The current investigation was designed to determine the effect of immune suppression on survival of RPE microaggregates after subretinal transplantation and is one of several studies that should be considered in understanding graft survival in patients with AMD. Under ideal circumstances, RPE transplantation would be performed in an animal model of AMD, but no complete animal model for AMD exists. Thus, our understanding of RPE graft behavior after subretinal transplantation in AMD must be spliced together from a variety of incomplete models, including in vivo transplantation studies in animal models with intact basement membrane, tissue culture studies of RPE attachment to normal and damaged Bruch’s membrane, and understanding of cell transplant survival in other diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Despite these limitations, several patterns emerge. We have shown that RPE harvested for transplantation must reattach to a substrate to avoid programmed cell death,
71 and cell surface contact increases graft survival in vitro.
34 35 36 In the present study, the cells were harvested as sheets and then dissociated into microaggregates, and it is interesting to note that the largest number of surviving RPE at 4 weeks was in animals with RPE cells arranged in acini with extensive cell–cell contact (see
Fig. 1F 1G 1H ). The surface onto which the RPE cells are seeded has a significant impact on RPE survival, because RPE attachment and proliferation are highest on young versus old basal lamina of Bruch’s membrane.
34 35 36 RPE cells seeded onto basal lamina have a higher survival and proliferation rate and lower apoptosis rate than cells seeded onto the inner collagen layer or elastin layer of Bruch’s membrane.
34 35 36 In addition, it is not known whether there is a mismatch between porcine RPE membrane receptors and extracellular matrix ligands within the Bruch’s membrane in the rabbit. This possible mismatch exists in all xenograft studies involving epithelial cell transplantation. Other factors that may influence graft survival include details of harvesting techniques including the presence or absence of cell–cell contacts, and disruption of cell–substrate interactions are also important in graft survival.
Additional lessons can be gleaned from the neurobiology of transplantation of dopamine-producing cells in Parkinson’s disease (reviewed by Brundin and Hagell
72 ). Prior cryopreservation improves graft survival and function after transplantation of a porcine ventral mesencephalon single-cell suspension into the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats.
73 In vitro preincubation of human fetal tissue strands with IGF-I and bFGF improves cell survival and the behavioral outcome of dopamine-producing neurons transplanted into the same animal model.
74 Cell survival after transplantation in Parkinson’s disease also depends on technical aspects of graft preparation including harvesting technique and the design of the delivery cannula, the age of the donor, the age of the recipient, tissue storage methods, details of the surgical technique, and the extent of postoperative immune suppression.
At the current time, the ideal population for transplantation to reverse or prevent RPE-mediated disease is not known. Several sources of transplanted cells have been tested to date, including adult and fetal human RPE cells transplanted into a small number of patients with AMD,
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 autologous RPE harvested from other regions of the same eye,
31 32 and autologous iris pigment epithelium harvested as patches or sheets from the periphery.
29 30 In addition, workers have proposed the use of stem cells
75 and RPE xenografts.
76 The use of xenografts offers some distinct advantages over the use of human tissue, including greater availability of donor tissue, the possibility of using inbred animals or established cells lines engineered with desired immune and functional characteristics, and the use of fetal tissue without the legal and ethical barriers that accompany use of fetal human tissue.
76 However, xenografts may be more likely to be rejected than same species grafts and have the theoretical potential to introduce pathogenic agents across species lines. Despite these concerns, xenografts have already been implanted into the central nervous system of patients with Parkinson’s disease
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 and avascular xenografts of porcine tissue have been used for cardiac valve transplantation.
83 84 85 86 The role of xenografts in the management of RPE-mediated disease or dysfunction remains to be determined.
Although in the present study xenografts did not survive in the subretinal space in the long term, even with immune suppression, these data do not mean that xenografts will not work in this setting. Modification of several variables, such as harvesting technique, tissue handling before transplantation, delivery of donor cells as sheets rather than suspensions, and the simultaneous delivery of cell survival factors, have increased graft survival in Parkinson’s disease, and similar efforts may be necessary to guarantee long-term RPE survival. Successful long-term survival of xenografts would usher in a new era of management of human ocular disease, because porcine tissue may offer a solution to the shortage of human RPE available for transplantation.
87 88 89 In theory, porcine xenografts introduce the probability of cross-species transmission of viruses, including porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV), which is a C-type retrovirus permanently integrated in the porcine genome. Two PERVs, type A and B, productively infect human cells and are therefore considered to constitute a potential risk in pig-to-human xenotransplantation.
89 The concern about transspecies transmission of PERV has received much attention. To date, several hundred patients have been exposed to living porcine cells and tissues, including pancreatic islet cells, skin, and whole livers and spleens for extracorporeal blood perfusion.
90 91 92 Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and protein immunoblot analyses performed on serum from 160 patients who had been treated with various living porcine tissues up to 12 years earlier detected no viremia in any patient. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 159 of the patients were analyzed by PCR using PERV-specific primers. No PERV infection was detected in any of the patients from whom sufficient DNA was extracted to allow complete PCR analysis (97% of the patients). Dinsmore et al.
93 found no evidence of PERV provirus integration into host DNA after transplantation of fetal porcine neuronal cells to the central nervous system of 24 patients with intractable neurologic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, or epilepsy, and there was no transfer of PERV from porcine fetal neuronal cells to human cells in vitro. Although these results are encouraging, they do not exclude the possibility of pig-to-human transmission of PERV or other viruses.
The present study has several limitations. First, there was often some reflux of cells into the vitreous cavity after subretinal injection of RPE microaggregates. This introduces the possibility of animal-to-animal variation with underestimation of survival rates at different time points after surgery. Second, average cyclosporin A levels were lower than target levels during the first 2 weeks after surgery and thereafter were higher than target levels. This raises the possibility that graft rejection may have occurred due to inadequate cyclosporine levels. However, immune-suppressed animals were also maintained on azathioprine and prednisone, and the ideal cyclosporine concentration for suppression of subretinal RPE rejection is not known, as target levels were derived from data on solid organ transplantation. It is not known whether modification of the immune-suppression protocol, including higher doses of these three drugs or the addition of newer immune suppressive agents, would have yielded better results. Third, we do not know whether specific issues associated with our harvesting technique and subsequent surgery, such as the use of dispase and gelatin during the harvesting, or details of our surgical technique may improve cell survival after transplantation surgery. Fourth, the results we obtained are applicable strictly to microaggregate xenografts in an animal model with healthy retina, native RPE and choriocapillaris, and intact basement membrane. These results cannot be extrapolated directly to the behavior of RPE cells transplanted as sheets, RPE seeded onto older or surgically damaged Bruch’s membrane in vivo or in vitro, or into a subretinal space with an abnormal basement membrane and an abnormal milieu of soluble factors.
Despite these limitations, this study sheds some insight on the role of immune suppression in controlling RPE cell survival after subretinal transplantation. Successful repopulation of denuded and/or damaged Bruch’s membrane with donor RPE cells necessitates a complete understanding of the multiple factors that influence graft survival after transplantation and of the basic biology of the RPE and its extracellular environment in health and disease.