purpose. To identify the genetic defect in the M1S1 gene
causing gelatinous droplike corneal dystrophy (GDLD) in an Estonian
methods. DNA was extracted from members of a GDLD-affected family and control
persons. Polymerase chain reaction followed by direct sequencing was
used to detect mutations in the M1S1 gene. Sequencing
results were confirmed with restriction analysis.
results. Sequencing of the M1S1 gene revealed a novel mutation
and a common polymorphism. All patients with GDLD were found to be
homozygous for the insertion of nucleotide C in position 520 in M1S1. The mutation leads to formation of truncated
protein. The mutation was excluded in 103 normal, unaffected
individuals. Very close to the location where the mutation was
identified in the M1S1 gene, a single-nucleotide
polymorphism (518A/C) was found, changing aspartic acid to alanine at
codon 173.
conclusions. The data indicate that mutation ins520C in the M1S1 gene
is the primary cause of GDLD in the family
Gelatinous droplike corneal dystrophy (GDLD; On-line
Mendelian Inheritance in Man number 204870), first described by
1 is a form of primary amyloidosis of the cornea
leading to blindness. Clinical manifestations usually appear in the
first decade of life, and symptoms include foreign-body sensation,
photophobia, lacrimation, and blurred vision. In later stages of the
disease, accumulation of gelatinous masses in subepithelium and
anterior stroma causes loss of vision, and in most cases recurrent
lamellar keratoplasty is required.
2 GDLD is an
autosomal recessive disorder with highest frequency in the Japanese
population (incidence 1:300,000).
2 3 Recently, a gene
responsible for GDLD was localized to a 2.6-centimorgan (cM) interval
on chromosome 1p by linkage analysis.
4 Focusing further
studies on the critical 1p region,
M1S1 was identified as a
gene that was mutated in all patients with GDLD.
M1S1 gene consists of a single exon that encodes
monoclonal antibody–defined, gastrointestinal tumor-associated
antigen, formerly known as TROP2 and GA733-1.
6 The M1S1
protein is a monomeric cell surface glycoprotein expressed in the
cornea, multistratified epithelia, and trophoblasts and at high levels
in most carcinomas.
5 7 8 The physiological function of
M1S1 is not well understood, but it has been suggested that the protein
can act as a calcium signal transducer.
8 Four
mutations causing GDLD were found in the
M1S1 gene: (1)
Q118X, a C→T transition replacing a glutamine at codon 118 with a
stop codon; (2) Q207X, a C→T substitution replacing a glutamine at
codon 207 with a stop codon; (3) S170X, a C→A transition changing
from serine to a stop at codon 170; and (4) 632delA, a deletion of A at
nucleotide 632.
5 All four mutations generate an early stop
codon and lead to synthesis of a truncated protein. Using protein
expression analysis, perinuclear aggregation of the mutated, truncated
protein has been revealed, whereas the normal protein was distributed
diffusely in the cytoplasm with a homogenous or fine granular
To date, mutational analysis of GDLD has been performed only in the
Japanese population. Herein, we report a novel mutation of GDLD found
in a white family. A common polymorphism in the M1S1 gene
was also found.
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood by standard
procedures. A 681-bp DNA fragment of the
M1S1 gene
(nucleotides [nt] 103-783) was amplified using primers GDLD3F and
5 The products were sequenced directly with a kit
(BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit; PE-Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA) using the primers that were used for PCR. Sequencing
reactions were analyzed on a gene analyzer (Prism 310; PE-Applied
Biosystems). All products were sequenced on both strands.
The presence of a mutation and a polymorphism found by sequencing was
confirmed using restriction analysis. DNA segments of M1S1,
generated by PCR using the primers described, were digested with three
restriction enzymes—Eco47I, HinII, and CfrI (all from Fermentas AB, Vilnius, Lithuania)—and
subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
This is the first report of a mutation analysis performed in white
patients with GDLD. All patients with GDLD in Estonia were found to be
homozygous for 520insC in the M1S1 gene and the mutation was
well cosegregated with the phenotype in the GDLD pedigree, whereas no M1S1 mutations were found in the control population. Thus,
the data suggest that ins502C in the M1S1 gene is
responsible for GDLD in Estonia. The mutation found in Estonian
patients has not been described in the Japanese population, where the
disease has the highest frequency, and relatively many patients have
been genotyped. It can be speculated that the mutation may also be
found in other patients with GDLD among European descendants, because
it was found in a family from Dago Island (off the west coast of
Estonia), whose settlement had close connections with other countries
around the Baltic Sea in the Middle Ages.
M1S1 is a cell surface phosphoglycoprotein and a substrate for protein
kinase C, the Ca
2+-dependent protein kinase. The
phosphorylation occurs on serine 303 in the cytoplasmic domain of the
9 M1S1 transduces an intracellular calcium signal,
and it has been hypothesized that M1S1 may function as a cell surface
receptor, for which the physiological ligand has not been
8 The carboxyl-terminus of M1S1 possesses a
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bis phosphate (PIP-2)–binding consensus
sequence, which regulates binding to plasma membrane or to other
cytosolic proteins. The mutation detected by us, as well as other
mutations described so far, leads to formation of truncated protein,
resulting in loss of the transmembrane domain of M1S1, the serine
phosphorylation site, and the PIP2-binding site.
5 The
truncated gene product triggers process of amyloid formation in the
cornea. The exact mechanism of amyloid deposition remains to be
investigated. Although M1S1 is expressed at high levels by human
multistratified epithelia, no amyloid formation in tissues other than
cornea has been found in patients with GDLD.
A single-nucleotide polymorphism, 518A/C, in the M1S1 gene
changes amino acid residue encoded by codon 173 from aspartic acid to
alanine. Determining whether the change has any effect on biological
properties of the protein is the object of our further studies. The
close position of the 518A/C polymorphism and the ins502C mutation in
the M1S1 gene must be considered when designing the
molecular analysis method for mutation detection.
Supported by Estonian Science Foundation Research Grant 4349.
Submitted for publication March 29, 2001; revised July 16, 2001;
accepted July 26, 2001.
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Corresponding author: Gunnar Tasa, Department of Human Biology and
Genetics, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of
Tartu, Ravila 19, 50411 Tartu, Estonia.
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