purpose. Compared with normal low density lipoprotein (N–LDL), LDL minimally
modified in vitro by glycation, minimal oxidation, or glycoxidation
(G–, MO–, GO–LDL) decreases survival of cultured retinal capillary
endothelial cells and pericytes. Similar modifications occurring in
vivo in diabetes may contribute to retinopathy. The goal of
this study was to determine whether low concentrations of
aminoguanidine might prevent cytotoxic modification of LDL and/or
protect retinal capillary cells from previously modified LDL.
methods. Minimal in vitro modification of LDL (3 days, 37°C) was achieved with
glucose (0, 50 mM), under antioxidant conditions (for N–LDL, G–LDL),
or under mild oxidant conditions (for MO–, GO–LDL) in the
presence/absence of aminoguanidine (0, 1, 10, 100 μM). Glucose and
aminoguanidine were then removed by dialysis. Confluent bovine retinal
capillary endothelial cells (n = 13) and pericytes
(n = 14) were exposed to LDL (100 mg/l) for 3 days,
with and without aminoguanidine (100 μM) in media. Cell counts were
determined by hemocytometer.
results. A decrease in cell counts after exposure to modified compared
with N–LDL was confirmed (P < 0.001) but was
significantly mitigated if LDL had been modified in the presence of
aminoguanidine (P < 0.001). Aminoguanidine was as
effective at 1 μM as at the higher concentrations. Aminoguanidine
(100 μM) present in culture media conferred no additional protection,
and showed slight evidence of toxicity. Aminoguanidine present during
LDL modification had no effect on measured glycation or oxidation
products, or on LDL oxidizability.
conclusions. Very low concentrations of aminoguanidine mitigate toxicity of LDL
exposed to stresses that simulate the diabetic environment. This action
may contribute to the beneficial effects of aminoguanidine observed in
experimental diabetic retinopathy.
In a previous study,
1 we demonstrated that compared
with unmodified low density lipoprotein (normal LDL, N–LDL) in vitro
glycated, minimally oxidized, and glycoxidized LDL (G–LDL, MO–LDL,
GO–LDL) reduce cell counts and protein in cultured retinal capillary
endothelial cells and pericytes. Slight increases in glycation and/or
oxidation of LDL are present from the onset of diabetes and, thus,
could contribute to early retinopathy. We now investigate whether
micromolar concentrations of aminoguanidine can mitigate these effects,
if present either during LDL modification or subsequently during
exposure of cells to modified LDL.
Aminoguanidine inhibits the development
2 and
3 of experimental diabetic retinopathy in
streptozocin-diabetic rats and also the development of
4 diabetic nephropathy,
5 neuropathy,
6 and cataracts.
7 Its effects are
attributed to inhibition of advanced glycation reactions
8 and/or inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)
9 or other
In its effects on advanced glycation, aminoguanidine scavenges reactive
carbonyl intermediates formed by free radical oxidation of
carbohydrates, fructoselysine (FL, the early protein glycation
product), and lipids (reviewed in Reference 10). Reactive carbonyls
damage proteins, phospholipids, and other
10 In diabetes, carbonyl formation is
enhanced by increased availability of substrate (glucose, FL,
lipoproteins), perhaps increased susceptibility of lipoproteins to
oxidation, perhaps increased “oxidative stress.”
10 11 These considerations led to a “carbonyl stress hypothesis” for the
development of diabetic complications, proposing that glycemic and
oxidative stresses combine to determine complication
10 11 One carbonyl-derived product in proteins is
ε-carboxymethyllysine (CML),
12 whose concentration is measured in this study in apoB, the
apolipoprotein of LDL.
The other established action of aminoguanidine is enzyme inhibition. In
intact cells, both inducible and constitutive NOS (in neurons) are 50%
inhibited by 6 to 10 μM and 100 μM aminoguanidine,
9 In retinal capillaries, inducible NOS is
present in both endothelial cells and pericytes; constitutive NOS is
found in endothelial cells only.
13 It is also possible
that aminoguanidine could inhibit an LDL-associated enzyme, or protect
it from inactivation by glycoxidative stress.
In this study, to maintain pathophysiological and pharmacological
relevance, we used very mildly modified LDL and low (micromolar)
concentrations of aminoguanidine (i.e., levels at or below those in
plasma and tissues of aminoguanidine-treated animals
3 and
14 ).
