Age-related maculopathy (ARM) is the leading cause of untreatable
new vision loss among older adults in the United States and other
industrialized countries.
1 2 3 ARM is a heterogeneous
disorder affecting the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Bruch’s
membrane, and choriocapillaris (the RPE/Bruch’s membrane
4 5 Early ARM is characterized by
minor-to-moderate vision loss associated with focal or diffuse sub-RPE
debris and changes in RPE pigmentation. Late ARM is characterized by
severe vision loss associated with extensive RPE atrophy with or
without the sequelae of choroidal neovascularization. Better
understanding of early ARM will help guide development of better
treatments or prevention for late ARM.
6 7 As reviewed
8 9 10 11 12 recent progress has been made in
understanding the demographics and natural history of early ARM and
identifying genetic mutations that produce degeneration of the macula
in young adults.
In this review we focus on recent studies of visual function in
elderly persons and in patients with ARM
13 14 15 16 17 that
complement previous histopathologic studies of photoreceptor loss in
these conditions.
18 19 The RPE, Bruch’s membrane, and the
choroid are vitally important for the well-being of photoreceptors. It
is the dysfunction and death of photoreceptors, through an atrophic
process or a neovascular event, that account for the vision loss
associated with ARM. Therefore, photoreceptor health, assessed
functionally in living patients, is the most direct bioassay of the
significance of changes in the RPE/Bruch’s membrane complex, which may
not be revealed by standard imaging techniques such as fundus
photography and fluorescein angiography until late in ARM or not at
all. The functional studies reviewed herein were facilitated by the
development of standard fundus grading systems, which permit comparison
of results from patients at similar stages of ARM across
20 21 22 and a better understanding of the
mechanisms underlying normal human dark adaptation,
23 24 which informs the interpretation of age- and disease-related changes.
For the purposes of discussion, we consider the human macula an area 6
mm in diameter, or 21.5° of visual angle, centered on the
20 The small cone-dominated fovea, only 0.8 mm
(2.75°) in diameter, is surrounded by a rod-dominated
25 In young adults, rods outnumber cones in the
macula by 9:1. In the entire eye, rods outnumber cones 20:1, so the
macula can be considered cone-enriched but not cone-dominated. In
maculas of older adults lacking grossly visible drusen and pigmentary
change (i.e., they do not have ARM), the number of cones in the
cone-dominated part of the macula is stable at approximately 32,000
through the ninth decade.
18 In contrast the number of rods
in the macula of the same eyes decreases by 30%. The greatest loss
occurs in the parafovea (1- 3 mm from the fovea or 3.5–10° from
fixation), with loss at more peripheral locations uncertain. The
location of age-related rod loss differs from the region where rod
density is maximal (4–6 mm from the fovea) and from the region where
the cell loss associated with retinitis pigmentosa typically begins
(8–10 mm from the fovea). With respect to photoreceptor topography at
different stages of ARM, the foveal cone mosaic of eyes with large
drusen and thick basal deposits appeared surprisingly similar to that
of age-matched controls,
19 and the total number of foveal
cones was normal. In contrast, in the parafovea, cones appeared large
and misshapen, and few rods remained. Furthermore, in eyes with late
ARM, virtually all surviving photoreceptors in the macula were cones, a
reversal of the normal predominance of rods. Preferential loss of rods
over cones was found in 3 of 4 of early and late ARM eyes examined
(Medeiros NE, Curcio CA, unpublished results, April 2000).
Psychophysical studies of photopic and scotopic sensitivity have
identified functional correlates to the histopathologic findings that
rods are at risk for degeneration in aging and ARM. Older adults with
good macular health, as assessed by grading of fundus appearance, have
reduced rod-mediated light sensitivity, and the magnitude of this
scotopic sensitivity impairment is similar throughout the parafoveal
13 16 Scotopic impairment is greater than photopic
impairment in 80% of older adults evaluated, and, furthermore,
scotopic sensitivity declines throughout adulthood faster than photopic
sensitivity declines.
16 With respect to ARM patients, mean
scotopic sensitivity within 18° of fixation was significantly lower
in early ARM patients as a group than in age-matched controls without
17 The topography of sensitivity loss in the central
36° of the visual field varied considerably among individual patients
with early ARM. Of the patients with reduced light sensitivity in this
region, 59% showed reduced scotopic sensitivity, 27% showed both
reduced scotopic and photopic sensitivity, and only 14% had reduced
photopic sensitivity. Thus, in almost all (87%) of these patients, the
magnitude of mean scotopic sensitivity loss exceeded the magnitude of
mean photopic sensitivity loss. The ARM-related deficit in scotopic
sensitivity was most severe within 9° of fixation, suggesting that
the emergence of regional sensitivity impairments within the parafovea
may be an early sign of ARM.
