This study confirms observations that recti and obliqui EOM are
organized into a GL, adjacent to the eye globe, surrounded by the OL.
In this article we describe an additional MZ at the muscle’s periphery
for the first time in hEOM. This MZ is comparable to the “peripheral
patch layer” detected in sheep EOM
23 in three ways: (1)
by its location at the outside of the OL, (2) it is composed by much
larger fibers than the OL muscle fibers, and (3) the higher amount of
MZ MIF type fibers in hEOM or intermediate-G fibers in sheep EOM,
respectively. Harker
23 found the loose “peripheral patch
layer” covering only the proximal and distal end of sheep SR muscle,
and described it as containing two fiber types. He observed a high
number of MIFs, which he called intermediate G (grape-like) fibers in
sheep EOM. Besides intermediate G fibers, Harker
23 described “small” C fibers with SIF-like characteristics in the
peripheral patch layer.
In the present study, the existence of a MZ in hEOM is described for
the first time. In contrast to the “peripheral patch layer” in
sheep EOM, the MZ of hEOM was found to cover the whole muscle length
except the very proximal and distal muscle portion.
Although innervation was not studied by direct evidence of myoneural
synapses (acetylcholine-esterase, choline-acetyl-transferase,α
-bungarotoxin), we found two types of MZ MIFs (MZ MIF high oxidative
and low oxidative). But only the human MZ MIF low oxidative muscle
fibers were comparable to the sheep’s intermediate G fiber with
respect to a sparse staining profile for SDH. The amount of MZ MIFs
increased toward the distal muscle portion.
The MZ SIF type may resemble “small” C fibers in sheep EOM.
The conspicuous increase of the number of slow MHC–positive muscle
fibers toward the distal MZ might be explained by a higher degree of
stretch and isometric contraction forces to the MZ than to other
regions of the hEOM. Goldspink
24 has suggested that the
expression of slow MHC isoform in muscle fibers might be dependent on
stretching forces or on isometric contractions.
In contrast, to the MZ in the GL and the OL, we found only one MIF
type, but two SIF types in the GL and one in the OL.
In summary, the studies on histochemical/ultrastructural
classifications in mammalian EOMs are in general agreement that there
are 2 to 3 GL SIF types and 1 GL MIF type, and 1 to 2 OL SIF types and
one OL MIF type.
In previous hEOM classifications
12 13 the GL SIF granular
fiber type turned out to be the main fiber type. However, our
investigation indicated varying amounts of GL SIF type fibers, with the
GL SIF granular fiber type more concentrated in the distal parts of the
EOM. Histochemically, II
B skeletal muscle fibers
resembled our GL SIF granular muscle fiber. The other SIF type muscle
fiber, GL SIF coarse type, showed skeletal muscle fiber type
A features.
In this article the terms “I-like,”“
B-like,” and“
C-like” are used with regard to a
combination of demonstration of mATPase with the histochemical
demonstration of oxidative enzyme profiles and the MHC protein
characteristics to ensure compatibility with previous investigations of
human EOM fibers.
14 15 However, human type
B MHC isoform corresponds to
X MHC isoform in the rat rather than to the
faster rodent II
B MHC isoform.
25 When SIF types as classified in nonhuman EOM are compared with our
results, the low fatigue resistant “global pale SIF”
26 most likely corresponds to our GL SIF granular fiber. The “global red
26 which is suggested to be highly fatigue
resistant, corresponds to our GL SIF coarse fiber. The fiber type
corresponding to the “global intermediate SIF”
26 was
probably included among GL SIF coarse fibers.
We found the proportion of GL MIFs to increase from 11% to 22% from
the proximal to the distal muscle section. This variation in the number
of MIFs along the muscle’s length might be an explanation for slightly
differing numbers of MIFs (12%–16%) in previous studies on
12 13 15 In nonhuman mammalian EOM, approximately
10% of the GL muscle fibers were reported to be GL
2 11 Ringel et al.
13 have described the
human GL MIF as “fine,” and it was also reported to resemble
skeletal muscle fiber type I
14 or“
Nonhuman GL MIFs were reported to resemble slow tonic fibers in
amphibian skeletal muscle; however, these show a weak staining profile
for NADH–TR,
2 4 in contrast to our finding of an
intensive staining for NADH–TR. Consistent with slow tonic behavior of
GL MIFs, physiological studies demonstrated the presence of non-twitch
motor units in the GL of the rat and cat.
27 28 29 Although
hEOM GL MIFs do not resemble slow tonic fibers in amphibians in their
oxidative enzyme pattern, a high amount of human GL MIFs coexpresses
slow tonic and slow twitch MHC isoforms.
In previous studies muscle fiber types displaying a “fine”
intermyofibrillar pattern were misinterpreted as
10 13 30 In subsequent studies this muscle fiber type
was found to be multiply innervated.
