purpose. During fixation and saccades, human eye movements obey Listing’s law,
which specifies the torsional eye position for each combination of
horizontal and vertical eye positions. To study the mechanisms that
implement Listing’s law, the authors measured whether the law was
violated in peripheral and central unilateral sixth nerve palsy.
methods. Twenty patients with peripheral (13 chronic, 7 acute) sixth nerve
palsy, 7 patients with central sixth nerve palsy caused by
brainstem lesions, and 10 normal subjects were studied with scleral
search coils. With the head immobile, subjects made saccades to a
target that moved between straight ahead and eight eccentric positions.
At each target position, fixation was maintained for 3 seconds before
the next saccade. To quantify violations of Listing’s law, we measured
ocular torsion during fixation and during saccades, and compared it
with the torsion predicted by the law. The SD of the differences
between the predicted and measured torsion was called Listing
results. Patients with central sixth nerve palsy had abnormal ocular torsion in
both the paretic and nonparetic eyes, which violated Listing’s law.
During fixation, Listing deviation averaged 2.4° in the paretic eye
and 1.7° in the nonparetic eye, compared with 0.8° in normal
control subjects (P < 0.05). During saccades, the
Listing deviation averaged 2.7° in the paretic eye, and 1.6° in the
nonparetic eye, compared with 0.8° in normal control eyes
(P < 0.05). Donders’ law was also violated in
both eyes of patients with central sixth nerve palsy. They showed an
abnormally wide range of ocular torsion in any given gaze direction. In
contrast, patients with acute peripheral palsy had abnormal ocular
torsion only in the paretic eye. Listing deviation of the paretic eye
averaged 2.3° during fixation and 3.2° during saccades
(P < 0.05). Donders’ law was obeyed in acute
peripheral palsy. Patients with chronic peripheral sixth nerve palsy
obeyed Listing’s and Donders’ laws during both fixation and saccades.
conclusions. Patients with central unilateral sixth nerve palsy have abnormal ocular
torsion in both eyes, demonstrating that brainstem circuits
normally participate in the maintenance of Listing’s law. Eye
movements in patients with acute peripheral sixth nerve palsy violate
Listing’s law, whereas those in patients with chronic peripheral palsy
obey it, indicating that neural adaptation can restore Listing’s law,
even when the eye muscle remains abnormal.
During fixation, saccades, and smooth pursuit, the eyes
rotate freely in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, with torsion
being constrained.
1 2 3 This constraint on torsion has been
described by Donders’ and Listing’s laws.
4 Donders’ law
states that there is only one torsional eye position for each
combination of horizontal and vertical eye positions.
2 4 Listing’s law is a special case of Donders’ law and quantitatively
specifies the torsional angle for each gaze direction. It states that,
with the head fixed, there is an eye position called primary position,
with the property that all other eye orientations that the eye assumes
can be reached by a single rotation around an axis in a plane called
Listing’s plane.
Listing’s law has been studied systematically in
5 6 7 8 9 and normal humans,
1 2 10 11 but
not in subjects with paralytic strabismus. In the current study, we
investigated patients with unilateral sixth nerve palsy to determine
whether their eye movements obey Listing’s law during fixation and
saccades. We found that patients with central sixth nerve palsy have
abnormal ocular torsion in both eyes, suggesting that brainstem
circuits normally help maintain Listing’s law. Eye movements in
patients with acute peripheral sixth nerve palsy violate Listing’s
law, whereas those in patients with chronic peripheral palsy obey it,
suggesting that neural adaptation can restore Listing’s law even
when the eye muscle remains abnormal.
We recruited 27 patients with unilateral sixth nerve palsy from
the Neuro-ophthalmology Unit at the University Health Network. A
complete history was taken, and detailed ophthalmic and neurologic
examinations were performed. The age of onset, the presence or absence
of risk factors for ischemia (diabetes mellitus and hypertension),
duration of diplopia, and associated neurologic symptoms and signs were
recorded. Patients with diplopia of less than 4 weeks’ duration were
classified as having acute palsy; all others were classified as having
chronic palsy. Strabismus was measured using the prism and cover test
and the Maddox rod. When indicated, appropriate tests were performed to
rule out myasthenia gravis, thyroid ophthalmopathy, other orbital
diseases, or intracranial lesions.
Ranges of duction were estimated by either of two examiners (AMFW, JAS)
who graded the abduction defect as the estimated percentage of the
normal abduction in the other eye. Based on the abduction defect,
patients were classified into three groups: mild (81%–95% of normal
range of abduction), moderate (51%–80%), and severe (≤50%).
Serial axial and sagittal T1- and
T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images with
gadolinium enhancement were obtained (slice thickness, 5 mm) in all
patients under 50 years of age and in those with other neurologic
signs. In this investigation, computed tomographic (CT) images of the
head with contrast were obtained in all patients with ischemic risk
factors and in patients more than 50 years of age, although CT imaging
is not our standard practice in such patients. If findings in CT
imaging were normal, patients were followed up at approximately 3
months. Those without improvement of the sixth nerve palsy at 3 months
and those with an abnormal CT scan were further investigated with MR
Eye position was measured with search coils while patients fixated a
red laser spot of 0.25° in diameter, rear projected onto a vertical,
flat screen 1 m away from the nasion. The laser was programmed to
appear in nine different target positions, arranged in a 3 ×
3-grid square. The middle row of this array was at eye level; the other
two were 10° above and below. In each row, the center target lay in
the patient’s midsagittal plane and the other two 10° to the right
and left of it.
