Twenty-one capsular bags with IOLs were obtained for this study.
Donor ages ranged from 57 to 87 years, and the time elapsed from
cataract surgery from 4 months to 13 years. Controls were
capsule–epithelium preparations from 14 donor eyes, in the age range 6
to 76 years.
East Anglian Eye Bank capsular bags were dissected from the
globes and placed in Eagle’s minimum essential medium (EMEM).
Structural features from anterior and posterior aspects were recorded
photographically by dark-field and phase optics. Specimens were fixed
in 4% formaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). In most cases,
after 15 minutes’ fixation, the IOLs were removed to allow detailed
observation of cells on the capsule. Fixation was then continued for at
least 1 hour. IOLs were stained separately and mounted in cavity slides
for observation.
Prefixation was applied to the control capsule–epithelium preparations
by introducing fixative into the globe. After 1 hour, the lens was
dissected and placed anterior face down in a petri dish. The PC was
split in a star configuration, the flaps were pinned out, and the lens
body was carefully lifted away from the epithelium. The preparation was
covered with Ca2+-free PBS while residual lens
fibers were removed with microforceps and was then returned to
fixative. This method ensured that the epithelial cells were fixed
before any changes in structure could be caused by the dissection
Preparations were permeabilized in PBS (pH 7.3) containing 0.5%
Triton X-100 for 30 minutes. Nonspecific sites were blocked with
appropriate serum (1:50 in 1% bovine sermum albumin [BSA]/PBS).
Anti-α-sma (Clone 1A4) was applied overnight at 4°C, anti-vimentin
(Clone V9) and MIP26 antibody (a gift from Joseph Horwitz,
Jules Stein Eye Institute, University of California at Los Angeles) for
60 minutes at 35°C. Visualization was with fluorescein
isothiocyanate–conjugated secondary antibodies for 60 minutes at
35°C. The F-actin cytoskeleton was stained with Texas
red-X-phalloidin (Molecular Probes, Leiden, The Netherlands) for 30
minutes, and cell nuclei with DAPI for 15 minutes, both at room
temperature. The stained and washed preparations were mounted in medium
(Vectashield; Vector, Peterborough, UK). Specimens were viewed with a
microscope (Standard R; Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and images recorded
on film (Ektachrome 400 or Tmax 400pro; Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY),
and with a confocal microscope with cooled charge-coupled device (CCD)
camera (Viewscan DVC-250; Bio-Rad, Princeton Instruments, Marlow, UK)
and software (MetaMorph; Universal Imaging, West Chester, PA). After
initial observation, the capsular bags were unmounted and washed and
the layers further separated to allow observation of the anterior and
posterior capsule individually.