The amplitudes and implicit times of the individual responses were
calculated using a software program written in MATLAB (MATLAB; The
MathWorks, Natick, MA). The technique used in this study for measuring
individual responses is described in detail by Hood and
23 Because there are regional differences in the
waveform of the multifocal responses, a template was obtained for each
of the 103 areas tested by averaging the records from the control
subjects. The template for each area was fitted to the respective areas
in the records of each of the patients by varying three parameters. One
parameter shifted the template vertically to account for small changes
in baseline, one scaled the amplitude, and the third scaled the time
vector by a single value. The templates were multiplicatively scaled in
both time and amplitude and fitted to the first 100 msec of the
response, by using a least-squares fitting procedure to find the best
fitting parameters. The amplitude and implicit time of each local
response was derived from the scale factor for each parameter.
Amplitude was calculated as the voltage difference between the first
trough and the first peak of the scaled template. Implicit time was
measured to the first prominent response peak of the scaled template. A
multiplicative scaling of time, as opposed to a shift, provided a
superior fit. This was previously demonstrated in records obtained from
patients with retinitis pigmentosa
23 and more recently in
patients with early diabetic retinopathy.
9 The program
also provides a goodness-of-fit parameter or statfit. In this study
responses with a statfit worse than 0.75 were not reported in the
figures. Hood and Li
23 found that a statfit of 0.75
provides a conservative definition of a true signal and that a
criterion of 0.75 corresponds to a false alarm rate of less than 3%.
The template method used in this study for determining response
amplitude and implicit time has not only been shown to provide
reasonable fits to the slowed responses of patients with retinitis
23 but has also recently been shown to provide
good fits to the slowed responses of patients with early diabetic
9 The advantage of using a template is that a
goodness-of-fit criterion can be set to allow for comparison across
responses and across subjects.