In this article, we used protocols designed to activate the M
pathway preferentially, namely motion stimuli in conjunction with a
direction-discrimination criterion, to assess visual sensitivity in
observers with POAG and normal observers. Our results show that, under
photopic conditions, sensitivity to moving targets in both central and
peripheral vision declined significantly (
P < 0.01)
with increasing age, whereas sensitivity to stationary targets did not
(Figs. 4 and 7) . Under scotopic light levels, a significant decline in
sensitivity was only evident for peripheral motion targets
(Fig. 9) .
Control studies show that these motion-specific sensitivity losses
cannot be attributed solely to a decrease in retinal illuminance
associated with aging, lending support to previous suggestions that
motion sensitivity deficits have a neural, rather than optical,
Under photopic conditions, the rate of decline in sensitivity to visual
motion was consistently greater in the POAG group than in the AMC group
(Figs. 4 and 7) . However, this difference did not reach statistical
significance and is unlikely to be a useful clinical measure of
glaucomatous damage. Indeed, despite using a wide range of experimental
parameters, we were unable to demonstrate any significant
motion-specific sensitivity deficits in glaucoma patients other than
those that could be attributed to the normal processes of aging. Our
results belie many reports suggesting that motion sensitivity is
selectively depressed in glaucoma,
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 and suggest that
sensitivity to motion targets per se may not be a useful indicator of
neural integrity in glaucoma.
We argued in the introduction that high velocity, low-spatial-frequency
targets of the type used in this study are more likely to activate the
M pathway in isolation than are broad-spectrum stimuli, such as RDKs
and lines. Nevertheless, some of the largest visual deficits in POAG
have been reported for broad-spectrum stimuli in conjunction with tasks
of motion coherence (using RDKs)
19 20 21 22 and motion
displacement (using line targets).
13 15 Given that the P
pathway must play a significant role in processing motion stimuli of
high spatial frequency,
34 35 36 38 39 the differences
between our findings and those of previous studies are unlikely to
reflect the superiority of dot or line stimuli in isolating M pathway
It is equally unlikely that a global motion task, such as motion
coherence, is better able than the local motion task used in this
article to bias the response of the visual system to the M pathway.
Although there is evidence to suggest that cortical area MT, known to
rely almost exclusively on input from M cells through area V1, plays a
role in the percept of global motion,
11 12 more recent
work shows that motion coherence thresholds may be only marginally
elevated after lesions of MT in monkeys.
55 As a result,
global motion perception may not be mediated exclusively by MT via
magnocellular neurons.
Why is it that global motion tasks (using RDKs) and motion displacement
thresholds (using line targets) seem better able to differentiate
glaucoma-affected subjects from normal control subjects than local
motion tasks (using drifting sinusoids)? Visual sensitivity within a
region of glaucomatous field upset is not necessarily uniform; there
may be highly localized pockets of depressed sensitivity dispersed
among regions of higher sensitivity. Motion tasks of the type described
above (i.e. global motion/motion displacement) necessarily demand the
integration of local motion signals over space and time. If it is the
case that sensitivity within a given glaucomatous scotoma is
nonuniform, it may be more difficult to perceive motion with spatially
nonredundant patterns such as dots and lines than to perceive local
motion with spatially redundant patterns such as drifting sinusoids. A
similar argument has recently been advanced by Joffe et
22 in an attempt to explain the variability evident in
previous glaucoma trials. They suggest that glaucoma causes a reduction
in the normal integrative visual function necessary for the perception
of global motion in textured (RDK) displays.
Psychophysical studies that have successfully used dot and line stimuli
in conjunction with motion tasks to differentiate patients with
glaucoma from normal subjects have often been cited as evidence in
support of the hypothesis that M cells are selectively damaged in
glaucoma. But the argument outlined above for the apparent superiority
of these stimuli over sine-wave gratings is not dependent on one
pathway being more affected by glaucoma than another pathway. What
seems to be important in the psychophysical identification of any
neuropathy, at least for dot and line stimuli, is whether the
observer’s task demands an integration of visual signals over space.
If this is the case, we submit that the interpretation of many previous
psychophysical trials using broadband motion stimuli should be
re-evaluated. In brief, poor motion sensitivity measures obtained using
dot and line stimuli cannot be taken as evidence for selective damage
within the M pathway in POAG.
Contrary to our findings, however, one class of narrowband stimuli has
proved to be useful in discriminating between glaucoma patients and AMC
subjects; namely, frequency-doubled patterns.
16 17 These
are rapidly counterphased (>15 Hz) sine-wave gratings: the term
frequency-doubled (FD) refers to the fact that their perceived spatial
periodicity is twice their actual periodicity. FD patterns are similar
to the sine-wave gratings used in this study, in that they are coarse
(≤0.5 cyc/deg), large field (>2 cycles) motion targets. The
discrepant results between FD studies and our own are unlikely to
reflect methodologic differences in stimulus position or size:
effective screening for glaucomatous damage has been reported using
quadrant, hemifield, central field (5–17.5° radius), and small,
localized FD targets.
16 17 Rather, the discrepant findings
may reflect the type of cells activated by the different stimulus
types: our stimuli were designed to activate the entire population of M
cells, whereas FD patterns are believed to activate nonlinear M cells
y cells), which comprise only 15% to 25% of
the M-cell population. Because the M pathway constitutes only 10% of
the total number of optic nerve fibers, we would expect to find only
1.5% to 2.5% M
y fibers. Therefore, the apparent
success of FD patterns over other stimulus types may have more to do
with the fact that M
y cells form a sparse
sampling array than it has to do with the selective attrition of large
cell fibers in glaucoma (see introduction; see also Johnson and
17 ).
The debate over whether M cells are selectively damaged in the early
stages of glaucoma continues. Regardless of the outcome of this debate,
if it is the case that M cells form a minimally redundant sampling
array, psychophysical tests of M pathway function may still provide
some of the most sensitive measures of glaucomatous damage. The
standard means of biasing responses from the M system is to use motion
stimuli of one kind or another, as we have done in this study. But
evidence is accumulating to suggest that performance measures involving
visual attention and object localization may also be useful. The
properties of single M cells, and single units in M-dominated regions
of visual cortex, make the M pathway suited to less conscious visual
functions, such as redirecting gaze to peripherally detected targets in
a visual scene.
34 56 M cells are proportionally more
abundant in the peripheral retina
31 and may transmit
visual information more rapidly than P cells by virtue of their
superior contrast sensitivity and shorter conduction
56 In addition, the parietal cortex, known to
receive most of its input from retinal M cells,
7 has been
strongly implicated in redirecting visual attention,
57 object localization,
58 and the control of pursuit eye
59 A psychophysical test designed along these
lines would have significant practical importance for the development
of procedures useful for the detection of glaucoma in its earliest