BK and other vasodilating substances may exert their effects through endothelial cell–independent mechanisms or by stimulating the release of vasodilators from these cells, such as EDHF, PGs, and NO. However, the relative contribution of these factors to vasodilation varies among different vascular beds. In humans, BK has been found to mediate relaxation through an EDHF-dependent mechanism in coronary arteries,
19 BK increases the concentration of metabolites from PG degradation in plasma,
20 21 and through an NO-dependent mechanism in the forearm arterial bed.
22 BK-induced endothelium-dependent vasodilation is mainly mediated by G protein–coupled cell surface receptors, designated B
2 receptors.
13 23 The signal transduction from the B
2 receptor to NOS activation involves Akt protein kinase activation and calcineurin-mediated dephosphorylation of eNOS.
In the ocular circulation, BK’s effects on the larger ciliary and ophthalmic arteries have been studied,
25 whereas the effects on the small retinal arterioles regulating blood supply to single microcirculatory units are unknown. The lack of knowledge of BK’s effect on small retinal arterioles is partly due to difficulties in setting up a suitable experimental model in vivo for studying small-caliber retinal vessels. We therefore modified a method originally developed to study renal tubules for the purpose of studying caliber changes in vitro of small isolated retinal arterioles with an outer diameter between 30 and 90 μm.
10 This is the caliber of arterioles supplying individual microcirculatory units.
The effect of inhibition of the three endothelium-dependent vasodilators, NO, PGs, and cytochrome P450 2C8/9–dependent EDHF, was studied in porcine retinal arterioles. Incubation of the arteriole with inhibitor was performed at the beginning of the experiments, which enabled us to study its effect on the spontaneous tone of the arterioles. After the incubation period, the arterioles were precontracted, and a concentration–response curve for BK was obtained. Thereby, BK’s influence on the arterioles during inhibition of the vasodilators NO, PGs, and cytochrome P450 2C8/9–dependent EDHF could be studied. In preliminary experiments, we found a blunted vasodilatory response after repeated exposures to BK, which is in contrast to previous studies of ophthalmic and ciliary arteries.
25 However, the ability to contract was unaltered, which indicates a persistent viability of the arterioles, but desensitization to BK. This was further confirmed by the preservation of a vasodilatory response when BK was replaced with histamine. The blunted vasodilation after repeated exposures to BK may be because BK’s effect on these vessels is predominantly mediated through the B
2 receptor, which is desensitized and internalized after exposure to BK.
26 27
Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2C8/9–dependent EDHF or PGs did not alter the diameter of the retinal arterioles significantly during the incubation period, suggesting no spontaneous release of these compounds. The BK concentration response was not significantly altered in experiments in which cytochrome P450 2C8/9–dependent EDHF production was inhibited by sulfaphenazole, which is an inhibitor of EDHF in some but not all blood vessels.
28 Inhibition of cyclooxygenase showed a significant right shift of the BK concentration response, but did not diminish the maximum dilation induced by BK. This suggests that BK can fully dilate the arterioles using one or more vasodilating pathways different from the cyclooxygenase pathway, but it also indicates a minor role of the cyclooxygenase pathway in BK-induced vasodilation, because of the right shift of the BK concentration response.
The inhibition of the synthesis of NO induced a significant decrease in the diameter of the porcine retinal arterioles during the incubation period, and this decrease did not occur when
l-NAME was combined with
l-arginine, which makes it unlikely that the inhibition of the BK-induced response during NO inhibition was due to an unspecific effect of
l-NAME. This concurs with findings in human and porcine ophthalmic arteries,
29 30 the porcine ciliary artery,
25 and the bovine retinal artery,
31 32 where inhibition of NO synthesis has been shown to induce vascular contraction. In a study by Su et al.,
33 no significant change in diameter was observed after intraluminal addition of
l-NAME in porcine retinal arterioles. However, this may have been a consequence of the experimental conditions in which a high potassium concentration in the perfusion media led to a strong contraction of the vessels under study and masked the
l-NAME–induced contraction. The findings of the present and other studies imply the presence of a basal release of NO that keeps the retinal vascular bed in a constantly dilated condition.
31 32 The observed reduction in arteriolar diameter of 38% after inhibition of NO synthesis in the present study corresponds to an approximate sevenfold reduction in the flow. Thus, NO is a potent regulator of blood flow in both small and large arterioles, and disturbances in the NO-mediated vasodilation could lead to changes in retinal blood flow of the magnitude seen in retinal diseases such as early diabetic retinopathy.
34 35 36
Previous studies on ophthalmic and ciliary arteries have shown that NO-dependent BK-induced dilation is most pronounced in small-caliber vessels and that the dilation is dependent on the presence of the endothelium.
25 Our study showed a similar effect of NO inhibition on BK-induced dilation in the smaller retinal arterioles, and it is therefore likely that the BK response in these vessels is also endothelium dependent. However, a definite test of this has not been conducted.
Because of the marked effect of NO inhibition on the arterioles, it may be surmised that NO is a key mediator for regulating retinal microcirculation, and it is possible that microcirculatory disturbances in retinal disease involve changes in the activity of the BK system.
BK is degraded in vascular endothelial cells by ACE, and treatment with ACE-inhibiting drugs accordingly increases the plasma level of BK.
37 ACE inhibitors lower the blood pressure, but evidence also suggests a reduced risk of progression of retinopathy in diabetic patients,
15 38 with an effect that is additional to the effect induced by the lowering of the blood pressure.
39 This may be due in part to a direct effect of ACE inhibition on retinal flow regulation mediated through a change in the level of circulating BK.
In conclusion, our in vitro studies of isolated small porcine retinal arterioles showed vascular contraction after inhibition of NOS. This finding suggests that a spontaneous release of NO keeps small retinal arterioles dilated under physiological circumstances. Furthermore, the maximum BK-induced vasodilation was inhibited by the NOS inhibitor, indicating that this dilation is mediated by NO presumably released from the vascular endothelium. The findings contribute to an understanding of the regulation of retinal microcirculation. The experimental setup may be further used to test the effect on retinal vessels of new and existing drugs believed to influence blood flow in retinal disease—for example, ACE inhibitors.
The authors thank Erik Ilsø Christensen, Søren Nielsen, and Poul Rostgaard for advice and instruction in devising the experimental method.