2 4
In agreement with findings in other species,
2 the hEOM OL
was composed of small oxidative fibers, one OL MIF type and one OL SIF
type. However, in sheep EOM
23 and in rat
31 two types of SIFs were found. Hoogenraad et
14 classified two types of hEOM OL SIFs, type
C muscle fibers (78%) and type
A muscle fibers (7%). In contrast, we observed
all human OL SIFs to display instead a pattern similar to type
A (alkali stabile and acid labile ATPase, fast
MHC expression in combination with high activity of oxidative enzymes).
Consistent with the histochemical findings the OL SIFs failed to
display coexistence of fast and slow MHC characteristics, as has
been described for type II
C skeletal muscle
32 33 34 However, there is some evidence of the
possibility that II
A muscle fibers get
C characteristics along their
35 a finding that we cannot confirm in hEOM by
immunohistochemical means.
The human OL MIFs expressed only slow MHC and showed corresponding to
this alkaline labile and acid stabile mATPase activity. In combination
with a dark blue stain for NADH–TR, indicating high activity of
oxidative enzymes, the OL MIF had histochemical and immunohistochemical
features similar to those of skeletal muscle fiber type I, although in
contrast to the focal innervation of skeletal muscle slow twitch muscle
fibers OL MIFs are supposed to have multiple innervation and might be
unable to conduct propagated action potentials. This finding is
consistent with the description of Hoogenraad et al.
A number of nonhuman OL MIFs were reported to show alkaline stabile as
well as acid stabile mATPase activity, like certain intrafusal muscle
fibers in the skeletal muscle.
2 4 36 Alkali stabile and
acid stabile mATPase was reported to occur in the midfiber portion
only, whereas distal and proximal endings exhibited only alkali labile
and acid stabile mATPase.
4 In contrast to this, OL MIFs
with dual mATPase activity could not be observed in this study. This
discrepancy with previous studies and the present study could be due to
differing pH values (see the Results section), to differing methods, or
both. For demonstration of alkaline stabile/acid labile mATPase the
method of Guth and Samaha
18 was used in the present study,
which is based on the sensitivity of mATPase to formaldehyde. Brooke
and Kaiser,
32 referring to a similar method for
demonstration of mATPase based on the sensitivity toward pH, introduced
the terms I, II
B, and
C. Slow twitch fiber typing based on those two
18 32 turned out to be compatible, but fast fiber
subpopulations have been found to correspond to a lesser degree,
varying in various species, if classified with both
Binding of anti–slow tonic MHC antibodies showed positive fibers to be
concentrated in human OL
15 38 and rat, rabbit, and guinea
pig OL.
38 However, some EOM fibers expressing slow twitch
MHC own slow tonic MHC, too,
15 but these muscle fibers
were not detectable by means of traditional histochemistry. On the
other hand, in the OL of cat lateral rectus muscle only twitch, and
slow fatigable and fast fatigue-resistant, motor units were
In MR, midbelly region, expression of developmental MHC isoforms was
observed in fast fibers in the muscle’s periphery only. Sparse fibers
were found to be positive for neonatal, embryonic, and fast MHC
isotypes. Fibers expressing neonatal MHC were much smaller than fibers
expressing embryonic MHC. Developmental MHC isoforms, normally
suppressed in adult skeletal muscles,
8 are (re-)expressed
in intrafusal muscle fibers
39 or in regenerating muscle
fibers, or in muscle dystrophy.
40 41 In EOMs mRNA
transcripts and protein products of developmental MHC isoforms were
detected even in adult stages.
5 42
The surprising variability of fiber composition at different muscle
levels might be accounted for by the change in the total number of
muscle fibers along the length of the EOM, increasing strongly toward
the midbelly region.
43 The conspicuous increase of fiber
perimeters in the midbelly region
(Table 1) may be due to the presence
of myomyos junctions, as demonstrated in cat EOM.
Extraocular muscles are among the fastest and most fatigue-resistant
skeletal muscles.
26 Their highly specialized function, to
move a sensory organ, the eyeball, is reflected in their specific MHC
content and the multiplicity of fiber types. In addition to the
described developmental MHC isoforms and adult MHC isoforms (including
slow tonic MHC), a very fast tissue-specific MHC isoform called
EOM-specific MHC has been detected at protein and mRNA
5 6 7 45 46 Extraocular muscles also express cardiac
MHC isoforms.
47 However, the EOM function cannot be
designated to any one particular layer. Furthermore, it would be unwise
to predict the function of any muscle part without first establishing
the mechanical connections between the fibers.
In addition to the classic histochemical and MHC immunohistochemical
patterns of the different fiber types, the single or multiple
innervation also plays an as yet unknown role in the physiological
behavior. Beside this the function of the MZ remains unclear.
The authors thank Jean A. Buettner–Ennever for reading the
manuscript and Marietta Lipowec for her valuable technical aid.