purpose. Noise field campimetry, performed according to Aulhorn and Köst,
confronts patients with a large field of irregularly flickering dots,
and many patients immediately perceive their visual field defects. The
original method had a somewhat low specificity and sensitivity,
especially for patients with visual field defects caused by cortical
methods. The method was improved in two ways. First, the grain of the visual
noise was increased toward the periphery of the visual field to
accommodate the peripheral decrease in visual acuity. Second, the type
of stimulus pattern was varied to include separate investigations of
different visual components or functions (color, motion, temporal
resolution, line orientation, stereoscopic depth, acuity, and
figure–ground segmentation). To evaluate the reliability of the
method, the visual fields were compared, as assessed by the new method,
with those of conventional perimetry in 41 patients with neurologic
disorders and 22 normal control subjects.
results. The results were encouraging. All patients with suprageniculate lesions
subjectively experienced visual field defects in component perimetry.
Sizes of visual field defects obtained with both methods corresponded
qualitatively with each other, with a highly significant correlation.
The specificity of component perimetry was higher than that of the
original noise field campimetry.
conclusions. This pilot study indicates that component perimetry is a subjective but
relatively reliable method for detecting disorders of visual perception
caused by lesions at different stages along the visual pathway,
permitting fast screening of the visual field. In addition, this method
seems to allow examination of the visual field, not only for defects in
contrast sensitivity, as does conventional light perimetry, but also
for the status of other components of vision such as color or motion
perception. Further evaluation with larger patient cohorts is needed to
allow exact assessment of the clinical usefulness of the
Patients suffering from visual field defects usually do not
perceive the scotomata as circumscribed areas differing from the
background. Instead, the visual field defects share some properties
with the blind spot, in that both are detected only through the
invisibility of objects located within their borders, and they are
filled in by the visual pattern of the immediate surround.
In conventional light perimetry, defects are detected sequentially in
the visual field by using point-by-point testing. This type of
perimetry is time consuming and depends on the attentiveness of the
patient. Aulhorn and Köst
1 developed, to the best of
our knowledge, the first method of truly simultaneous perimetry, termed
noise field campimetry, which tests a large part of the visual field
simultaneously. The noise field is an area filled with small black and
white dots randomly distributed and flickering at high frequencies,
similar to the snowstorm on a television screen after the end of
transmission (
Fig. 1A , pattern 1). When patients fixate a central spot in the noise field,
scotomata are perceived subjectively as circumscribed areas with less
or no flicker and sometimes with a brightness differing from the
surround. The advantages of noise field perimetry are the simultaneous
examination of the whole visual field and the subjective experience of
visual field defects, allowing the development of a fast screening
method for visual field defects. However, noise field campimetry has
two disadvantages in comparison with conventional perimetric methods:
First, it has somewhat low sensitivity for homonymous hemianopias
caused by suprageniculate damage, which are either not perceived at all
in the noise field or are perceived over a much smaller spatial
1 2 3 4 ; and second, the method cannot quantitatively
determine the exact size, location, and depth of visual field defects.
Our purpose was to modify the method so that, ideally, all visual field
defects caused by suprageniculate damage could be detected, the
perimetric stimuli would not be subject to filling in, and different
components or functions of visual perception could be tested
The concept of examining different visual functions simultaneously in
the whole visual field is based on the finding that humans can
discriminate between certain elementary stimulus features such as
luminance, color, orientation, motion, and stereoscopic depth in
parallel. In our opinion, the only way to achieve this feat is by using
a large number of dedicated processors for the different components of
visual perception in parallel, one for each visual component and field
5 6 7 8 9 This concept is supported by both
10 11 12 13 and neuroanatomical
14 15 16 For many visual features, processors seem to
be organized in a retinotopically ordered map, and each individual map
can be tested individually and simultaneously by the appropriate
perimetric pattern. There is also evidence from neuropsychological
studies that visual perception depends on several relatively autonomous
mechanisms, each of which contributes distinct components. Various
studies report selective disturbances or even losses of visual
functions after circumscribed cerebral damage in humans, resulting, for
example, in isolated achromatopsia, loss of color vision, or impaired
perception of motion.
