As yet, downward dragging with ligation of nerve fiber layer fascicles comparable to that described in the RCS rat and
rd mouse has not been observed in humans with hereditary retinal degeneration. Although this may represent an inadequate search up to now for a comparable pathologic sequence, it could as well derive from a differential location of the major retinal blood vessels. For in the rodent, as depicted by Villegas-Perez et al.
8 and Wang et al.,
9 large blood vessels appear to be superficial to the nerve fiber layer, whereas in cat, monkey, and human they are mainly deep to it. However, such an anatomic difference, even if true, does not rule out downward dragging, because capillaries would probably suffice. The closer the approach to the optic nerve head, the greater the thickness of the nerve fiber layer and, as noted by Snodderly et al.,
12 where the capillaries are more numerous, in the juxtapapillary region, a second planar level of capillaries appears within the thickened nerve fiber layer. With a clearly defined stratification, elements of this bilevel capillary network bestride major components of the nerve fiber layer. The intertwined neurovascular relationships of these small blood vessels would probably provide a suitable framework for downward dragging of nerve fiber layer fascicles, were radially oriented, newly formed blood vessels similar to those observed in diseased rodent eyes to come into contact with them.
If nerve fiber splaying is accepted as a valid picture of local anatomic variation when nerve fiber bundles overlie or cross major blood vessels, questions arise as to genesis and consequences. It is well documented that ganglion cell axons proceed across the retina during retinal development, pursuing a centripetal course in the nerve fiber layer to join in the formation of the optic nerve. It is also known that a continuing central-to-peripheral sequence of retinal neuropil development takes place so that there is an overlap with vasculogenesis. Specifically, newly formed axons are still being produced well after major retinal blood vessels are in place.
13 14 15 Thus, the genesis of splaying of nerve fiber bundles is not so much a question of which comes first, blood vessel or axon bundle, as it is of local regulatory signals between the two. In recent years, both the behavior and the interactions of retinal axonal growth cones have become increasingly clarified.
15 16 17 As a result, it is now recognized that retinal axonal pathfinding is a response to a complex set of guidance molecules presented in some instances by cells, both neural and nonneural, and in others by extracellular matrix.
15 16 17
As regards focal splaying of nerve fiber bundles, the recent report by Tuttle et al.
17 describing region-specific axonal patterning later in the visual pathway is relevant. They investigated a comparable transition from compact retinal axonal bundle to focal splaying along the dorsal–ventral axis of the rat diencephalon, demonstrating a direct relation to an equally sharp transition in the level of axon-specific repulsive molecules. Where repulsive extracellular matrix molecules exhibited a higher intensity of immunostaining, axon bundles were compact and splaying is evident over regions of lower intensity of immunostaining. On this basis, the form of axon bundles in the retina, whether compact or splayed clearly represents a local variation in the complex chronotopical guidance sequence described by Thanos and Mey
16 that determines spatial distribution of ganglion cell axons in the
y, and
z axes. Whatever the regulatory influences, focal splaying of nerve fiber bundles is probably a favorable adaptation. Certainly, for retinal axons to deflect upward to pass over large blood vessels appears advantageous, given that any bend or kink in a blood vessel leads to turbulent flow. Because turbulent flow so induced would engender intimal disease, a deflection of nerve fiber around blood vessel rather than blood vessel around nerve fiber is physiologically preferable.
Perhaps more important, focal separation of axon fascicles leading to a characteristic inverted fan shape (a convex hull in geometry) may be protective in a second way, because it favors both deformability and widened tissue distribution of kinetic energy. Assumption of an open, widely spaced deformable distribution at major vascular crossing points probably obviates the risk of vascular point compression of nerve fiber bundles. Although not presently recognized in the retina, there is increasing evidence of risk to the optic nerve, as well as to several cranial nerves from local compression by blood vessels.
18 19 In fact, since the concept of microvascular compression of cranial nerves was first proposed by Dandy
20 it has gained increasing currency. It is currently thought in many instances to represent the essential pathologic cause of trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgias.
21 By assuming at major vascular crossing points a readily deformable and displaceable form, retinal fiber bundles would be less subject to injury either from repetitive pulsatile forces deriving from the drumbeat of pulse waves or, more rarely, from sudden large increases in intraocular pressure, such as occur from blunt trauma to the eye.
Within the eye, special considerations apply just around the regions of the optic nerve head. For here, as the central retinal artery over a length of a few millimeters enters the eye, breaks into its branched divisions, and begins its retinal path, its branches pass obliquely through crowded nerve fiber bundles to attain a final position deep to the nerve fiber layer. To the degree that the paths of blood vessels and nerve fiber bundles are not strictly parallel and that packing of both is tight in this region, a concept of vascular compression analogous to that observed for cranial nerves can be considered. On this basis, if for any reason microvascular compression were to occur, it would probably be selective for nerve fiber bundles at the upper and lower poles of the optic nerve head, especially at crossing points for those immediately beneath the path of branching blood vessels. Moreover, were compression to occur as major blood vessels pass obliquely through the nerve fiber layer to reach a position just below it, effects on vision would then be noted first from dysfunction of ganglion cells at the retinal periphery, in keeping with observations by Radius and Anderson
2 that axons originating from the retinal periphery lie deep near the nerve head.
The rapid shift in the form of the nerve fiber layer bundle at major vascular crossings has implications as well for imaging by scanning laser polarimetry. Their forward displacement, in combination with divergence as axon fascicles first separate to begin their ascent over a large blood vessel and their subsequent convergence as they descend on the other side clearly predicts a local disturbance in nerve fiber birefringence signal. This notion is confirmed in scanning laser polarimetric images taken over major retinal blood vessels. A focal deficit in mean retardation is commonly observed in this location.
22 With partial but incomplete correctness the focal disturbance in birefringence signal is attributed solely to thinning of the nerve fiber layer, ignoring the added effect of an obligatory focal alteration in orientation.