With one eye covered, subjects were instructed to follow the laser spot
as it stepped among positions. At each position, the laser halted for 3
seconds. In the horizontal target sequence, the laser started in the
center, then stepped to the 10° right position, then back to center,
then 10° left, cycling through this pattern 20 times for each eye.
The vertical sequence was the same but with the laser stepping
center-up-center-down; the two diagonal sequences stepped along oblique
lines, between opposite corners of the target array. Recordings were
then made with the other eye fixating and the fellow eye occluded.
Recordings were not made during binocular viewing. To avoid fatigue,
breaks were provided approximately every 2 minutes for 1 to 3 minutes.
Eye positions were measured by a three-dimensional magnetic search coil
technique, using a 6-foot (183-cm) diameter coil field arranged in a
cube (CNC Engineering, Seattle, WA). In each eye, the patient wore a
dual-lead scleral coil annulus designed to detect horizontal, vertical,
and torsional gaze positions (Skalar Instrumentation, Delft, The
Netherlands). Horizontal and vertical eye movements were calibrated
with saccades to steps of the laser target. Torsional movements were
calibrated by attaching the scleral coil to a rotating protractor.
Phase detectors using amplitude modulation as described by
12 provided signals of torsional gaze position
within the linear range. Torsional precision was approximately±
0.2°. There was minimal crosstalk, and large horizontal and
vertical movements produced deflections in the torsional channel of
less than 4% of the amplitude of the horizontal and vertical movement.
Any coil slippage was assessed by monitoring offsets in torsional eye
position signal during testing. Consistency of calibrated positions
after each eye movement provided evidence that the coil did not slip on
the eye. Eye position data were filtered with a bandwidth of 0 to 90 Hz
and digitized at 200 Hz. They were recorded on disc for off-line
analysis. Analog data were also displayed in real time by a rectilinear
thermal array recorder (Model TA 2000; Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH).
Eye position and angular velocity were computed from coil
13 17 Eye positions are expressed using Helmholtz
angles in degrees.
16 For analysis, fixations were defined
as periods when eye velocity was less than 30°/sec, and saccades when
eye velocity exceeded 50°/sec. For each subject, we computed a set of
best-fit functions, expressing each eye’s torsion as a function of its
horizontal and vertical angles, and expressing the horizontal and
vertical angles of the nonviewing eye as a function of the horizontal
and vertical angles of the viewing eye. Using these fitted functions,
we then computed the typical torsion of both eyes, and the typical
horizontal and vertical positions of the nonviewing eye, when the
viewing eye fixated the nine targets in our array. For example,
Figure 2A shows the eye movement recordings of patient CS while the nonparetic
left eye viewed a target that stepped as follows: center-10°
up-center-10° down.
Figure 2B shows the horizontal,
vertical, and torsional angles of the occluded, paretic right eye of
this patient while the left eye looked at the nine target
positions—the nine corners of the black grid in the figure. The center
of each small cross marks the gaze direction of the right eye; the tilt
of the cross depicts the eye’s torsion. We fitted functions to these
data to find the typical torsion of the occluded paretic right eye for
each position of the fixating left eye. The large crosses in
Figure 2C plot these fitted torsional positions. For comparison, the regions with
a grid pattern mark the range one SD above and below the mean torsion
in normal subjects. For example, when this patient looked 10° up with
the left eye, the occluded paretic right eye was typically oriented
6.1° CW, well outside the range of normal torsion, indicating that
Listing’s law was violated in this position.
To quantify violations of Listing’s law, we compared the ocular
torsion in each recorded eye position with the torsion predicted by the
law; the SD of the differences between the predicted and measured
torsion was called Listing deviation. To quantify violations of
Donders’ law, we computed the second-order function of best fit (see
the Appendix). The ocular torsion in each recorded eye position was
compared with the torsion predicted by this second-order function; the
SD of the differences between the predicted and measured torsion was
called Donders deviation.
In all 27 patients, Listing and Donders deviations in both the paretic
and nonparetic eyes did not differ during paretic or nonparetic eye
viewing. In the Results section, we report only Listing and Donders
deviations during nonparetic eye viewing. Deviations during paretic eye
viewing were similar. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis
of variance. Deviations were defined as significant when P < 0.05.
The research protocol was approved by the University Health Network
Ethics Committee and followed the tenets of the Declaration of
Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
Chronic Peripheral Palsy.
Acute Peripheral Palsy.
In our patients with acute peripheral sixth nerve palsy,
Listing’s law was violated in the paretic eye, presumably because the
lateral rectus muscle was paretic and perhaps also because its pulley
was abnormally positioned. In patients with chronic peripheral palsy,
movements in both eyes obeyed Listing’s law, even though the lateral
rectus was still markedly weak. This recovery shows that the neural
circuitry underlying Listing’s law is adaptive, restoring the law
despite a palsied muscle and possibly a disrupted pulley system. Neural
adaptation must work by readjusting the innervations to the remaining
extraocular muscles. It may also adjust their pulleys, although,
theoretically, Listing’s law could be restored with or without a new
pattern of pulley placement and motion. All patients with central palsy
caused by brainstem lesions had abnormal ocular torsion in both the
paretic and nonparetic eyes, regardless of the duration and severity of
the palsy. Evidently, the neural adaptive mechanisms underlying
Listing’s law cannot restore it after certain brainstem lesions.