One of the anatomic features of the eyes that is different from skin is that there is a tear film on the ocular surface. CO
2 dissolves in the tears to produce hydrogen ions that can mimic the tissue acidosis that characterizes infection, ischemia, and inflammation and can stimulate the C fibers, possibly mediated by vanilloid receptor-1 (VR-1) and/or acid-sensing ion channels.
8 9 10 Studies have shown that when the human cornea was stimulated by CO
2, the interpretation was stinging irritation.
2 6 11 In this study, the same nociceptive sensation was evoked by CO
2 in both the cornea and conjunctiva. This suggests that CO
2 stimulates nociceptors in both ocular tissues and that the central processing may be the same. The sensation evoked by CO
2 was dissimilar from that caused by simple mechanical stimulation. The different sensations experienced were presumably due to the different modes of stimulation at the neural level. Specifically, though, why these two stimuli caused different sensations is speculative and rather difficult to reconcile with the principle that ocular nociception is essentially unidimensional, in that all nociceptive stimuli should be sensed along the same sensory continuum.
At a molecular receptor/channel level, VR-1, acid-sensitive ion channels (ASICs), and epithelial Na
+ channels (ENaC) have been demonstrated to be expressed by the trigeminal ganglion.
8 9 10 12 13 14 Both VR-1 and ASICs mediate sensitivity to acid stimulation, and ENaC mediates mechanical sensitivity. Although there are differences in the expression of these receptors in myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, there is no clear way of accounting for the mechanical and chemically induced sensations on the ocular surface, based on the analysis of receptor type and their expression on Aδ and C terminals.
The human cornea is innervated by Aδ and C fibers.
15 16 Perhaps these two attributes (mechanical irritation and chemical stinging) are related to differential activation of Aδ and C neurons (shown to be associated with a sharp pricking pain and dull or burning pain, respectively; see, for example, Ref.
17 ). Unfortunately, both Aδ and C fibers have been shown to be sensitive to all nociceptive stimuli (polymodal)
5 6 11 18 and so the straightforward association of sensation with neuron diameter appears problematic.
19 20 As pointed out by a reviewer, perhaps the differences can be explained by assuming that mechanical stimuli activate all populations of fibers (Aδ mechanosensory, Aδ polymodal, and C polymodal fibers), whereas CO
2 activates only polymodal fibers. Alternatively, it is possible that the short-lasting mechanical stimulus activates predominantly the faster Aδ fibers, whereas the CO
2 recruits the slower C polymodal fibers.
The feeling evoked by the pneumatic stimulus was transient, occurred during the stimulus presentation, and then disappeared. The feeling evoked by CO2, however, was delayed and persisted after the presentation of the stimulus. This delay decreased as the concentration of CO2 increased. The exact mechanism is not clear, but we postulate two possibilities: The first one is that mechanical stimuli may excite more Aδ fibers, whereas the chemical stimuli may excite the more slowly conducting C fibers. Second, the delay may be caused by the time taken for CO2 to dissolve in the tears and reside in dissolved form after the stimulus is delivered. The protracted sensation is possibly a combination of these two.
A critical point related to the preceding discussion is that mechanical and chemical stimuli evoke different nociceptive sensations: The chemical stimulus stings, and the mechanical stimulus feels scratchy. This implies that these two irritative attributes are retained within the nociceptive system.
The stimulus duration may seem protracted, with the possibility of physically drying the cornea. This duration of application of the stimulus was chosen primarily because of the long latencies of the response to the CO
2, which must dissolve in the tears and then stimulate chemical receptors within the cornea and conjunctiva. This latency has been shown to be quite long (1.9 ± 0.2 seconds) in the reaction of the corneal sensory nerves to CO
2 in the feline cornea.
6 Although this may not be exactly the same in humans, we had to consider it when we designed the study.
In this study, the subjects exhibited greater mechanical sensitivity in the cornea than in the conjunctiva, similar to that observed in other psychophysical studies.
1 3 It is also in accord with the neurohistologic and electrophysiological data, which show that the cornea has the highest nerve density and the polymodal and mechanical nociceptors in the cornea have lower mechanical thresholds than the conjunctiva.
5 21
The subjects were also more sensitive to CO2 when it was delivered to the cornea than to the conjunctiva. There are no electrophysiological data that show how conjunctival nerves respond to CO2. Our result may reflect greater spatial summation and recruitment due to the high innervation density of the cornea, the sensitivity of the nerves themselves, for example, due to greater receptor density or some other unidentified physiological differences. It is also possible that tear film differences between cornea and conjunctiva plays a role (as discussed later).
In a recent study in which a similar esthesiometer was used,
7 the characteristics of the feelings evoked by CO
2 were same as we found (i.e., nociceptive). In that study, however, there were no differences between the corneal and conjunctival mechanical and chemical sensitivities. This may be because of the different methods for determining the thresholds and perhaps also reflects sample size (and therefore power) differences.
There are two physiological and/or structural features of the tear film that should not be neglected. The first is the thickness of the tear film. Theoretically, the greater the aqueous component, the more CO2 dissolves to produce more hydrogen ions. At present, we do not know whether there is a difference between the thickness of the tear film on the corneal and conjunctival surfaces. The second feature is the buffering capacity of the tear film. Normal human tears are slightly alkaline compared with serum. Tears have substantial buffering capacity, especially in the acid range, mainly because of a bicarbonate buffering system and partly from protein buffer and other components. The dissolved CO2 changes the pH, and this change is buffered by the tears. Theoretically, the buffering capacity on the corneal and the conjunctival surfaces should be similar. But because the conjunctiva is vascular, it is possible that it has a relatively higher buffering capacity, and this leads to what appears to be less sensitive to CO2. This should be explored further.
In comparison with the Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer, the Belmonte esthesiometer stimulates specific nerves on the ocular surface, because the mixed gas can deliver force, temperature, and CO2 stimuli simultaneously. The psychophysical difficulty, however, is to attempt to isolate each mechanism, without cross talk or masking from the other, which would affect the thresholds. To do this for the mechanical stimulus, we simply did not add CO2 and attempted to minimize the thermal effects by presenting stimuli at ocular surface temperature. For the chemical stimulus, we excluded thermal and mechanical stimuli. To ensure that the sensation was evoked primarily by the chemical component of the air-CO2 mixture, the air temperature was similar to that of the ocular surface, and the flow rate was at half the mechanical threshold. When this stimulus was sensed by subjects, stinging developed slowly and then declined and, perhaps most important, there was no other mechanical or thermal sensation. If this control of stimulus intensity does not occur, it is unclear when thresholds are measured that a specific mechanism is isolated. For example, if CO2 is added and the flow rate is the same as the mechanical threshold, how can one be sure that the detection is not due to the flow rather than the CO2?
In summary, the Belmonte esthesiometer enabled us to investigate ocular surface sensation. CO2 dissolved in tears appeared to stimulate the corneal and conjunctival polymodal nociceptors or chemonociceptors. The sensation evoked by CO2 on both cornea and conjunctiva was nociceptive, with higher sensitivity in the central cornea than in the temporal conjunctiva. If the central processes are the same, the different sensitivity may reflect different peripheral innervation of the cornea and conjunctiva and the effects of the tear film. The different sensations evoked by mechanical and chemical stimulation may be attributed to the two modalities stimulating different peripheral molecular receptors and/or nerves.
The authors thank the subjects who participated in the study and the anonymous reviewers for constructive help.