According to Koelle et al.,
36 the penetration depth
of the near-irradiation laser (wavelength, 811 nm) in the cat optic
nerve exceeds 1 mm. With the apparatus presently used, the effective
depth of sampling in the ONH tissue is more than 1 mm. Using the same
type of apparatus, NB
ONH and blood flow rate
determined using the hydrogen gas clearance method (in which a hydrogen
electrode is inserted into the ONH tissue to a depth of approximately
0.7 mm) were compared in rabbit eyes under various
32 33 There was a good and significant
correlation between the relative change in NB
ONH and blood flow rate, determined using the hydrogen gas clearance
32 33 These results suggest that
ONH, primarily a quantitative index of blood
velocity in the ONH, is also correlated with the ONH blood flow rate,
at least under some conditions. Poiseuille’s law can be applied not
only to the large vessels but also to arterioles.
37 38 According to the Poiseuille formula,
39 blood flow in the
arteriole is calculated by
where Δ
P is the pressure difference along the vessel,η
is the blood viscosity, and
D is the vessel (blood
column) diameter. Because the mean blood velocity
V mean), is obtained by
D 2/4),
V mean can be calculated by
\[V_{\mathrm{mean}}{=}\ \frac{1}{32}{\times}{\Delta}P{\times}{\eta}{\times}D^{1}\]
Therefore, as OPP or vessel diameter increases, blood velocity
In the rabbit experiment, latanoprost did not change the IOP or
blood–aqueous barrier permeability significantly. These results are
consistent with previous results.
40 41 A single
instillation of latanoprost, however, increased the
ONH. Therefore, the increase in the
ONH observed after latanoprost instillation is
probably not due to an elevation in the OPP (reduction in the IOP) or
intraocular inflammatory responses, but rather to a local vasodilatory
effect of latanoprost. On the eighth experimental day, the
ONH increased not only after instillation, but
also before instillation (24 hours after the last instillation).
Moreover, an increase in NB
ONH in single or
repeated instillations was suppressed by an intravenous injection of
indomethacin. These findings suggest that the effect of latanoprost on
ONH circulation lasts more than 24 hours after instillation, and this
effect depends on endogenous prostaglandins in rabbit eyes.
Because the effect of prostaglandins is markedly different among
species, we performed a similar experiment in monkeys. Frequent
ketamine anesthesia weakens cynomolgus monkeys, and therefore
measurements were performed only once per day. Latanoprost
significantly reduced IOP only in the treated eyes, consistent with
previous results.
42 Furthermore,
ONH was not affected 4 hours after a single
instillation, but gradually increased after once-daily administration
for 5 and 7 days, only in the treated eyes, suggesting that the effects
of latanoprost on ONH circulation accumulate with repeated
instillations. Because latanoprost decreased IOP in monkeys, the
observed NB
ONH may be attributable to the OPP
increase. Therefore, the experiment was repeated in five of the eight
animals after a 4-week interval, measuring the
ONH just before the morning instillation of
latanoprost. The IOP level at 8 AM before instillation of latanoprost
on the seventh experimental day decreased as expected, but
ONH did not change significantly from baseline.
Differences between rabbits and monkeys in the effect on
ONH 24 hours after the 7-day instillation may
be attributable to anatomic differences in distance between the
conjunctival cul-de-sac and retrobulbar space around the optic nerve
34 43 as well as differences in pharmacologic
reaction to latanoprost among animal species.
Furthermore, the increase in the NBONH in the
first experiment 4 hours after instillation on the eighth experimental
day was not observed when indomethacin was intravenously injected 30
minutes before the measurement. Taken together, 7-day once-daily
latanoprost instillation increased NBONH in the
monkeys 4 hours, but not 24 hours, after the instillation, and this
effect was probably not dependent on the IOP reduction and was
significantly suppressed by intravenous indomethacin.
The above findings were consisted with those in rabbits, suggesting
that the increase in NB
ONH observed in monkeys
may also be attributable to local effects of latanoprost mediated by
endogenous prostaglandin. Although it is not known whether a low
concentration of latanoprost affects the endogenous prostaglandins
system, a low concentration of PGF
2α, a natural
FP agonist, (2 × 10
−8 to 1 ×
−7 M) reportedly exerts vasodilatory effects
through PGI
2 in canine uterine
In the human experiment, the result was essentially the same as in the
monkey experiment, although general anesthesia may have partly modified
the result in monkeys. NB
ONH just before the
morning instillation of latanoprost on the eighth experimental day did
not change significantly from that on the first experimental day
(baseline) in both eyes, whereas the IOP at that time point was
significantly reduced only in the treated eye. After the instillation
of latanoprost, NB
ONH increased only in the
treated eye. Seong et al.
25 reported that a single
instillation of latanoprost did not significantly change the ONH and
peripapillary retinal blood flow measured with HRF in normal humans.
There are several differences between the present study and that of
Seong et al.
25 In the present study, effects of 7-day
once-daily instillation were examined, whereas in their study effects
of a single instillation were studied. By the confocal principle of the
scanning laser system, circulation in the superficial layer of retina
or ONH is mainly measured with HRF,
44 whereas circulation
in the deeper tissues significantly contributes to results with the
laser speckle method.
26 32 33 45 Although this difference
exists, the current result in monkeys, in which a single instillation
did not significantly increase NB
ONH, is
consistent with the results of Seong et al.
The present findings in rabbit, monkey, and human eyes suggest that
topical latanoprost increases blood velocity in the ONH or dilates the
vessels supplying the ONH circulation, not because of a secondary
effect of IOP reduction, but because of its pharmacologic effect on the
vessels. In the normal eye, it should be very difficult for the
instilled latanoprost to reach the ONH through the choroid or vitreous.
It is not known whether latanoprost at a pharmacologically active
concentration can penetrate to the retrobulbar space around the ONH
where short posterior ciliary arteries exist, or whether a low
concentration of latanoprost can stimulate endogenous prostaglandins.
There is some evidence, however, suggesting that a small amount of the
topically instilled drug can reach the retrobulbar parts of the eye and
influence the ONH circulation, at least in rabbits,
46 and
that a low concentration of PGF
2α, a natural FP
agonist, can stimulate endogenous
15 Further elucidation of the
underlying mechanism is necessary.
In the present study, we did not examine how long the
NBONH-increasing effect continued in normal
humans, and no experiments were performed in aged subjects or patients
with glaucoma. The potential of latanoprost to influence the ONH
circulation independent of an IOP reduction deserves further
investigation in healthy individuals as well as in aged subjects and
patients with glaucoma.