purpose. Amblyopia is a developmental disorder of spatial vision. There is evidence to suggest that some amblyopes misperceive spatial structure when viewing with the affected eye. However, there are few examples of these perceptual errors in the literature. This study was an investigation of the prevalence and nature of misperceptions in human amblyopia.
methods. Thirty amblyopes with strabismus and/or anisometropia participated in the study. Subjects viewed sinusoidal gratings of various spatial frequencies, orientations, and contrasts. After interocular comparison, subjects sketched the subjective appearance of those stimuli that had nonveridical appearances.
results. Nonveridical visual perception was revealed in 20 amblyopes (∼67%). In some subjects, misperceptions were present despite the absence of a deficit in contrast sensitivity. The presence of distortions was not simply linked to the depth of amblyopia, and anisometropes were affected as well as those with strabismus. In most cases, these spatial distortions arose at spatial frequencies far below the contrast detection acuity cutoff. Errors in perception became more severe at higher spatial frequencies, with low spatial frequencies being mostly perceived veridically. The prevalence and severity of misperceptions were frequently found to depend on the orientation of the grating used in the test, with horizontal orientations typically less affected than other orientations. Contrast had a much smaller effect on misperceptions, although there were cases in which severity was greater at higher contrasts.
conclusions. Many types of misperceptions documented in the present study have appeared in previous investigations. This suggests that the wide range of distortions previously reported reflect genuine intersubject differences. It is proposed that nonveridical perception in human amblyopia has its origins in errors in the neural coding of orientation in primary visual cortex.
Amblyopia is a developmental disorder of spatial vision resulting in reduced visual function, despite good retinal image quality and the absence of overt disease in the eye or visual system. The condition is normally uniocular, affects 2% to 3% of the population, and is almost always associated with a history of strabismus, anisometropia, or form deprivation in early life.
1 2 In addition to reduced visual acuity, most amblyopes exhibit a diminished sensitivity to contrast at high and medium spatial frequencies,
3 4 5 6 7 8 paralleling those seen with simple low-pass filtering.
9 It is clear, however, that amblyopic central vision is not simply a low-passed version of normal foveal vision. Instead, several reports have shown significant parallels between the central vision of amblyopes and normal peripheral vision.
10 For example, in both cases, positional sensitivity is significantly degraded.
11 12 Furthermore, suprathreshold perceived contrast
13 and suprathreshold contrast discrimination
14 15 are normal in amblyopic central vision and normal peripheral vision.
Although most of the experimental literature on human amblyopia has concentrated on defining the threshold for visual stimuli (e.g., smallest letter, lowest contrast, smallest positional offset), striking features of amblyopic vision occur also in the suprathreshold domain of clearly visible targets. Distorted perception in human amblyopia was first described in detail by Pugh
16 who asked amblyopes to describe the appearance of high-contrast letters. These typically subtle distortions are minor compared with the perceptual errors that have been reported by other investigators when amblyopes have been asked to draw spatially localized stimuli
17 or sinusoidal grating targets.
18 19 20
Three distinctly different hypotheses have been developed to explain amblyopic visual deficits. Hess et al.,
18 who first described distorted perception of gratings in amblyopia, developed a neural scrambling model
21 22 in which the normally precise and accurate retinotopic mapping is somehow disturbed in amblyopia. This disturbance leads to both nonveridical perception of location (perceived spatial distortions) and decreased precision of perceived location (elevated vernier thresholds). The second hypothesis proposes a nonuniform anomalous mapping of visual space, analogous to that seen in anomalous retinal correspondence (ARC).
1 23 24 This idea is consistent with reports of local targets appearing to be mislocated,
25 26 27 thus suggesting a localized remapping rather than a “scrambling” of the neural map. Finally, Levi and Klein
28 and Sharma et al.
29 have hypothesized that amblyopes have reduced neural sampling of the foveal map and that this is the root cause of misperception of orientation and poor positional sensitivity.
It is difficult to explain some of the more stable and systematic perceptual errors reported by amblyopes (e.g., large perceived errors in grating orientation
18 19 20 29 ) with either a neural scrambling model
21 or a systematic shift in the neural map.
27 Indeed, after quantifying the point-by-point mapping errors observed by amblyopes, Sireteanu et al.
17 were unable to predict the perceptual errors that would be seen in grating targets. In addition, preliminary attempts to model neural scrambling by introducing random positional jitter into targets
22 30 do not generate the systematic orientation errors seen by some amblyopes. Neural undersampling of high spatial frequencies in normal fovea
31 or peripheral retina
20 generates spatial aliases that typically have different orientations in relation to the stimulus.
29 32 However, in a limited comparison, there are some striking differences between amblyopic perceptions and those seen at high spatial frequencies in normal vision.
20 29 Such differences are not surprising, because undersampling in normal vision is a retinal phenomenon,
33 whereas the retina of human amblyopes appears normal
34 (for a recent review see Hess
35 ). If undersampling is the cause of the perceptual aliases in amblyopes, then it is likely to be cortical in origin,
29 and therefore it should have a different perceptual manifestation.
