Peak MP density in normal, young subjects (median age, 10.5 years), measured with monochromatic fundus photography, was 0.13 ± 0.04 DU, on average, with a minimum value of 0.07 DU and a maximum value of 0.18 DU. According to standard normal distribution, the variance of the data implied a range of 0.01 to 0.25 DU (
P < 0.01). Peak MP densities found in the present study are slightly smaller, on average, than mean densities (0.2–0.3 DU) reported in studies using reflectometry.
17 18 19 21 31 Because of preretinal or intraretinal scatter and reflections,
15 19 MP densities are always smaller than MP densities obtained using psychophysical methods (mean density, 0.3–0.5 DU)
12 13 14 15 19 or autofluorescence spectrometry (0.5 DU).
With respect to the variance of peak MP densities, those in the present study are similar to those found in other studies. For instance, the coefficient of variation (CV = 100 [SD/mean]) for peak MP densities in the present study is 27% for the right eye and 31.5% for the left eye
(Table 1) . These coefficients are at the lower end of the range of CVs (8%–61%) obtained in other studies of MP density which used reflectometry, psychophysical, autofluorescence, or biochemical measurements.
12 13 19 40
It is unlikely that our MP densities are lower than those in other studies because of the young age of the subjects. No age effect was found among our subjects, aged 6 to 20 years, nor among other subjects within this age range.
14 19 Infants have lower MP densities.
37 Thus, maturation of MP may occur before age 6 years.
Factors other than age may have contributed to underestimation of MP density. First and most important, preretinal scatter—particularly, scatter in the crystalline lens—causes decreases in the contrast of all retinal features and in the estimated MP density. The illumination beam density in the lens increases with the area of the illuminated retinal field. The diameter of the illuminated area in our study was 30° compared with a maximum diameter of 3° in other reflectometry studies, including those in which confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope devices were used.
19 Reflections at the limiting membrane, which are most intense in young individuals,
41 increase the variability of MP measurements. For the blue image, they decrease or increase the estimate of MP density at the foveola, or reference area (±4°). The opposite effects can be expected for the green image. Second, unbleached cone and rod photopigments (see the Methods section) could affect the MP density estimate. We evaluated this source of error and determined
19 that unbleached rhodopsin (<25%) would result in an underestimation of, at most, 0.005 DU, and unbleached cone photopigment (<7%) would result in an underestimation of, at most, 0.04 DU at 460 nm. Finally, we used a reference site 4° eccentric rather than 7° which was used in most other studies. This would result in an underestimation of the peak density by 5%,
12 or, according to measurements on anatomic specimens,
37 by as much as 20% to 25%.
The absence of a significant interocular correlation between peak densities and FWHMs in the 10 subjects with measurements in both eyes is not consistent with most other studies.
12 19 37 Discrepancies may have been caused by the fact that, in the present study, only single values were used for left–right eye comparison rather than the average value of several individual measurements. Furthermore, specular reflections, particularly those extending over large areas, could not always be completely ignored in the Gaussian fits of the profile, and this undoubtedly contributed to errors. More elaborate procedures, such as the use of polarized light, could be developed to eliminate the effect of these specular reflections.
Topographic distribution of the macular pigment in our subjects did not deviate substantially from circular symmetry. The ratio between horizontal and vertical FWHMs across all subjects was 0.00 ± 0.06; the FWHMs varied between 1.5° and 3.5° (450–1050 μm). Note that the FWHMs, derived from the approximated Gaussian profile, is not expected to vary appreciably when alternative models, such as an exponential fit, are used.
12 Although the FWHMs of the present study demonstrate less variance, the mean FWHMs were slightly greater (2.4°) than that (2°) reported by Hammond et al.
12 This discrepancy may be explained in part by our estimate of the optic disc diameter, which was as much as 10% smaller than the disc diameter after death.
35 Perhaps because we used the latter as a reference, the mean FWHMs obtained in the present study, expressed in retinal distance (∼720 μm), is more consistent with those reported by Snodderly et al.
42 43
In summary, the photographic technique is feasible and reliable in pediatric subjects. A few minutes of cooperation are needed to obtain the photographic images for objective assessment of peak and topography of MP density. In view of the normative data reported herein, for pediatric patients the following would represent significant abnormalities: (1) Peak MP density so low that it is not measurable; (2) FWHM less than 1.5° (450 μm); and (3) horizontal and vertical FWHMs differing by more than approximately 25%. We anticipate increased sensitivity for detecting macular abnormalities if, in addition to peak MP density, the extent and circular symmetry of the MP density are also evaluated. With the advent of computerized fundus cameras and digital fundus photography, studies of the topography of MP density are expected to advance our knowledge of pediatric macular disorders.
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The authors thank Pablo Artal (Laboratory de Optica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain) for help with the calculation of the image quality of the 480- and 540-nm images.