Objective evaluation of a visual field has been thought to be
difficult due to variability in the response distribution related to
the structure of the visual cortex. It has generally been considered
that most of the VEP responses are from the central retina within 5°
to 8° of the visual field and that responses from more peripheral
areas are difficult to measure. Recently, possibilities for detection
of visual field defects in patients with optic neuropathy in the
5 using a multifocal technique,
4 have
been suggested. The technique enables measurement of VEPs from the more
peripheral retina with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover,
interocular comparison of the MVEPs enables detection of local
optic nerve dysfunction quantitatively.
6 This method is
sensitive and useful for detecting local optic nerve dysfunction in
unilateral ophthalmic disorders. However, there are some problems with
this technique. The local MVEP responses decrease with retinal
eccentricity, as was shown by the results of the present study
(Figs. 1 2 3) . The coefficient of variation of the RMS amplitude also
increases with eccentricity
(Figs. 3A 3B) . Thus, the signal-to-noise
ratio of the local MVEP varies with eccentricity. In the present study,
we used a retinally scaled-stimulus of 37 hexagons rather than a
cortically scaled stimulus. Although the stimulus conditions used are
not optimal for recording peripheral responses, we managed to achieve a
reasonable signal response by averaging over areas. It may be possible
to further improve these signals in the periphery by optimizing the
stimulus and recording conditions. RMS measure can easily be affected
by noise, particularly in noisy traces with low signals. To overcome
this problem, local MVEP responses were grouped and averaged to
increase the signal-to-noise ratio, significant responses were
differentiated from noise using the formula[
RMS 50–150(
RMS 0–49(
1.1, where
C is 8% or 32%, and a contrast (supra-)
threshold was determined as the point at which the extrapolating
regression line intersected the line of mean noise level calculated
RMS 0–49(32) and
RMS 0–49(8) for each location.
Interocular comparison could be effective for detecting local optic
nerve damage if the MVEPs from the affected area were compared with
those from the corresponding normal area of the opposite eye. However,
the precise degree of optic nerve damage could not be determined if
both corresponding areas were affected.
Estimation of the absolute amplitudes of MVEPs is not an optimal
method for detecting a local visual field loss because of its
dependence on electrode placement and anatomic variations in the visual
cortex. The VEP amplitude and polarity vary with the location and
orientation of the underlying cortical sources relative to the
electrodes. There is also a large intersubject variability in anatomy.
In contrast, coefficients of variance in the ratio of CSF were greatly
reduced compared with the RMS amplitudes over all locations
(Fig. 3C) .
Thus, the contrast threshold, which is a relative value determined from
the regression line, is more appropriate for evaluation of the visual
field, because its variability can be reduced much more than that of
the absolute value of the MVEP amplitude itself.
The absence of a substantial response does not necessarily imply an
actual perimetric sensitivity loss. It is important to know whether the
local MVEP is significant. If the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
is not sufficiently high to determine the CSF, the data will be
impossible to evaluate. In the group of 37 MVEPs without averaging, the
rates of significant response obtained from the 28 normal subjects
decreased as the retinal eccentricity increased, especially in the
upper areas. However, substantial MVEP responses from normal subjects
could be recorded from most field locations by averaging and grouping
MVEPs into 20 groups. Thus, we can partially overcome these major
problems by evaluating the CSF and by averaging the responses. Further
study on recording conditions is needed to improve the signal-to-noise
ratio of the responses in the periphery. Klistorner et
5 and Klistorner and Graham
7 reported that
improved and larger signals could be derived when two additional
electrodes were placed horizontally on either side of the inion. If
these multiple-channel recordings were applied to the MVEP-CSF method,
local optic nerve dysfunction would be more sensitively detected.
CSFs have generally been measured from VEP recordings by extrapolating
the regression line (VEP RMS amplitude versus log pattern contrast) to
zero amplitude. The technique was originally introduced by Campbell and
8 In a strict sense, sinusoidal grating should be
used for CSF evaluation when using VEPs. However, the triangular
pattern used in the present study was effective for deriving relatively
clear MVEP responses, even from peripheral areas, because the pattern
simultaneously stimulates several spatial frequencies and orientations.
Researchers have used a single and large visual stimulus that activated
large areas of the visual cortex for recording VEPs. However, small
stimuli reduce the cancellation effect of the response from cortical
sources between the upper and lower fields. Thus, the multifocal
technique has the advantage of enabling recording of MVEPs, even from
peripheral areas by using the type of recording parameters used in this
study. A good signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained by averaging
adjacent responses if the responses have the same polarity and have no
cancellation effect on each other.
The current results showed that the distribution of CSFs according to
the location is quite different from that of the MVEP amplitudes. This
distribution is related to those of parallel pathways
9 of
parvocellular (P) and magnocellular layers (M). The M system is tuned
to low spatial frequencies and high temporal frequencies. M neurons
have high-contrast gain but are saturated at fairly low contrasts,
whereas the P system has lower contrast gain but is saturated at much
higher contrasts. Although the 75-Hz frame rate used in this study is
thought to be suitable for an M system, 32% contrast may also
stimulate P system because MVEP amplitudes tend to saturate at 32%
contrast. Thus, if a contrast lower than 16% was used to derive MVEPs,
a more linear function between the amplitude and contrast might be
obtained. Baseler and Sutter
10 suggested that
contributions to the VEP from the M pathway precede those from the P
pathway and that the ratio of P-to-M contributions decreases with
eccentricity. The stimulus used in this study was effective for
deriving responses from these two systems.
In the present study, there were discrepancies between the MVEP and
visual field, as shown in
Figure 5B . Hood et al.
6 gave
four possible explanations for such discrepancies in their study:
reliability of the tests (false negative-positive or artifacts) varied
from subject to subject, data from some field locations were less
reliable than data from other locations, there was a difference in the
sensitivities of MVEP and perimetry to pathologic changes, and there
were differences in the testing stimulus—pattern in MVEP and spot in
the visual field. These also seem to be reasonable explanations for the
discrepancies in the present study. We think that the fourth
explanation is the best explanation for the difference between the
objective and subjective test results.
To overcome intersubject variability and to sensitively detect local
optic nerve dysfunction, we compared, within an eye, two sets of MVEPs
at different pattern contrasts. In conclusion, evaluation of contrast
sensitivity using multifocal VEPs is a novel, sensitive technique for
detection of local optic nerve dysfunction that can be used clinically
in patients with glaucoma.