The same embedded blocks used for confocal microscopy were also
examined at the ultrastructural level with TEM. In marked contrast to
the absence of morphologic changes in the epithelium and superficial
cortex, the nuclear fiber membranes in the lenses of the knockout mice
showed distinct changes, compared with age-matched control animals
beginning at 3-weeks-old and increasing progressively with age
(Fig. 3) . At 3 weeks of age, the nuclear fiber membrane structure in the
knockout lenses
(Fig. 3B) had a subtle wavy appearance compared with
that of the age-matched control animals. At 2 months of age, the lens
fiber membranes in the knockout animals showed increased regular
(Fig. 3D) whereas at 6 months the nuclear fiber membranes
exhibited distortion and distension of interfiber spaces, as well as
membrane blebbing, globularization, and fiber enlargement at the apex
of the fibers
(Fig. 3F) . The corresponding control lenses, on the
contrary, showed only slight membrane outpouching (
Fig. 3E , arrows;
arrowhead, membrane; arrows, outpouching). In 1-year-old knockout
lenses the fiber membranes in some areas were partially disintegrated
(Fig. 3H) , and portions of the membranes appeared to have pinched off
and internalized in the fiber cell in some areas. The inset in
Figure 3H shows the internalization of the fiber membranes into the cell
cytoplasm. The ultrastructure of the 12-month-old control membranes,
although similar to that in 6-month-old control animals
(Fig. 3E) ,
appeared to have a greater number of outpouchings that were not
confined to the apex of the fiber cells. Occasionally, the fiber
membranes in the older control lenses showed interfibrillar space (
Fig. 3E , arrows). These changes in fiber membranes are similar to those
reported in hyperbaric oxygen-induced nuclear lens
5 and in immature human nuclear