Our results are based on 21 eyes obtained after death from 11
patients with AMD
(Table 1) . Twelve eyes from six patients, previously characterized with
respect to histopathology and photoreceptor loss,
12 and
nine eyes from five new patients produced similar results and are
presented together. Informed consent to eye donation and release of
medical records were obtained from next of kin. Procedures involving
human tissues and medical records were approved by institutional review
at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and adhered to the tenets of
the Declaration of Helsinki.
Eyes were preserved quickly after death (
n = 11, <5 hours;
n = 10, <3 hours). After removal of the anterior segment,
eyes of each donor or patient were preserved by immersion in 0.1 M
phosphate buffered (PB) fixative. One eye from each donor was used for
histopathologic diagnosis of AMD, and the fellow eye was used for
cell-counting studies. Comparison of data from fellow eyes in this
manner was justified, because the two eyes of each donor were similar
in gross fundus appearance and available clinical history and because
age-related macular change is typically
12 14 15 16 Preserved globes were viewed
internally and photographed with a stereomicroscope using front and
back lighting to assess the presence of drusen and pigmentary
12 17
Ten eyes from 11 donors with AMD were sectioned for light microscopic
histopathologic evaluation. These eyes were preserved in either 4%
paraformaldehyde (n = 7), 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.5%
glutaraldehyde (n = 1), or 1% paraformaldehyde and 2.5%
glutaraldehyde (n = 2). From seven eyes (cases 3–6, 9–11)
a piece of retina, RPE, choroid, and sclera containing the macula and
optic nerve head was embedded in medium (JB-4; Polysciences,
Warrington, PA). Serial 3-μm sections were stained with Richardson’s
stain. The foveas of three eyes (cases 1, 2, and 7) were embedded in
epoxy resin. One-micrometer sections were stained with toluidine blue,
and ultrathin sections were examined by electron microscopy.
Foveal sections from all eyes were evaluated for the presence of
drusen, basal deposits, RPE change, choroidal neovascularization, and
disciform degeneration, using a semiquantitative grading
17 AMD cases were defined using histopathologic
criteria. NEAMD had either one druse more than 63 μm in diameter or
severe RPE change (clumping, anterior migration, or atrophy). Eyes with
changes in the RPE also had to have at least one druse or a continuous
layer of basal deposits. Eyes with EXAMD had choroidal
neovascularization and/or fibrovascular scars with basal deposits or
drusen. Clinical records were reviewed to eliminate eyes with other
macular chorioretinal diseases and eyes with glaucoma.
Eleven retinas from 11 donors with AMD were prepared for quantification
of photoreceptors and GCL neurons (study eyes). Methods used for our
previous study of photoreceptor density in six AMD eyes
12 were used for the five AMD eyes added for the present study.
Photoreceptors and GCL neurons were counted in unstained wholemounts.
This method is preferable to histologic sections for quantifying
retinal cells, because it preserves cellular morphology and retinal
topography, minimizes tissue shrinkage, and permits resolution of
individual GCL neurons even in the densely packed foveal
12 18 19 20 21 These eyes were preserved in either 4%
paraformaldehyde (
n = 5) or 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.5%
glutaraldehyde (
n = 6), both of which produced excellent
optical clarity for the quantitative studies performed. In eight AMD
eyes, the macular retina and optic nerve head were separated from the
RPE-choroid and disciform scar. In three AMD eyes (cases 1, 2, and 6),
the RPE-choroid was left attached and bleached overnight with buffered
10% hydrogen peroxide. All retinas were cleared with 100% dimethyl
sulfoxide and mounted with polyvinyl alcohol and glycerol. Retinas were
initially mounted with the photoreceptor layer on top for photoreceptor
counts. They were remounted with the GCL on top for GCL counts.
For cell counts, unstained wholemounts were viewed with a combination
of Nomarski differential interference contrast (NDIC) optics and video.
In the photoreceptor layer, we counted cells at the level of inner
segments, as previously described.
12 18 20 21 Cones were
distinguished from rods by the threefold larger diameter of their inner
segments, a difference that persisted in diseased eyes.
12 The GCL could be distinguished from the fibrous nerve fiber layer and
the granular inner plexiform layer in optical sections at different
focal planes,
19 as shown in
Figure 1 . Nonneural cells in the GCL (i.e., endothelial cells, pericytes, and
presumed astrocytes
22 23 24 25 ) could be distinguished from
neurons by their laminar location, small size, and nuclear morphology.
In the GCL, nucleoli were counted.
19 GCL neurons included
a majority population of cells with large somata relative to their
nuclei (ganglion cells) and a minority population of cells with small
somata relative to their nuclei (displaced amacrine
19 20 Displaced amacrine cells represent 3% to
10% of the total GCL population in the primate macula.
26 In this study, counts of GCL neurons included ganglion cells and
displaced amacrine cells.
We counted photoreceptors and GCL neurons with a
computer-video-microscope system that included a 60 × 1.4 numeric
aperture oil-immersion objective, NDIC optics, a digitizing tablet, and
a computer-controlled stepper motor stage. We systematically sampled
the macula to capture the steep gradients of macular cell density and
obtain an accurate measure of total cell number.
18 19 In
NEAMD and control eyes, we counted photoreceptors at 100 to 120
locations that were closely spaced in the fovea and less closely spaced
away from the fovea. At each location, we counted photoreceptors in a
single 39-μm
2 counting window at a viewing
magnification of ×3000 on the video monitor. In EXAMD eyes, we counted
photoreceptors by using a different sampling strategy, because there
were large areas of nearly complete photoreceptor loss vitread to
fibrovascular scars. We counted photoreceptors along meridians
extending peripherally from the margin of the degenerated area into an
intact mosaic of recognizable photoreceptor inner segments. We
expressed the extent of severe photoreceptor degeneration as the
distance from the foveal center (recognized by inner retinal landmarks)
to the intact photoreceptor layer. In all eyes, we counted GCL neurons
at locations in a sampling pattern similar to that used for
photoreceptors in NEAMD eyes. At each location, we counted GCL neurons
in adjacent 39-μm
2 windows until a total of 15
cells was obtained.
We analyzed counts of photoreceptors and GCL neurons in two ways, as
previously described.
12 20 21 First, we compared the
density of cones, rods, and GCL neurons at retinal locations in
diseased eyes to matched locations in control eyes that had no grossly
visible macular drusen and pigmentary change (for
21 n = 12, age range, 61–90
years; for GCL neurons,
20 27 n = 15; age range,
60–95 years). At each location, we computed the mean of log(AMD cell
density/control cell density) for pair-wise comparisons of each AMD eye
and five to eight appropriately age-matched control eyes. We generated
a 95% confidence interval for the variability in cell density among
control eyes by comparing the control eyes with each other in the same
way. We considered differences between an AMD eye and control eyes that
were below the lower confidence limit for control eyes to show
significant loss. For AMD eyes, we report the percentage of counting
sites with significant loss, and for photoreceptors, the percentage of
sites with loss in which rod or cone loss predominated. Second, we
computed the total number of cones, rods, and GCL neurons within the 6
mm-diameter macula by integrating cell density over this region in AMD
and control eyes. We also computed the total number of cones within the
0.8-mm-diameter, cone-dominated region of the fovea.
18 21 We assessed differences in the total number of macular photoreceptors
and GCL neurons in the NEAMD, EXAMD, and control groups by a single
factor analysis of variance, with
P < 0.05 considered