopsin, peripherin, or ABCR. Moreover, the variation in penetrance within a kindred with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa highlights the role of other genes or environmental stimuli that can either accelerate or reduce degeneration. For example, in the original family expressing a mutant rhodopsin (P23H), the propositus, a 49-year-old woman was blind from loss of both rod and cone function. Her older sister drove a truck at night as her occupation and was startled to learn she had the same mutation and no rod function but sufficient surviving cone function. She was not sick—that is, in her opinion she had no disease—but that impression was solely the consequence of survival of a sufficient fraction of her cones and her use of lights at night. Why did her sister’s cones die? They did not express rhodopsin. Cones use related genes coding for color vision. What genes in the sighted sister kept her cones alive? If we understood this, the “disease” of blindness could be eliminated, even if the rods died. Similarly, in a man bearing a rhodopsin T17M mutation, the top half of his retina survived, whereas the lower half and the fovea (all cones) died, so that he had profound loss of useful vision, yet could see objects below the equator. If mutations of rhodopsin are lethal to rods, what saved the rods of the top of his retina?
These fascinating cases illustrate that there are cures, if we can find them, and that the genes do not necessarily have to be replaced by gene therapy, if only we can keep the cells from dying, because surviving rods with mutations function to old age.
95 So far, this hypothesis has been tested fully only in flies. Expression of anti-apoptotic genes in
Drosophila photoreceptors cause the cells to survive, even when they express a mutant rhodopsin that otherwise kills them.
96 Thus, the search for sight-preserving genes and anti-apoptotic agents is justified by the clinical and experimental studies and encourages all of us involved in such studies that the search will not be in vain.
I am indebted to the American Cancer Society and the Anna Fuller Fund for my first research support. The National Eye Institute has generously supported my studies since 1973 with Grants EY-845, EY-3239, EY-6891, EY-6892, and EY-10992. The early immunocytochemical studies were supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant GM-21714 and the Veterans Administration. Our work on transgenic frogs has been supported by the Foundation Fighting Blindness and National Eye Institute grants. I am most grateful for the enthusiasm, insight, and creativity of my students, fellows, research associates, and collaborators whose work is highlighted in this address. They continue to teach me daily.