Control Incubation (N–LDL).
In Vitro Glycation (G–LDL).
In Vitro Minimal Oxidation (MO–LDL).
In Vitro Glycoxidation (Glycation and Minimal Oxidation Combined;
Thirteen experiments were performed with endothelial cells, using
two different pooled LDL preparations and three different cell batches.
Fourteen experiments were performed with pericytes, using seven
different pooled LDL preparations and five different cell batches.
Within each experiment, cells were exposed to 26 different conditions:
the 13 LDL preparations described above, each studied with and without
aminoguanidine (100 μM) in culture media.
For each experiment, cells were plated into four (12-well) plates
(Costar, Cambridge, MA) and grown to confluence. One plate was used at
day 0 for baseline determinations. Growth medium in the remaining three
plates, among which 26 of the 36 wells were occupied, was replaced by
serum-free medium containing 1% albumin and supplemented with the
various LDL preparations (100 mg/l LDL protein) ± aminoguanidine
(0 or 100 μM). After 3 days’ incubation, medium was aspirated, and
cell counts were determined. Using baseline values for each experiment
(defined in figure legends), values at day 3 were expressed as a
percentage of those at day 0.
For counting, cells were trypsinized, resuspended in 100 μl
growth medium to which 200 μl 1% trypan blue solution was added.
Using a hemocytometer, total and viable cells in four 0.1 μl volumes
were counted. The total of these four cell counts was multiplied by 750
to estimate cells/well. Counting was performed by a single observer
unaware of sample identity. Intra-assay coefficients of variation were
obtained by assessing reproducibility of cell counts from replicate
wells at day 0 and averaging 6.1% and 5.3% for endothelial cells and
pericytes, respectively. Because 80% to 90% of cells were viable, and
because the conclusions obtained from analyses of total and viable cell
counts were essentially identical (except as detailed below), we
present only “total cell count” data (termed “cell counts”).
SAS (Cary, NC) and Sigma Stat (SPSS, Chicago, IL)
statistical software were used. In individual experiments, cell counts
on day 3 were expressed as percentages of day 0. Significant overall
differences according to cell type were identified by MANOVA.
Subsequently, for each cell type, significant overall differences were
evaluated according to LDL modification, presence of aminoguanidine in
LDL-modifying incubation, and presence of aminoguanidine in culture
medium, using a three-way MANOVA. If the MANOVA yielded positive
results, differences within individual treatment groups were evaluated
using the Tukey multiple comparison procedure. Hypotheses were tested
at the 0.05 level of significance.
Modification of LDL.
Effect of Presence/Concentration of Aminoguanidine in LDL-Modifying
Aminoguanidine in the Cell Culture Medium.
Fructoselysine, CML, and TBARS content of five LDL pools are
summarized in
Table 1 . Effects of aminoguanidine were analyzed within individual modification
groups (e.g., G–LDL was compared only with G–LDL prepared in the
presence of aminoguanidine). LDL exposed to glucose (G–LDL, GO–LDL)
showed significant (10-fold) increases in FL content compared with
N–LDL and MO–LDL. As expected,
20 aminoguanidine had no
effect on FL formation.
Carboxymethyllysine was slightly elevated after 3 days’ exposure
either to glucose or oxidative stress, and the increase became
significant when both stresses were combined (GO–LDL). Aminoguanidine
had no significant effect on CML formation.
TBARS in MO–LDL and GO–LDL were significantly higher than in N–LDL
(P < 0.05) but nevertheless remained low in all the
modified lipoproteins. Aminoguanidine had no significant effect on
TBARS formation.
Modification of LDL (± aminoguanidine) had no effect, compared with
N–LDL, on electrophoretic mobility on agarose gels (data not shown).
We have previously shown that modified LDL prepared as in these
experiments is not recognized by the macrophage scavenger
Oxidizability of each LDL preparation was unaffected by the prior
presence of aminoguanidine during LDL modification. As expected,
oxidizability increased (i.e., lag phase shortened) as the extent of
modification increased: N–LDL < G–LDL ≤ MO–LDL <
GO–LDL. However, when oxidizability of each modified LDL was
determined with aminoguanidine (0, 1, 10, 100 μM) present during the
Cu2+-mediated oxidation of the Esterbauer
technique, aminoguanidine had a pro-oxidant effect with increasing
concentration (data not shown), as has been observed by others at these
low concentrations.