purpose. The effects of paralytic strabismus on the vestibulo-ocular reflex
(VOR) have not been systematically investigated in humans. The purpose
of this study was to analyze the VOR in patients with unilateral
peripheral sixth nerve palsy.
methods. Twenty-one patients with unilateral peripheral sixth nerve palsy (6
severe, 7 moderate, 8 mild) and 15 normal subjects were studied.
Subjects made sinusoidal ±10° head-on-body rotations in yaw and
pitch at approximately 0.5 and 2 Hz, and in roll at approximately 0.5,
1, and 2 Hz. Eye movement recordings were obtained using magnetic
scleral search coils in each eye in darkness and during monocular
viewing in light. Static torsional VOR gains, defined as change in
torsional eye position divided by change in head position during
sustained head roll, were also measured.
results. In all patients, horizontal VOR gains in darkness were decreased in the
paretic eye in both abduction and adduction, but remained normal in the
nonparetic eye in both directions. In light, horizontal visually
enhanced VOR (VVOR) gains were normal in both eyes in moderate and mild
palsy. In severe palsy, horizontal VVOR gains remained low in the
paretic eye during viewing with either eye, whereas those in the
nonparetic eye were higher than normal when the paretic eye viewed.
Vertical VOR and VVOR were normal, but dynamic and static torsional VOR
and VVOR gains were reduced in both eyes in all patients.
conclusions. In darkness, horizontal VOR gains were reduced during abduction of the
paretic eye in all patients, as anticipated in sixth nerve palsy. Gains
were also reduced during adduction of the paretic eye, suggesting that
innervation to the medial rectus has changed. After severe palsy,
vision did not increase abducting or adducting horizontal VVOR gains to
normal in the paretic eye, but caused secondary increase in VVOR gains
to values above unity in the nonparetic eye, when the paretic eye
fixated. In mild and moderate palsy, vision enhanced the VOR in the
paretic eye but caused no change in the nonparetic eye, suggesting a
monocular readjustment of innervation selectively to the paretic eye.
Vertical VOR and VVOR gains were normal, indicating that the lateral
rectus did not have significant vertical actions through the excursions
that we tested (±10°). Reduced torsional VOR gains in the paretic
eye can be explained by the esotropia in sixth nerve palsy. Torsional
VOR gain normally varies with vergence. We attribute the reduced
torsional gains in the paretic eye to the mechanism that normally
lowers it during convergence. The low torsional gains in the nonparetic
eye may be an adaptation to reduce torsional disparity between the two
Sixth nerve palsy is the commonest ocular motor nerve
palsy. Clinical testing of strabismus emphasizes static deviations.
Little information is available about the effects of paralytic
strabismus on eye movement dynamics such as during the vestibulo-ocular
reflex (VOR).
1 2 3 4 Adaptive changes in the VOR occur in
response to different visual stimuli.
5 6 7 8 9 Disconjugate VOR
adaptation has been elicited in monkeys in response to anisometropic
10 and experimental weakening of the horizontal
recti muscles.
2 3 In the current study, we examined
patients with unilateral peripheral sixth nerve palsy to assess their
VOR and its adaptation, if any, to abduction palsy. As anticipated,
horizontal VOR was weak in the paretic eye in the direction of palsy.
Reduced horizontal VOR gains of the paretic eye in the direction
opposite the palsy and reduced gains in the torsional dimension in both
eyes were also identified. These findings provide evidence of
monocular, neural adaptations in humans with peripheral neuromuscular
Twenty-one patients with unilateral peripheral sixth nerve palsy
were recruited from the Neuro-ophthalmology Unit at the University
Health Network. A complete history was taken, and detailed ophthalmic
and neurologic examinations were performed, recording the duration and
age of onset of diplopia, the presence or absence of risk factors for
ischemia (diabetes mellitus and hypertension), and associated
neurologic symptoms and signs. The magnitude of strabismus was measured
objectively using the prism and cover test and subjectively using the
Maddox rod and prism test. When indicated, appropriate tests were
performed to rule out myasthenia gravis, thyroid ophthalmopathy, other
orbital diseases, or intracranial lesions.
Ranges of duction were estimated by either of two examiners (AMFW, JAS)
who graded the abduction defect as the estimated percentage of the
normal abduction in the other eye. Based on the abduction defect,
patients were classified into three groups: mild (81%–95% of normal
range of abduction), moderate (51%–80%), and severe (≤50%).