In addition to the reduced sensitivity of the rod system, the kinetics
of rod function also change with aging and ARM.
14 26 27 The classic dark adaptation function describes the recovery of
sensitivity after a bright flash of light and consists of an early
portion exclusively mediated by cones, a transition to rod function
(rod-cone break), and a later portion exclusively mediated by
28 In older adults with good macular health, as
assessed by grading of fundus appearance, the rod-mediated portion of
dark adaptation is significantly slower than younger
14 During adulthood, the time constant of the
rod-mediated component of dark adaptation increases by approximately 8
seconds per decade.
14 Rod-mediated dark adaptation is not
correlated with scotopic sensitivity in these patients, indicating that
the mechanisms underlying these two aspects of rod vision are not
16 In early ARM patients, rod-mediated dark
adaptation is much slower (13 minutes on average) than in normal
age-matched controls.
15 Consistent with the pattern of
scotopic sensitivity loss described above, delays in rod-mediated dark
adaptation are greater than those for cone-mediated dark adaptation in
ARM. Delayed rod-mediated dark adaptation occurs in AMD patients with
normal scotopic sensitivity, whereas the opposite pattern, normal dark
adaptation with poor scotopic sensitivity, is rare.
Taken together, these new functional studies extend the earlier
histopathologic results indicating that photoreceptor degeneration and
loss occurs well before disease in the RPE/Bruch’s membrane complex
progresses to late ARM. Further, the loss in aging, early ARM, and late
ARM is greater for rods than for cones. We emphasize that understanding
how visual function changes during ARM progression will require
prospective studies to complement the cross-sectional studies described
here, as well as determination of the most meaningful fundus feature(s)
for monitoring the rate of progression. We also emphasize that subsets
of ARM patients differing by their relative impairment of rod and cone
vision are likely to emerge. Even disorders involving single gene
defects can produce multiple clinical entities with different effects
on rods and cones,
29 and ARM doubtlessly involves an even
more complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors.
Nevertheless, our data suggest three phenomena that need to be
understood mechanistically: the slowing of rod-mediated dark adaptation
in aging and ARM, the qualitative similarity of aging and ARM effects
on photoreceptor function, and the earlier involvement of rods relative
to cones. How could aging and disease-related changes in the
RPE/Bruch’s membrane complex affect photoreceptor function and
survival in this manner?
The rod-mediated portion of dark adaptation is thought to represent the
regeneration of rhodopsin and other aspects of recovery during the
visual cycle.
23 24 30 31 The visual cycle comprises
biochemical reactions in the RPE and photoreceptors that produce the
vitamin A derivative 11-
cis-retinal from
trans precursors delivered across Bruch’s membrane by
plasma proteins.
32 Not only is 11-
cis retinal
required to regenerate the photoreceptor pigment after bleaching by
light, but retinoids are also required for photoreceptor survival.
Vitamin A deprivation leads to outer segment degeneration and
photoreceptor death in vivo
33 34 35 and accelerated
degeneration of photoreceptors with mutant rhodopsins in
36 Lack of vitamin A affects primarily rods but
eventually impacts cones as well.
37 38 39 Cones have a
different retinoid delivery pathway, demonstrated by the normal cone
electroretinogram in mice lacking a key visual cycle component (RPE65
gene product) and measurable rod sensitivity.
According to a recent theoretical model of dark
23 slowed rod-mediated recovery implies limited
availability to the rods of 11-
cis-retinal, resulting in the
accumulation of intermediates that actively desensitize the retina.
Delayed dark adaptation is a hallmark of systemic vitamin A
41 42 and genetic disorders affecting visual
cycle components or the retinoid transport system.
32 It is
therefore possible that age- or disease-related changes in
photoreceptor or RPE-based components of the visual cycle alter
precursor uptake, enzyme activity, or substrate
43 44 45 resulting in a localized scarcity of
cis retinal to the photoreceptors. Alternatively, but
more likely on the basis of current data, localized scarcity of
cis-retinal could result from reduced retinoid transfer
from the blood to the RPE. Characteristic debris accumulates within
Bruch’s membrane from early adulthood through
46 accompanied by reduced collagen solubility
and deposition of neutral lipids.