17 18 19 20 21
The disturbance of one elementary visual function, for example color
perception, does not always lead to a pathologic visual field when
tested with conventional light perimetry.
18 22 23 Testing
different visual components or functions such as color, motion,
stereoscopic depth, orientation, visual acuity, or figure–ground
segmentation is impossible with conventional perimeters and would be
time consuming if done sequentially, as in conventional perimetry.
Therefore, we developed new perimetric stimuli to reveal specific
visual field defects. These stimuli selectively test different
components or functions of visual perception such as color, motion,
temporal resolution, line orientation, stereoscopic depth, acuity, and
figure–ground segmentation
(Fig. 1) . Moreover, element size of the
(noise) pattern for those parts stimulating the peripheral visual field
was progressively increased with eccentricity to achieve a stimulation
equally far above resolution threshold at each position of the visual
24 25 In this pilot study we assessed the ability of
component perimetry as a screening test to detect (absolute) visual
field defects caused by suprageniculate damage by testing patients who
had homonymous hemianopia and, as control groups, patients with
neurologic but no visual disorders and intact visual fields, as well as
normal control subjects. In addition, we evaluated the reliability of
the new method by comparing the results of component perimetry with
those of conventional light perimetry.
Noise Field Perimetry: Contrast Noise Field.
Noise Field Perimetry: Color Noise Field.
Color Perimetry: Colored Dots.
Acuity Perimetry: Rotating Landolt Cs.
Orientation Perimetry: Rotating Lines.
Filling-in Perimetry: Interrupted Lines.
Motion Perimetry: Coherent Motion.
Segmentation Perimetry.
Motion-Defined Checkerboard.
Time-Defined Checkerboard.
Depth-Defined Checkerboard.
Orientation-Defined Checkerboard.
During the test, the patient’s head was placed on a chin rest.
The patient scanned the visual field with the mind’s eye while
fixating a central spot—that is, without moving the eyes. The patient
had to indicate local differences of the stimuli, for example, whether
the pattern on the monitor appeared homogeneous, whether there were
parts differing from the remainder, and whether the stimulus extended
symmetrically around the fixation point. While maintaining central
fixation, the patient outlined any areas of deviating perception
experienced. A transparent sheet of plastic covered the monitor screen,
on which the patient used colored pens for outlining and to correct the
drawings, if necessary. After an explanation of the component perimetry
procedure, patients typically required between 1 and 5 minutes to
complete the test with one stimulus. All tests of component perimetry
were performed binocularly in all patients as well as in the controls,
to reduce the test duration to an acceptable time.
To evaluate how well the results of component and conventional
perimetry agree, we calculated the correlation between the size of
corresponding visual field defects by component and conventional light
perimetry. The correlation was calculated twice: physiological results
were classified either as false positive (i.e., visual field defects;
Fig. 6 , dark bars) or as negative results (i.e., intact visual field;
Fig. 6 ,
hatched bars). (Because the data might not have been
distributed normally, we selected a nonparametric measurement of
association. The correlation coefficient
r is given as
Spearman’s rho [rank order correlation] indicating relative rather
than absolute correlations.)
The sizes of visual field defects found with both methods correlated
well, with all correlation coefficients significant on the 1% level
for both types of calculation and for all patterns of component
Moreover, we estimated the size and the degree of spatial overlap
between corresponding visual field defects in component and
conventional light perimetry. In
Figure 7A the size of the visual field defects in component perimetry and the
size of overlapping areas are represented as the proportion of the
corresponding size of the visual field defects in conventional
perimetry. The normalized average size of visual field defects (
Fig. 7 ,
light bars) and the normalized average size of overlapping areas (
Fig. 7 , dark bars) are shown for each perimetric pattern except pattern 6
(insufficient data to calculate paired
t-tests). The
difference between the light and dark bars corresponds to the
nonoverlapping areas of the visual field defects.