Serial axial and sagittal T1- and
T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images with
gadolinium enhancement were obtained (slice thickness, 5 mm) for all
patients under 50 years of age and those with other neurologic signs.
In this investigation, computed tomographic (CT) images of the head
with contrast were obtained in all patients with ischemic risk factors
and in patients more than 50 years of age, although CT imaging is not
our standard practice in such patients. If the CT scan was normal,
patients were followed up at approximately 3 months. Those without
improvement in the sixth nerve palsy at 3 months and those with an
abnormal CT scan were further investigated with MR imaging.
Fifteen normal persons served as control subjects (mean age, 52 ±
15 years; median, 58; range, 19–69; eight women).
With one eye occluded, subjects viewed a red laser spot of 0.25° in
diameter, rear projected onto a uniformly gray vertical flat screen
1 m away from the nasion. Subjects made active sinusoidal ±10°
head-on-body rotations in yaw to elicit the horizontal VOR and in pitch
to elicit the vertical VOR, at approximately 0.5 and 2 Hz. Torsional
VOR was elicited by head rotation in roll at approximately 0.5, 1, and
2 Hz. Head movements were paced by a periodic tone. The maintenance of
desired amplitude and frequency of head movements was encouraged by
placement of the examiner’s hands on each parietal area of the
subject’s skull. The procedure was performed in light with one eye
viewing to elicit visually enhanced VOR (VVOR) and repeated, with the
other eye fixating and the fellow eye occluded. The VOR was then
recorded in complete darkness while subjects were instructed to fixate
on an imaginary earth-fixed target.
To measure the static torsional VOR, patients fixated on the center
target with one eye occluded as we measured their ocular responses to
static head rolls of approximately 30° toward each shoulder, as
measured with a search coil. The procedure was then repeated with the
other eye fixating and the fellow eye occluded and in total darkness.
Positions of each eye were simultaneously measured by a
three-dimensional magnetic search coil technique, using a 6-ft (183 cm)
diameter coil field arranged in a cube (CNC Engineering, Seattle, WA).
In each eye, the patient wore a dual-lead scleral coil annulus designed
to detect horizontal, vertical, and torsional gaze positions (Skalar
Instrumentation, Delft, The Netherlands). Phase detectors using
amplitude modulation as described by Robinson
11 provided
signals of torsional gaze position within the linear range. Head
position was recorded by another coil taped to the subject’s forehead.
Each subject’s head was centered in the field coils. Horizontal and
vertical eye movements were calibrated with saccades to steps of the
laser target. For the four patients with 10% or less abduction,
horizontal eye movements were calibrated in the adducting orbital
hemirange (where the coil system remained linear) and verified using a
protractor to calibrate the eye coil. Head and torsional eye movements
were calibrated by attaching the scleral coil to a rotating protractor.
Torsional precision was approximately ±0.2°. There was minimal
crosstalk. Large horizontal and vertical movements produced deflections
in the torsional channel of less than 4% of the amplitude of the
horizontal and vertical movement. Any coil slippage was assessed by
monitoring offsets in torsional eye position signal during testing.
Consistency of calibrated positions after each eye movement provided
evidence that the coil did not slip on the eye. Eye position data were
filtered with a bandwidth of 0 to 90 Hz, digitized at 200 Hz, and
recorded on disc for off-line analysis. Analog recordings were also
displayed in real time by a rectilinear thermal array recorder (Model
TA 2000, Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH).
In one dimension, the input (head velocity) and output (eye velocity)
of the VOR are regarded as scalar quantities (i.e., real number), and
the reflex is characterized by its gain, which is the ratio of eye
velocity to head velocity. In most natural head rotation, however, the
input and output of the VOR are not scalar but three-component vectors
(the angular velocity vectors of the head and eye), having not only
magnitudes but also directions. Thus, a more complete characterization
of the VOR requires a description, not only of the relative sizes of
eye and head velocities, but also of their relative directions—that
is, the axes around which the eye and the head rotate.
The VOR, however, can be treated as one dimensional if head rotation
occurs around only one axis. For example, during pure horizontal head
rotation (that is, around the earth-vertical axis), the vertical and
torsional components of the three-component rotation vector become
zero. In this situation, the velocity of rotation can be derived by
differentiation of position data. In this study, whereas horizontal,
vertical and torsional head positions were measured simultaneously,
gaze position data were measured in one dimension. That is, horizontal
gaze positions were recorded during horizontal head motion, vertical
gaze positions during vertical head motion, and torsional gaze
positions during head roll. Pure head rotation around one axis was
approximated by analyzing only data in which the other two axes showed
less than 1° variation from baseline
(Fig. 1A) .
