As physical unit for the light-scattering property of scattering
materials, the so-called Rayleigh ratio is used:
\[\mathrm{Rayleigh\ ratio}{=}R({\theta}){=}I({\theta}){\div}E{_\ast}V,\ \mathrm{or\ }I({\theta}){=}R({\theta}){_\ast}E{_\ast}V,\]
I(θ) the amount of light scattered per unit
solid angle in W/steradian by a volume of scatterer
V in
3 illuminated by incident light
E in
2. In the present study,
where θ = 135°, is proportional to the amount of light
collected by the reception aperture of the slit lamp microscope, part
of which is projected on the photographic film. The resulting light
density on the film is proportional to 1/magnification.
2 I(θ) is proportional on the other hand to
which is controlled by the flash setting on the slit lamp. In fact,
instead of
I(θ) and
E, their integrals over the
full flash duration determine film exposure.
I(θ) and film
exposure depend moreover on slit width, because
V does. In
fact, because of limited depth of focus of the slit projection system,
E is not constant over lens depth. However, because slit
width is small, only the total
E over slit width (in the
focal plane
E × slit width), in combination with the
surface of the illuminated cross section instead of
V, need
be considered. The maximal flash was larger with the Zeiss instrument,
but the reception aperture was smaller (larger depth of focus),
resulting in about equal film exposure, apart from the magnification
effect (factor 1.5).