PCNA-positive cells were almost exclusively found in basal
conjunctival epithelial cells within 0.4 mm of the mucocutaneous
junction in rabbit eyelids (
Fig. 1A ). A few PCNA-positive cells were found randomly distributed along the
length of the palpebral conjunctiva toward the fornix
(Fig. 1B) . This
was true in both the upper and lower eyelids.
After pulse labeling with BrdU, BrdU-labeled nuclei were observed in
almost all the 0.4-mm zones of the conjunctival epithelium including
the palpebral, forniceal, and bulbar regions. However, in the
full-thickness counts including all cells from the basement membrane to
the outermost cells, the position of heavily labeled areas varied as
the distance from the eyelid margin increased after each of the
postinjection intervals examined, that is 1, 3, 5, and 7 days after
BrdU injection. One day after BrdU injection, there were many
BrdU-positive cells found within the first 0.8 mm from the
mucocutaneous junction
(Figs. 2 4) . At 3 days after BrdU injection, the region with the highest
concentration of labeled cells was located within approximately 4 to
5.8 mm from the mucocutaneous junction
(Figs. 3 4) . Five days after the BrdU injection, the forniceal region
(approximately 8–10 mm from the mucocutaneous junction) had the
highest concentration of labeled cells
(Fig. 4) . By 7 days, there was
no identifiable focus of BrdU-labeled cells
(Fig. 4) . There appeared to
be a migration of the peak number of labeled cells/0.4-mm zone at the
lid margin toward the fornix
(Fig. 4) . In the lower lid conjunctiva the
foci of labeling were located progressively greater distances from the
mucocutaneous junction in the animals killed at 1, 3, and 5 days
respectively. The peaks of label at 1, 3, and 5 days were significantly
different from the values at the other zones along the eyelid
conjunctiva. The same pattern of labeling was also found on the upper
lid as the lead edge of labeling moved progressively away from the
mucocutaneous junction over time. No focuses of labeled cells were seen
7 days after the BrdU injection
(Fig. 4) . Although not quantified, in
the short-term BrdU-studies, there appeared to be heavier labeling of
the palpebral conjunctiva than of the bulbar conjunctiva. The lymphoid
tissue also stained heavily for the presence of BrdU at short post-BrdU
survival intervals, indicating that the lymphoid tissue rapidly turns
over within the forniceal conjunctival submucosa.
In all specimens there was a relatively heavy area of BrdU labeling
that consistently was found within 0.8 mm of the mucocutaneous junction
after all postinjection intervals
(Figs. 4 5) , although it varied quantitatively in animals killed 1, 3, 5, and 7
days after injection with BrdU, with the peak on day 1
(Fig. 5) .
For approximate differentiation of stem cells from transient amplifying
cells and other more mature cells by using location as a criterion,
BrdU-positive cells were counted that were located on or one cell up
from the epithelial layer basement membrane. There was always a focus
of labeled cells at the mucocutaneous junction, but no other peak was
seen along the basement membrane of the palpebral conjunctiva at any of
the post-BrdU survival intervals
(Fig. 6) .
Long-term retention of BrdU label was demonstrated to reside primarily
in the mucocutaneous junction after a BrdU-free period of 2 months
(Figs. 7 8) and in the fornix. Small numbers of BrdU-positive nuclei were found
scattered randomly along the length of the palpebral conjunctiva
basement membrane, but never in the quantity found at the mucocutaneous