Eye position was derived by subtracting head position from gaze
position signals. Fast phases of vestibular nystagmus were identified
by a computer program using velocity and acceleration
12 Results of fast-phase identification were
edited on a video monitor, allowing the operator to verify cursor
placement for fast-phase removal. Eye positions between 80 msec before
and after the identified fast-phases were removed, and the gaps were
replaced with quadratic fits. Their average slopes were used to
calculate the contribution of the ongoing slow phase during the fast
phase. The offset due to the fast phase was then removed, and the
ongoing slow phase was interpolated to yield a cumulative trace of eye
Using position data, each cycle of rotation was identified by marking
adjacent peaks with opposite direction, and the frequency was computed.
Using a least-squares sinusoidal fit,
13 eye and head
positions were fitted with one cycle, and the phase and amplitude were
computed. The ratio of the amplitude of the eye and the amplitude of
the head was the gain, and the difference between the phase of the eye
and the phase of the head was the phase shift.
To calculate the gain in each direction, eye and head position data
from each half cycle were used and reflected to form a full cycle. Each
cycle was then fitted using a least-squares sinusoidal
13 and the gain was computed for each direction. In
addition, we plotted head velocity against eye velocity, and performed
a linear regression for each direction. The slopes of the fitted lines
were the gains, and the results were comparable to those computed by
the least-squares sinusoidal fit technique
(Fig. 1B) .
To account for the prismatic effect or rotational magnification induced
by spectacle adaptation,
9 14 horizontal and vertical VOR
gains were adjusted in subjects who habitually wore corrective
spectacles, by using the formula
9 14 :
M pred = 40/(40 −
D), where
D is the lens power in diopters
M pred is the predicted magnification.
For example, a hyperope who habitually wears +10 diopters spherical
lenses has an
M pred = 40/(40 −
10) = 1.3. This means that while wearing +10 D lenses, a VOR gain
of 1.3, instead of 1.0, is required to prevent the visual scene from
moving on the retina during head rotations.
Mean peak velocities of nystagmus quick-phase during horizontal head
rotation were quantified. Asymptotic velocities were derived by
computer analysis of velocity-amplitude scatterplots using an
exponential best-fit curve
15 16 17 :
P =
V (1 − e
−A/C ), where
P is peak velocity at any point on the curve,
V is asymptotic velocity,
A is saccade
amplitude, and
C is a constant.
For the measurement of static torsional VOR, head and gaze position
signals were sampled for 6 seconds for 30° lateral head tilt in each
of 20 positions, 10 toward the right shoulder and 10 toward the left
shoulder. The position of the eye in the head was derived from the
difference between head and gaze position signals. Head and eye
positions were computed off-line over each 6-second period after the
eye had come to a torsional resting position (defined as having angular
velocity of ≤1 deg/sec). Responses containing blinks or rapid drifts
were not analyzed. Change of torsional eye position was plotted as a
function of static change of head position after roll, and a linear
regression was performed. Static torsional VOR gain, defined as change
in torsional eye position divided by change in head position in static
roll, was calculated from the slope of the regression line.
Oculography was performed at one point in each patient’s course (
Table 1 ;T1/AQ:\t1>). Thus, changes from normal, rather than
serial intrasubject changes, were available for analyses. Statistical
analyses of horizontal, vertical, and torsional VOR and VVOR gains and
phase were performed using two-tailed Student’s
with unequal variance. Differences from normal were defined as
significant when
P < 0.05.
The research protocol was approved by the University Health Network
Ethics Committee and followed the tenets of the Declaration of
Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
Severe Sixth Nerve Palsy.
Moderate and Mild Palsy.
Static torsional VOR and VVOR gains of each eye were conjugate
between the two eyes in all patients and did not differ during right or
left eye viewing, irrespective of the severity of palsy. Static
torsional VOR gains are, therefore, reported as the pooled mean of both
eyes under both viewing conditions in light and in darkness. Mean gains
in patients were 0.14 ± 0.08 in light and 0.13 ± 0.09 in
dark, compared with 0.21 ± 0.10 in light and 0.20 ± 0.11 in
dark in normal subjects (P < 0.01). Nineteen (90%) of
the 21 patients had significantly reduced gains in light and in dark
(z-tests, P < 0.05). The other two patients
(one with mild and the other with moderate palsy) had lower than normal
group mean gains, but they did not reach statistical significance.
