The results presented herein show for the first time that the retinal mitochondria become leaky and the cytochrome
c starts to accumulate in the cytosolic fraction when the duration of diabetes in rats is such that capillary cell apoptosis can be detected in the retina. Further, both in retinal endothelial cells and pericytes, high glucose increases the release of cytochrome
c into the cytosol and Bax into the mitochondria, which can be prevented by reducing superoxide levels, thus suggesting that retinal mitochondria experiences dysfunction in diabetes. Retina and its isolated capillary cells experience increased oxidative stress in high-glucose conditions, and increased oxidative stress is postulated to play an important role in the development of diabetic complications.
1 2 3 High glucose can induce apoptosis and activate caspases, including caspase-3, in retinal capillary and Müller cells,
4 15 16 17 39 and we provide data showing that glucose-induced apoptosis can be inhibited by lowering superoxides levels.
Oxidative stress is closely linked to apoptosis in a variety of cell types. It can alter both signal transduction and genomic processes.
18 19 The mechanism by which oxidative stress can increase apoptosis may involve increased membrane lipid peroxidation, increased oxidative injury to other macromolecules, alterations in signal transduction, change in cellular redox potentials or depletion of glutathione (GSH).
40 41 An altered gene profile of scavenging enzymes is reported in the retinal pericytes obtained from patients with diabetes, and this correlates with the overexpression of the cell death protease gene, suggesting an important role for oxidative stress in the pericyte dropout that occurs in diabetic retinopathy.
10 Increased oxidative stress in diabetes is shown to play a critical role in advanced glycation end-product (AGE)–induced and palmitate-induced apoptosis of retinal capillary cells that can be inhibited by antioxidants.
42 Our previous studies have shown that increased oxidative stress plays an important role in the activation of retinal caspase-3 and in the development of retinopathy in diabetes.
3 4 The results of the present study show that the inhibition of glucose-induced release of cytochrome
c into the cytosol and translocation of Bax into the mitochondria in retinal endothelial cells and pericytes by SOD is accompanied by the inhibition of their apoptosis.
Mitochondria play a key role in regulating apoptosis, reactive oxidant intermediates can trigger mitochondria to release cytochrome
c and apoptosis-inducing factor, and increased lipid peroxidation itself can damage mitochondrial membrane potential and provoke apoptosis.
21 22 Once cytochrome
c is released from mitochondria, it activates caspase-9, which initiates a cascade of events that activates caspase-3 and results in DNA fragmentation. Cytochrome
c can induce apoptosis if it is present in the cytoplasm in the oxidized state, and under normal conditions cytoplasmic GSH maintains cytochrome
c in the reduced state.
41 In diabetes, retinal GSH levels are decreased and glutathione redox cycle enzymes are impaired,
5 6 7 which raises the possibility that the reduction of cytochrome
c is also impaired, and here we provide data that clearly show that the release of cytochrome
c into the cytosol is increased by approximately twofold. The increased release of cytochrome
c is seen also when the endothelial cells and pericytes from the retina are incubated in high-glucose medium for 5 days, but not for 3 days. This time course of mitochondrial dysfunction is similar to the activation of caspase-3 that we have reported previously.
6 Thus, the present study provided data to show that the inhibition of mitochondrial changes in retinal endothelial cells and pericytes are accompanied by inhibition of apoptosis in these cells.
Bax, a proapoptotic protein, enhances the release of cytochrome
c by translocating to the mitochondria and by inducing a mitochondrial permeability transition.
43 44 Others have reported that the expression of Bax is increased in the retina in diabetes and in retinal pericytes incubated in high-glucose medium, and this overexpression in retinal pericytes is associated with their apoptosis.
16 In retinal sections, Bax immunostaining is shown to be present in ganglion and vascular cells, the cell types known to undergo accelerated cell death in diabetes.
13 15 16 The results of the present study demonstrate that it is the mitochondrial fraction of the retina where Bax expression is increased in diabetes, and we have confirmed our in vivo results using isolated retinal endothelial cells and pericytes incubated in high-glucose medium for 5 days. This strengthens the possible involvement of mitochondria in the apoptosis of both pericytes and endothelial cells that occurs in diabetes.
12 13 Romeo et al.
39 have suggested a possible involvement of Bax in retinal capillary cell apoptosis in diabetes, but their study did not identify the effect of diabetes on subcellular distribution of Bax in the retina or its capillary cells. Our study is the first to provide data that demonstrate the possible involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in the apoptosis of both retinal endothelial cells and pericytes in diabetes.
Release of cytochrome
c is considered a key event in the activation of caspase-3, a downstream pivotal step in the initiation of apoptosis.
29 Cells deficient in caspase-3 are resistant to apoptosis,
45 and activation of caspase-3 alone is sufficient to cause cell death in cardiac muscle.
46 The results presented herein demonstrate that caspase-3 activation in diabetes is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
Hyperglycemia-induced overproduction of superoxides by mitochondria is considered as a causal link between elevated glucose and the major biochemical pathways postulated to be involved in the development of vascular complications in diabetes,
25 47 and overexpression of Mn-SOD is reported to suppress glucose-induced collagen accumulation in cultured mesangial cells.
48 We have provided evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, and caspase-3 activation induced by high glucose in both retinal endothelial cells and pericytes are inhibited by SOD and its mimetic, MnTBAP suggesting that a mitochondria-dependent pathway is operating in both the diabetic retina and its isolated capillary cells, and SOD production is causally involved in the hyperglycemia-induced apoptosis of retinal capillary cells.
Thus, our data strongly suggest that hyperglycemia-induced retinal capillary cell death most likely is initiated by the mitochondrial cytochrome c–mediated caspase-3 activation pathway. Understanding the signaling pathway(s) involved in the retinal capillary cell death will elucidate important molecular targets for future pharmacological interventions.
The authors thank Prashant Koppolu for technical assistance.