The size of visual field defects shown by component perimetry tended to
be smaller than the corresponding results of conventional perimetry
except for pattern 12, the stereoscopically defined checkerboard. For
patterns 2, 3, and 9 only, the defects were significantly smaller for
component perimetry. The degree of overlap between the corresponding
visual field defects for all patterns of component perimetry was much
larger than the noncorresponding area. Four categories of overlap can
be discriminated (
Fig. 7B , bottom):
No overlap: The scotomata of the two different perimetric methods do
not overlap at all.
Small overlap: The scotomata overlap but are not exclusively in one
hemifield (in patients with unilateral suprageniculate brain lesions,
visual field defects are expected only in the contralesional visual
Adequate overlap: Visual field defects obtained with both methods
overlap and are located in the contralesional visual hemifield, but not
exclusively in the same quadrant.
Good overlap: Visual field defects overlap and extend exclusively in
the same hemifield and quadrant.
For each component perimetry stimulus the proportion of results
for the different categories of overlap is shown in
Figure 7B . Except
for pattern 10 (motion-defined checkerboard) there was at least a small
overlap between all corresponding visual field defects. Unilateral
suprageniculate lesions of the visual system cause visual defects only
in the contralesional visual hemifield. A small overlap between
corresponding visual field defects—and that comprises both
hemifields—usually constitutes an unsatisfactory result. Testing the
visual field with stimulus 12 (depth-defined checkerboard) led to a
small overlap in approximately 50% of cases. With all other stimuli of
component perimetry, more than 80% of the results agreed adequately or
well with the results of conventional light perimetry (i.e., comprised
only corresponding hemifields). Also for the categories of adequate and
good overlap, the average size of visual field defects revealed by
component perimetry was usually smaller than the corresponding visual
field defect revealed by conventional light perimetry
(Fig. 7C) .
Defects are significantly smaller (
Fig 7 , *on the 5% level; **on the
1% level) for pattern 2 (black-and-white noise field with increasing
elements), pattern 3 (red-and-green noise field), pattern 9 (coherent
motion), and patterns 10 and 13 of segmentation perimetry (motion- and
orientation-defined checkerboards).
A fast screening test should fulfill at least two conditions.
First, all visual field defects should be detected, and, second,
false-positive diagnoses should be minimized. The first condition, high
sensitivity, is fulfilled for visual field defects caused by lesions
beyond the optic chiasm. All visual field defects were detected by
component perimetry. In contrast to previous noise field campimetry
1 2 3 4 all our patients with absolute homonymous
visual field defects caused by suprageniculate lesions subjectively
perceived their defects. This was true for all perimetric stimuli
tested, even for the classic noise field.
As outlined in the introduction, earlier studies using the classic
noise field as a test stimulus
1 2 3 4 yielded a relatively
low sensitivity for lesions caused by suprageniculate lesions. There
are three probable reasons for the difference between our results and
those of Aulhorn and Köst,
1 2 Schiefer et
3 and Kolb et al.
4 Although the stimuli
used for the classic noise field were virtually identical (we in
addition presented the noise field with element size increasing toward
the periphery), there were differences in the instructions to the
patients. The first difference among the studies concerns the way
patients were introduced to the task. We told them not only to look for
local differences within their visual fields but also to pay attention
to the boundaries of the visual field. Patients with lesions of the
retina or the optic nerve usually have scotomata completely surrounded
by areas of intact visual field. These types of scotomata are clearly
perceived in the classic noise field.
