Corneal epithelia were incubated with MAP kinase (100 μM) or
PI-3 kinase inhibitor (100 nM) and stimulated with FITC-labeled COL for
30 or 60 minutes The tissues were rinsed to remove any nonspecifically
bound COL, fixed, and stained with Texas red phalloidin. The tissues
were analyzed by confocal microscope (model 510; Zeiss). Initial data
were collected from three to four epithelia as a complete
z series (230.3-μm
2 area) through the whole
tissue, recording both red and green channels simultaneously. The image
files (
n = 25–30 images) were projected into one image
using a program that sums all the intensity data into one file. These
projected images were electronically turned 90° (
Fig. 4A ), producing
xz images of the
xy data set. All
pixel information was contained in these images. A densitometry
computer program from the microscope manufacturer (Zeiss) was used to
determine the average intensity (range = 0–255) of the pixels
that intersected lines through the center of the tissue and at the
basal cell surface (
Fig. 4A , yellow lines). The average of data
collected from epithelia (
n = 4) from each treatment group
was statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
Collagen-coated polystyrene beads (2 μm; yellow-green fluorescent
FluoSpheres, Molecular Probes) were incubated with corneal epithelial
tissues (n = 5–10 per treatment group) organ cultured as
described earlier, except that the tissues were placed basal side up on
black filters. The epithelia were cultured in the presence of control
medium with or without inhibitors for 2 hours, and the collagen-coated
beads were added to the medium for 30 minutes in each culture dish and
gently swirled. Because the medium level covered the tissue, the beads
had access to the basal surface of the tissue. After 30 minutes, some
tissues were removed from the organ culture dishes, rinsed, fixed, and
stained with Texas red phalloidin. Some samples were rinsed and fixed
without phalloidin. After all rinses, the tissues were placed into a
black 96-well plate (1 epithelium per well, n = 5 to 10
epithelia per treatment group) and counted with a cytometer
(Fluorocount; Packard, Meriden, CT) with filters specific for FITC and
rhodamine. Background levels were established with the single-labeled
samples and subtracted from the final intensity of the positive
samples. This procedure eliminated any crossover between channels. The
means and SDs were calculated for each treatment group, and the data
were expressed as a percentage of control.