The results show that RPE transplantation produced a transient increase of ERG function in the Rpe65−/− mutant retina. Sham surgery involving injections of saline rather than normal RPE cells was ineffective. The greater amplitude of the ERG in the eye receiving the transplants could be due to an increased availability of the 11-cis isomer of retinal to the photoreceptors delivered from stores in the transplant and/or synthesized by the transplant. It is also possible that these RPE cells exert a rescue effect on the slowly degenerating photoreceptors unrelated to vitamin A metabolism. The increase in amplitude of the ERG never reached that of a normal mouse, which at maximum amplitude ranges from 500 to 1000 μV. The maximum amplitudes attained from transplantation are approximately 10% to 20% of this value. We presume this was because we could only influence a small area of the retina and perhaps inefficiently.
The reason for this loss of a therapeutic effect with time may be due to the degeneration of the transplanted RPE. This hypothesis is based on the observation that putative RPE transplants were easier to find and healthier in appearance at early than at later times after surgery. This interpretation must be taken with a caveat because our experimental protocol did not include unequivocal markers for the transplants. There was no evidence of inflammation in these retinas, which suggests that transplants were being rejected, but we could have missed this by not sampling shortly after the rescue effect began to decline. In addition, we did not examine these retinas with methods to detect specific T-cells that could unequivocally demonstrate a rejection response.
The long-term survival of RPE transplants is still poorly understood. Some RPE xenografts can survive for at least 6 months subretinally in monkeys,
17 and allografts can survive in rats for at least 1 year
18 19 20 and in humans for several years.
21 In general, patch transplants of RPE appear to survive longer than dissociated cell transplants.
21 There is evidence that patch transplants are less prone than dissociated cells to rejection.
22 In general, however, only a fraction of such allografts or xenografts seem to survive indefinitely,
23 24 and this has been thought to reflect host–graft rejection. Others find that RPE allografts in rabbits will degenerate even in the presence of immunosuppression
25 26 or before there is a chance for rejection
27 to occur. Transplants may also degenerate because of their abnormal position on top of the host RPE layer, perhaps because it is not an ideal substrate.
28 In the RCS rat, RPE transplants adjacent to the host RPE layer rescue photoreceptors from degenerating for at least 1 year,
18 19 20 although there is evidence of a diminishing effect due to a noncellular form of rejection.
29 There may be factors unrelated to host–graft rejection contributing to the long-term survival of RPE transplants, which would be valuable to understand if this approach is to advance.
A similar RPE65 gene defect occurs in Briard dogs. This degeneration can be rescued by introducing the normal Rpe65 gene into the RPE by an adenoassociated viral vector. This also leads to an increase in ERG amplitude and in addition to behavioral evidence of restored vision.
16 There is also evidence of rescue from the oral administration of 9-
cis retinal.
15 It will be valuable to determine the effects of such therapeutic strategies over longer periods of time.
The photoreceptor degeneration in the original Rpe65
−/− strain was found to be slow. The width of the outer nuclear layer was reduced to approximately eight to nine layers of nuclei at 7 weeks and to seven layers of nuclei at 7 months of age.
11 There was no evidence that the amplitude of the ERG, which was thought to be derived from cones, was decreasing. Only rod function was considered defective. Recently, evidence contradicting this interpretation has been published. Breeding experiments that produced a strain of Rpe65
−/− mice unable to generate cone responses continued to generate responses leading to the conclusion that the ERG being detected in the Rpe65
−/− mice was rod and not cone derived.
30 Ekesten et al.
31 has reported that there is a UV cone defect in Rpe65
−/− mice, supporting the hypothesis that cones are affected by the genetic defect. Our results reveal a slow decline of ERG amplitude with time, but the rate of decline diminishes at about 6 months of age, although anatomic degeneration seems to progress. Progression of the degeneration is obviously slow in this retinal degeneration. This implies that a successful therapy should always be able to improve function in this disease. In this regard, our rescue results were similar whether transplantation occurred when the mice were 1 or 4 months of age. Rescue may be possible at any age in this model of retinal degeneration.
It would be valuable to know whether the surviving ERG is exclusively rod generated as indicated by experiments of Seeliger et al.
30 In the human form of this degeneration
8 and in the Briard dog model,
32 both rod and cone systems are affected, but cone ERGs survive longer than rod ERGs, typical of many forms of retinitis pigmentosa. A survival of rod function in the presence of a progressive loss of photoreceptors and absent cone function would make this an unusual model of a retinal degeneration and should prompt a more careful evaluation of ERG components in human forms of this disease.
RPE transplantation can restore function to the photoreceptors in a mouse model of LCA but the therapeutic effect is transient. A positive effect provides useful feedback in future attempts to improve this form of therapy.