To analyze Cre-mediated recombination of DNA at the cellular level, TRP1-Cre mice were crossed with Z/AP reporter mice. These reporter mice were suitable for histologic detection of Cre-mediated excision of DNA as the Z/APΔ mice, in which the floxed
LacZ in the Z/AP reporter gene is excised in the germ line, exhibited strong and ubiquitous AP activity on histologic sections from E8.5 embryos, E13.5 embryo heads, and adult eyes (
Figs. 4A 4B , and data not shown). Bigenic TRP1-Cre:Z/AP mice displayed high levels of AP activity in most, if not all, cells of the RPE at E10.5 and E14.5, at P2 and P12, and in adulthood
(Figs. 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E) . The AP activity in the neural retina was much weaker than that in the RPE and was distributed, from E14.5 to adulthood, as a gradient increasing from the optic nerve exit point toward the retinal periphery (
Figs. 5B 5F , and data not shown). The optic stalk at E10.5 (OS,
Fig. 5G ) and optic nerve at E14.5, P2, P12, and adulthood (ON,
Figs. 5B 5H , and data not shown) were also positive for AP activity. At P2, P12, and adulthood, AP activity was observed in the iris (I) and ciliary body (CB, respectively,
Figs. 5F 5I 5J , and data not shown). Outside the eye region, AP activity was detected in the trigeminal nerve ganglion (TG,
Figs. 5A 5K ), dorsal root ganglia at E10.5 and E14.5 (DRG,
Fig. 5M , and data not shown), as well as in a small subset of cells in the mesencephalon at E10.5 (MES,
Fig. 5L ). In adult TRP1-Cre:Z/AP mice, no AP activity was detected in the central nervous system, lung, pancreas, liver, spleen, skin, and muscle (data not shown). The stomach and intestine, which displayed strong endogenous AP activity, could not be analyzed (data not shown).