In sixth nerve palsy, horizontal VOR gains in darkness were
decreased in the paretic eye in both abduction and adduction, whereas
those in the nonparetic eye remained normal in both directions. In
light, horizontal VVOR gains became normal in both eyes in moderate and
mild palsy. In severe palsy, horizontal VVOR gains remained low in the
paretic eye during viewing with either eye, whereas VVOR gains rose to
values above unity in the nonparetic eye during paretic eye viewing.
Vertical VOR and VVOR were normal; however, dynamic and static
torsional VOR and VVOR gains were reduced in both eyes.
Changes in the VOR in our patients, who were tested at one point in
their courses, are expressed as changes from normal, rather than serial
intrasubject changes. Recovery toward normal values was not determined.
Abnormalities are interpreted as deficits or adaptation to those
Patients were tested during monocular viewing, with either the paretic
or nonparetic eye viewing and the fellow eye occluded. The eye was
patched immediately before each test, and the patch was removed after
each test. The differences between VOR and VVOR responses due to
constant patching were not assessed. In addition, the eye that patients
habitually used for fixation was not controlled.
Horizontal VOR in Darkness.
During rotation in darkness, horizontal VOR gains were reduced during
abduction of the paretic eye in all patients, as anticipated in
abduction palsy. VOR gains during adduction of the paretic eye were
also reduced. In contrast, in the nonparetic eye, VOR gains were normal
during both abduction and adduction
(Fig. 2) . Apparently, the
innervation to the medial rectus of the paretic eye is reduced without
changing the innervation to the horizontal recti muscles of the
nonparetic eye.
This adjustment is likely a functional adaptation to unilateral sixth
nerve palsy. Without it, the VOR would be asymmetric in the paretic
eye—weak in abduction but normal in adduction. The asymmetry would
drive the paretic eye farther and farther into adduction with each
cycle of head rotation, soon “pinning” it at its nasal limits, and
aggravating the patient’s diplopia. There are several strategies that
might rectify this problem. The brain could increase its innervation to
the paretic lateral rectus to increase VOR gain during abduction, but
this strategy is limited by the palsy itself. Or, the brain may
generate abducting saccades in the paretic eye to correct for low VOR
gains during abduction. However, abduction paresis would limit them.
Moreover, if common premotor signals are sent to both the abducens
motoneurons and internuclear neurons in the abducens nucleus (discussed
later), the result may be unwanted adducting saccades in the nonparetic
eye, taking it off its target. A better choice might be to reduce the
innervation just to the medial rectus of the paretic eye, decreasing
its adduction gain to make the VOR symmetrical in that eye, while
leaving the VOR in the nonparetic eye intact. This is apparently the
strategy that the brain uses to adapt to unilateral abduction palsy.
Orbital Mechanics and VOR Adaptation.
Changes in normal orbital plant mechanics may contribute to the
decreased VOR gains during adduction in the paretic eye. The relative
contribution of agonist contraction and antagonist relaxation varies
with orbital position,
32 and it may be altered when one
muscle of an agonist–antagonist pair is palsied. In paralytic
strabismus, “contracture” (shortening and increased stiffness)
occurs in the nonparetic antagonist muscle,
33 34 35 36 whereas
the paretic muscle lengthens in response to a change in orbital
position of the globe. Anatomic and histologic study
37 show that shortening or contracture of the nonparetic antagonist is
associated with a decrease in the number of sarcomeres, whereas
lengthening of the paretic muscle is accompanied by an increase in
37 In addition, denervation atrophy in the
paretic muscle and changes in orbital tissues have been documented in
paralytic strabismus.
38 39
If the reduction in VOR gains in both directions were due to changes in
extraocular muscle mechanics, one would predict that VOR gains would
remain the same during rotation in darkness or in light and that the
peak velocities of nystagmus quick phases would be reduced in each
direction. However, our results indicate that although abducting and
adducting VOR gains were decreased, they increased immediately to
normal levels in light during the VVOR. In addition, although VOR gains
were reduced in each direction and although abducting quick phase peak
velocities in the paretic eye were reduced, adducting quick phase peak
velocities in the paretic eye were normal. Our results provide evidence
that the bidirectional decrease in VOR gains in sixth nerve palsy is
not merely the result of changes in mechanical properties of the
orbital plant, but is due to a functional adaptation to the palsy.
Proprioception and VOR Adaptation.
Visually Enhanced Horizontal VOR.
Monocular Adaptation in Unilateral Sixth-Nerve Palsy.