This is the first report to describe gene expression changes in aging retina by using slide microarrays. Our analysis demonstrates that aging of the human retina is associated with changes in the patterns of gene expression. In the present study, the gene expression profile of 13 to 14 years (young) human retina was compared with the profile of 62 to 72 years (elderly) retinas. We show that several genes involved in cell growth and protein processing are preferentially expressed in retinas of young individuals, whereas genes involved in stress response are expressed at higher levels in elderly retinas. Although some of the differences in gene expression may represent the retinal maturation process (because of the age of the young tissue), our findings are consistent with previous reports of transcriptional profiling of aging in mouse skeletal muscle and brain, which suggested a decreased use of biosynthetic pathways and increased reliance on genes involved in stress response.
7 15 It is not yet possible to determine the importance of any individual aging gene to the process in all organisms; however, the commonality of the results at the level of the cellular pathways support the hypothesis that common molecular mechanisms may regulate aging in different tissues and cell types.
Although microarray technology has the potential to define global patterns of gene expression, the completeness of this catalog is dependent on the arrays that are analyzed. Because we used a commercially produced array containing less than 10% of the genes in the human genome, the analysis was expected to identify only a restricted number of differentially expressed genes. Despite the limitation, this analysis has identified several interesting genes, including a candidate retinal aging gene,
CKB. Creatine kinases, including the cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms, are thought to play a central role in cellular energy metabolism by transporting energy from the site of production in the mitochondrion to that of utilization. Previous studies demonstrated that
CKB is expressed in the retina,
13 with the highest concentrations in inner segments of the photoreceptors and in the plexiform layers.
16 Studies of mouse brain aging have also found evidence for age-related increase in the expression of
7 Higher expression of
CKB has been linked to cellular energy stress and may reflect the extent of brain damage.
17 These associations are particularly intriguing because expression of several specific stress response genes is also enhanced in the aging retina. Finally, the ability of our unselected array to identify candidate aging gene(s) underscores the power of this technology to generate a hypothesis-independent expression profile of the aging retina.
The analysis of data from microarray studies presents a major challenge,
18 and the interpretation of the biological characteristics of genes in each cluster has remained primarily a manual and subjective task. In an attempt to perform a more objective analysis, we used the recently launched PubGene database.
14 Although the database is biased toward well-studied genes that are extensively reported in the literature relative to newly discovered genes, it offers a method for rapidly establishing potential associations between genes and functional pathways. Our analysis positions interleukin-1α (
IL1A), a potent mediator of inflammation and immunity, in the center of the literature network of elderly-dominant genes
(Fig. 2B) . This is consistent with the accumulating evidence that aging is associated with inflammatory response.
7 19 The observation that Somatostatin positions at the center of the young-dominant network
(Fig. 2A) suggests that this neuropeptide may play a more significant role in regulating retinal function than previously envisaged.
Although cDNA microarray technology can provide considerable new insights into gene expression, many aspects require additional development. These include better methods for target labeling, image acquisition, and processing; reduction of intra- and interslide variations, and clustering of gene expression data.
10 18 20 We used the TSA system in this analysis, because this was the only available labeling method for small amounts of human RNA when the studies were initiated. Because this is an amplification-based method, the TSA system may introduce some level of bias during label incorporation, reverse transcription, and signal amplification. Our recent studies have demonstrated that another microarray detection system (3DNA Submicro Expression Array Detection System; Genisphere, Hatfield, PA) provides more consistent hybridization data in slide arrays.
21 Another possible approach is to complement the slide microarrays with oligonucleotide-based microarrays (e.g., GeneChips from Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA), in which a two-probe pair strategy is used to minimize cross-hybridization and background signal.
In addition to the variables associated with the cDNA microarrays, a high sample-to-sample variation is inherent in human tissue samples.
23 An optimized method of donor eye preservation
24 may reduce such variations. In identical (isogenic) biological systems, the expression of a single gene can fluctuate and exhibit gene-specific patterns of noise.
25 To control for both biological and methodological noise, we used multiple sources of young and elderly retinal tissue and exchanged the label (Cy-3 and Cy-5) between the tissue sources. In addition, we increased the significance of our analysis by performing multiple hybridizations.
26 This allowed us to generate results with a certain level of significance and to focus only on genes that show larger changes in RNA levels. However, the ability to collect more profiles in parallel may directly influence the extraction of useful data, especially in investigations that use human tissue.
27 The variations in gene expression patterns that were observed by using complementary methods with different sets of retinal samples emphasize the importance of analyzing a sufficiently large pool of samples to minimize sample-to-sample variations. Additional investigations with custom gene microarrays of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) generated from retina-RPE libraries
13 28 29 30 31 and with an increased number of retinas at various ages are necessary to obtain a comprehensive profile of aging-associated changes in gene expression. Our studies have laid the foundation for future global profiling of retinal and RPE gene expression during development, aging, and disease.
The authors thank Jeffrey Trent for allowing one of them (AS) to visit the microarray facility at National Human Genome Research Institute and for introducing the basics of this emerging technology; Paul R. Lichter and Marvin Sears for their trust and support during the early stages of this work; Robert Thompson for suggestions; colleagues of the microarray facility, Mohammad Othman, Sepideh Zareparsi, Rafal Farjo and Jindan Yu, for constructive discussions; and the staff of National Disease Research Interchange (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and Midwest Eye Bank (Ann Arbor, Michigan) for assistance in acquiring human tissues.