Recent studies using ocular tissue or cell culture systems suggest that MMPs and their inhibitors play a key role in the homeostasis of extracellular matrices in the eye.
9 23 27 Moreover, alterations in ECM (probably accompanied by local accumulation of a variety of substances that affect cellular functions) may modulate migration, proliferation, differentiation, and adhesion of cells in vitreoretinal disorders, such as CNV
28 and PVR.
13 Thus, the exudative form of age-related macular degeneration, which is associated with CNV, is characterized by disruption of homeostatic regulation of structural properties of Bruch’s membrane. Triggering signals for CNV, which are poorly defined and may comprise, for example, modified ECM components
28 or advanced glycation end products,
29 induce cellular damage and inflammatory reactions that participate also in MMP secretion by RPE cells.
25 30 In PVR, activated RPE cells dissociate from Bruch’s membrane, migrate toward the surface of the neuroretina, and contribute to the formation of provisional matrices (i.e., periretinal membranes). These and other findings suggest that the RPE may have important regulatory functions in the expression of MMPs and that an imbalance in the activity of these proteinases could contribute to development of pathologic alterations in CNV or PVR.
9 31 32
Our experiments demonstrated the expression of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9; MT2-MMP; and TIMP-1 in RPE cells and examined modulation of their relative levels in response to cytokines. Although our culture conditions did not consider the contact of RPE cells with ECM components (as a condition more relevant to disorders such as PVR
25 ) our experiments provided insight into cytokine-mediated changes of MMP expression in RPE cells. The main conclusions are that (1) expression of MMP-1, -2, and -3 is modulated in a coordinated manner by particular cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and TGF-β
2), leading to increasing release of MMPs from RPE cells; (2) TIMP-1 protein levels are not subject to pronounced alterations induced by proinflammatory cytokines; and (3) changes in MMP expression apparently play a significant role in facilitating migration of RPE cells.
Our report extends results of previous studies that demonstrated MT1-MMP and MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9 in the choroid; our results confirm that the RPE may produce MMP-2 and TIMP-1.
27 31 33 However, zymography analysis of the RPE cell culture supernatants revealed that active MMP-2 is secreted in only very small quantities, suggesting that activation of pro-MMP-2 did not play a significant role, at least not in nonstimulated RPE cells and under our culture conditions. Moreover, we could not find measurable levels of MMP-9 (in culture supernatants) and MT1-MMP (on the cell surface), not even after cytokine-mediated stimulation. Contrary to our results, increased MMP-9 levels have been demonstrated by others in supernatants of RPE cells stimulated with IL-1β or TNF-α.
25 34 Whereas RPE cells grown for 72 hours on collagen gels
25 or fetal RPE cells,
34 were used in these studies, we investigated response of nearly confluent monolayer cultures after 36 hours. Disparity in findings may arise from different temporal stage of cultures (from initial cell attachment and migration up to cell division) and external variables (such as the presence of serum). These factors seem to influence significantly the expression of MMP in RPE cells. Thus, synthesis and activation of MMP-9 was reported to have ceased in RPE cells undergoing cell division.
Proinflammatory cytokines obviously play a major role in upregulation of expression of MMP-1, -2, and -3 in RPE cells. These findings suggest that inflammatory processes result in RPE-associated increase of MMP expression and secretion. Comparable with RPE cells, MMP-1, -2, and -3 have been described to be expressed and synthesized coordinately in other cell types.
36 37 38 Apart from upregulation of these MMPs by proinflammatory cytokines, TGF-β
2 seems to have an impact on their enhanced expression in RPE cells, and IFN-γ (as opposed to TGF-β
2) may counteract the increase in MMP-2. TGF-β is known as a multifunctional cytokine that influences the interaction of epithelial cells with basement membranes.
20 Its upregulating effect on MMPs has been also reported in fibroblasts, keratinocytes, retinal endothelial cells, and cancer cell lines.
14 15 23 36 39 The slight but significant upregulation by TGF-β
2 of TIMP-1 in RPE cells could indicate that a substantial amount of MMP activity may be blocked under these conditions. However, the increase in TIMP-1 protein levels (∼1.5-fold) seems to be insufficient to cause a significant shift of the MMP-TIMP-1 ratio. For example, comparison of MMP-2 levels (140 ± 78.6 pM;
n = 9) with TIMP-1 levels (6.33 ± 0.54 pM;
n = 6) in the supernatants of untreated RPE cell cultures indicated a more than 22-fold excess of MMP-2. Therefore, changes in MMP levels after cytokine-mediated stimulation suggest a directional shift in the MMP-TIMP balance, presumably promoting proteolysis of basement membranes and of the ECM surrounding the RPE.
Increased MMP release may result in facilitated migration of RPE cells in a variety of pathologic conditions—for example, during inflammatory processes. Because MMP-2 is apparently the dominant MMP in supernatants of RPE cells, its gelatinolytic activity probably contributes mainly to this process. In this respect, it is noteworthy that MMP-2 is located on the surface of RPE cells to focus protease activity, apparently by binding to αvβ3 integrins.
40 As a result of elevated MMP release in the pathogenesis of CNV, facilitated breakdown of ECM may promote RPE cell migration, endothelial cell sprouting, and growth of new vessels through the RPE. A role for MMPs in CNV has been suggested by the demonstration that MMP-2 and -9 are found in areas of new vessel formation. Similarly, it has been proposed that these gelatinases may contribute to CNV stroma remodeling.
10 41
To summarize, we have reported cytokine-mediated upregulation of several MMPs in RPE cells and demonstrated that concomitantly increased MMP release may facilitate RPE cell migration. It is conceivable that targeting cytokine-mediated intracellular signaling pathways, in particular by agents with anti-inflammatory effects, is an appropriate strategy to treat the development of several sight-threatening disorders that are associated with excessive MMP activity and matrix degradation.
The authors thank Stephan Hoffmann for the MMP inhibitor and Ute Weinbrecht for technical assistance.