1 2 40 In most
patients with suprageniculate visual field defects, however, the
defective area is not surrounded by an intact visual field, but the
outer boundaries of the visual field are shifted toward the fovea, so
that the visual field simply becomes smaller—similar in some respects
to the effect of closing one eye. Patients with narrower visual field
boundaries seem to habituate to the shrunken visual field. They
certainly do not perceive local differences within the remaining intact
visual field. But as soon as these patients are asked pay attention to
the boundaries of the visual field and to draw them on a monitor,
defects become apparent.
The second and more relevant reason for the differences between the
studies may be the increasing element size used in most of the new
perimetric stimuli. Most patients reported that the visual field defect
is subjectively much more pronounced when the size of pattern elements
increased toward the periphery. The increased salience of the defect
leads first to a better detection of peripheral elements. Second, the
whole stimulus configuration appears as asymmetric in the case of a
peripheral defect, because of the absence of larger elements within the
defective visual field area. Therefore, the increasing element size not
only enables a better discrimination of pattern elements in the
periphery but also allows the patients to better perceive and judge the
homonymous hemianopia.
A third possible reason for the difference is that we used a larger
stimulus area.
The results of patient group 2 were heterogeneous. Not all
perimetric stimuli of component perimetry revealed incongruent and/or
relative visual field defects. This finding was conspicuous with the
noise field stimuli (patterns 1 through 4), whereas almost all patients
perceived their visual field deficits when looking at the perimetric
patterns 7 through 13
(Fig. 3B) .
Especially in the case of patterns 9 through 13, the visual system has
to analyze local elements before a global structure can be extracted by
integrating over parts of the visual field. This task is more complex
than the detection of dynamic visual noise, and higher cortical visual
areas are probably involved. A relative visual field defect, as
detected in conventional perimetry, may not impair the perception of
dynamic visual noise but may influence visual functions needing
additional processing steps (e.g., figure–ground segregation).
Although the number of subjects in patient group 2 was small, the
results indicated that component perimetry may relatively selectively
reveal defects of different components or functions of visual
perception. Three of the patients in this group had brain lesions of
higher visual areas not including the visual pathway up to V1. These
lesions probably led to selective visual dysfunction in parts of the
visual field selective for some visual functions, whereas others
remained spared. Clearly, far larger numbers of patients must be tested
to further clarify the selectivity of the new method.
The good detection of scotomata and the low number of
false-positive results in component perimetry encourages the use of
this new method to screen for different types of visual field
disruptions in patients with neurologic disorders. Of course, component
perimetry by itself can only qualitatively detect visual field defects.
Although we found a correlation between the results of component and
conventional perimetry, component perimetry was unable to measure the
exact size and location of visual field defects. The size of the
scotoma detected by component perimetry is generally smaller than that
found by conventional perimetry. One reason may be a partial filling in
of defects in higher cortical areas. In addition, a complete
correlation would not be expected between the results of conventional
and component perimetry for defects caused by cortical lesions. In
these cases, defects detected by component perimetry may be even larger
than those obtained by conventional perimetry, because detection of
differences in luminance may still be intact, whereas more complex
functions such as motion detection are impaired.
To supplement component perimetry as a screening method, more
quantitative perimetric methods, comparable to conventional light
perimetry, must be developed for the different components or functions
of visual perception. Although component perimetry is a subjective and
therefore qualitative perimetric method, all patients in our study were
able to perceive their own visual field defects, and the results of the
tests were reproducible.
On the basis of this pilot study, we conclude that component perimetry
is a relatively reliable and sensitive method for detecting visual
field defects simultaneously over large parts of the visual field.
Therefore, a rapid screening of the visual field appears to be
possible, not only for defects in the detection of differences in
luminance, as with conventional light perimetry, but for other
submodalities of vision such as motion and color perception. This study
shows that component perimetry provides an effective tool to detect
visual field defects, especially in patients with neurologic disorders,
at least on an exploratory basis for screening purposes. Subsequent
studies with component perimetry should investigate whether the method
is also a clinically useful tool to distinguish between different
disorders of visual perception and whether the results indeed provide
information about the localization of lesions in the visual system.