Our experience with the prototype device demonstrates its
potential for treating patients with APN. The four patients with
oscillopsia reported reduction of the illusory motion, and all but one
of the five patients experienced acuity increases. These results are
particularly significant in light of the fact that all the patients had
previously failed or exhibited only incomplete responses to adequate
trials of multiple medications for nystagmus. The advantage of an“
active optics” treatment for nystagmus is that it should reduce
retinal slip in any patient with APN, provided the predominant source
of the retinal slip is a consistent sinusoidal oscillation. The device
differs from existing nondrug treatments for APN (i.e., the
spectacle–contact lens combination or weakening of extraocular muscles
by surgery or botulinum toxin), in that it nullifies only the
pathologic eye movement. As they viewed the acuity test, patients could
shift gaze or move the head normally (within limits imposed by the
10° field of view of the table-mounted optics), because saccades and
low-frequency (i.e., frequency content lying below the capture range of
the phase-locked loop oscillator) vestibulo-ocular reflex movements
were unaffected.
Although the prototype device is table mounted, most of the elements
can be miniaturized easily, suggesting that a portable, wearable,
battery-operated device could be developed. The infrared eye movement
sensor is already battery powered, operates under any lighting
conditions, and has circuitry that fits in a small box that could be
worn by the patient on a belt. The prism-control electronics would fit
easily in the same box and run from the same power source. Only the
motor-operated prisms present a problem, because of their weight, power
requirements, and need for bulky heat sinks. However, the problem could
be solved by replacing the motor-driven Risley prisms by variable power
prisms such as those used in stabilized binoculars (e.g., Vari-Angle
prisms, Canon, Lake Success, NY). These assemblies are light, quiet,
and operate from battery power. The variable prism is also more compact
(longitudinally) than the Risley configuration and thus would allow a
larger field of view for any given prism diameter.
The device should be operable by a patient without assistance. For the
purposes of these experiments, it was important to obtain interpretable
eye movement recordings, and thus the IR probe had to be positioned
correctly and calibrated. However, in practice, no calibration would be
performed, and alignment would be noncritical, because all that is
required is a nystagmus signal of sufficient quality for the
circuitry to achieve phase lock. Because nystagmus amplitude varies
through the day, the patient would need to readjust the vertical and
horizontal prism amplitudes periodically to maintain the preferred
system gain. However, because the phase relationships between vertical
and horizontal nystagmus components tend to remain stable from
day-to-day in a given patient, the system phase controls would need
only periodic adjustments, which may be performed in a physician’s