47 48 Additional material
accumulates between the RPE and Bruch’s membrane in older adults and
in ARM patients.
4 5 49 50 Together, these processes are
hypothesized to slow the transfer of fluids and essential nutrients
across Bruch’s membrane.
51 Our detailed analysis of
photoreceptor function suggests that an essential nutrient reduced in
aging and ARM eyes is a retinoid derivative.
Thus, the retinoid deficiency hypothesis potentially explains
slowing of the rod-mediated component of dark adaptation and the
earlier involvement of rods relative to cones in aging and ARM. It also
links photoreceptor degeneration with age-related changes in Bruch’s
membrane and the characteristic lesions of ARM. The plausibility of
this mechanism is reinforced by findings that rod dysfunction and
degeneration occur in various late-onset conditions with sub-RPE
52 53 54 55 and dark adaptation improves in patients
with Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy, characterized by thick sub-RPE
deposits, who received vitamin A supplements.
52 Clearly,
there are still significant gaps in our knowledge that warrant further
study. The long-term effects of partial vitamin A depletion, which is
more relevant to aging and disease than complete deficiency, are
unknown. The retinoid delivery system to cones is poorly understood,
but should it involve the neurosensory retina,
40 cones may
be less vulnerable to reduced transport across Bruch’s membrane and
the RPE than rods. Finally, it is possible that changes elsewhere in
the visual cycle exacerbate problems due to changes in Bruch’s
membrane barrier properties. For example, missense mutations in single
alleles of the Stargardt’s disease–causing ABCR gene are hypothesized
to increase susceptibility to ARM.
10 11 Perhaps an
abnormality in the ABCR gene product, a photoreceptor-based retinoid
56 results in the accumulation of
desensitizing intermediates
57 in addition to those
resulting from insufficient 11-
cis retinal.
The hypothesis that local retinoid deficiency contributes toward
photoreceptor loss is not incompatible with other hypotheses regarding
the pathogenesis of ARM, which is a complex, multifactorial disease.
For example, smoking, family history, antioxidant status,
cardiovascular disease, and apolipoprotein genotype have been
identified as risk factors for late ARM.
58 59 60 61 62 63 These
factors as well as others may operate in concert with local retinoid
deficiency to produce retinal degeneration. Regardless of the specific
disease mechanism proposed, we propose that early selective rod
vulnerability in ARM is a salient feature that theories of pathogenesis
should attempt to explain. Current model systems include early onset
macular degenerations that like ARM feature sub-RPE deposits, RPE
atrophy, and choroidal neovascularization
64 65 66 67 and mice
bearing the causative genetic mutations in these
57 The relative rates of rod and cone
dysfunction, a signature characteristic for any disease affecting
photoreceptors, should be among the criteria for determining the
appropriateness of these models for ARM research.
Although mechanistic studies are still underway, our results have
immediate implications for the choice of clinical tests and for the
timing of interventions in ARM patients. Early detection of ARM is an
important goal, because it will permit intervention at early stages
when the prognosis for preservation or restoration of function is best.
The data gathered so far are consistent with the hypothesis that tests
of rod function, particularly those that probe dynamic properties, will
permit detection of ARM at earlier stages than tests of cone function
in many patients. Conversely, tests of visual acuity, currently the
standard clinical assessment for the elderly and ARM patients, may
underestimate the degree of visual dysfunction by using high contrast
stimuli presented in bright light to foveal cones. Therefore,
developing a test of rod kinetics that is more practical and less
time-consuming than classic dark adaptometry for use in a clinical
setting should be a priority. Our results also have implications for
timing of interventions to maximize the survival of both cones and
rods. Rod photoreceptors not only serve as an early indicator of
impending cone dysfunction, but they also contribute in important ways
to daily visual behavior and therefore are worth saving in their own
right. Although clinical assessment emphasizes foveal cone vision,
older patients including those with ARM report difficulty with
activities performed at night and under low illumination (e.g.,
driving, reading).
68 69 An early intervention may not only
save the earlier-degenerating rods but also indirectly contribute to
preserving the later-degenerating cones, because rods produce a
diffusable substance essential for cone survival.
70 Sparing the rods may thus be the right strategy for saving the cones.