Although the distorted, scrambled, or aliased perception of gratings is central to both mismapping and undersampling models of human amblyopia, there are few examples of these perceptual errors reported in the literature. The available evidence indicates that visual perception is veridical in at least some amblyopes,
19 29 but limited sample size makes it difficult to estimate the proportion of amblyopes who experience perceptual errors. The spatial structure of the perceptual errors that have appeared in the literature seems to vary dramatically between individual amblyopes and between studies. Consequently, these discrepancies may reflect a true heterogeneity in the amblyopic population or interstudy differences due to methodology. Nevertheless, it is clear that any neural model of human amblyopia should account for these striking perceptual errors.
In this study, we used the same basic experimental paradigm used originally by Hess et al.
18 to investigate the prevalence of nonveridical visual perception in a large sample of human amblyopes. We wanted to document those perceptual errors that arise when viewing gratings of different spatial frequencies, orientations, and contrasts. The intention was to obtain a rich database of amblyopic misperceptions that could serve to direct future modeling efforts.
Gratings of various spatial frequencies (1–16 cyc/deg), orientations (90°, 180°, +45°, and −45°), and contrasts were presented in pseudorandom fashion. Display duration was under the control of the subject. The task of the subject was to view the grating, first with the amblyopic eye and then with the fellow eye. A series of interocular comparisons then took place with the subject holding an occluder and thus controlling the rate at which amblyopic and fellow eye percepts were compared. During this time, the examiner instructed the subject to compare the appearance of the grating in amblyopic and fellow eye viewing and to indicate whether, besides differences in perceived contrast, the percepts differed from one another. Some subjects preferred to exclude light altogether from the nonviewing eye while interocular comparisons were being made, although the method used to occlude the nonviewing eye did not appear to have an effect on the nature or severity of any misperceptions. Subjects were instructed to maintain fixation on the center of the grating throughout. Specific care was taken not to bias subjects and to ensure uniform instructions to every subject. In cases in which the subject indicated that the amblyopic and fellow eye percepts differed in a way that was not simply related to perceived contrast, subjects were asked to sketch the appearance of the grating to the amblyopic eye. While sketching, subjects viewed the grating on the screen with the amblyopic eye, but sketched while viewing with the fellow eye only. This strategy of viewing stimuli with the amblyopic eye and then rendering them with the nonamblyopic eye parallels the methods used by Hess et al.,
18 Sireteanu et al.,
17 and Bradley and Freeman,
19 but is different from that used by Sharma et al.
29 who had amblyopes match grating orientation to a line seen with the amblyopic eye.
Sketches were made with a charcoal stick on a large empty circle on white paper. The top of the sheet was clearly marked. Once the sketch had been completed, it was preserved with fixative. To assess repeatability, subjects were asked to repeat some of the sketches that they had made of particular gratings. These repetitions always took place in separate sessions, and subjects were not informed that they were sketching the same grating for a second time or given access to the sketches they had made on the previous occasion. In addition to sketching the appearance of gratings perceived as nonveridical, subjects were also asked to sketch the appearance of a selection of gratings for which the percept was the same for the two eyes. This acted as a form of control, in that sketches of gratings veridically perceived could be compared with the sketches of gratings reported as misperceived. In this way the examiner could assess whether oral reports by the subject of veridical versus nonveridical perception were reflected in the sketches they produced. All drawings of gratings reported herein have been scanned and imaged without manipulation of either the form or content. Rendered images reported are thus accurate representations of the drawings in all ways, with the exception of overall size. These renderings also include the nonlinear distortions of the printing processes, but these are anticipated to have a minor impact on the largely black-and-white original images.
Uncalibrated Topographical Disarray.
Retinotopic Undersampling.
A Cortical Model of Amblyopic Misperceptions.
In addition to the large body of experimental literature indicating that amblyopia in animals is a cortical phenomenon, human ERG studies (see review in Ref.
35 ) and recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data
56 indicate that the deficit in human amblyopia is not in the retina or lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) but in the primary visual cortex (although possibly not in the input layer
57 58 59 ). This body of work suggests that a model of neural undersampling of the retinal image is unlikely to account for amblyopic vision. Instead, the data suggest that a model of neural undersampling in amblyopia should be formulated in the orientation and spatial-frequency domains native to the primary visual cortex.
60 61 62 Such a model would seek to account for systematic errors in perceived orientation reported by amblyopes and, at the same time, acknowledge that the appearance of gratings to many amblyopes cannot be explained by classic undersampling or positional noise in the retinotopic domain.
A key observation that motivated the model about to be described is that many amblyopes who reported spurious perceptions actually drew two orientations with the nonamblyopic eye
(Figs. 3 4) , even though they had viewed a single grating with the amblyopic eye. That is, a single grating observed with the amblyopic eye appears similar to two gratings of different orientation and sometimes with different spatial frequency or contrast as well. We interpret these results to mean that the cortical neural image of a single grating viewed by the amblyopic eye is similar to the cortical neural image of two obliquely oriented gratings viewed by the nonamblyopic eye. This suggests that an individual with normal vision can gain insight into the nature of amblyopic perception of single gratings by viewing pairs of superimposed gratings of different orientations. Several examples are illustrated in
Figure 8 . This idea of simulating amblyopic vision by distorting the neural image of objects is popular in amblyopia research
17 22 because it permits a direct comparison of simulations to the drawings made by amblyopes.
The simulations in
Figure 8 reveal the numerous perceptual ramifications of a neural system that misrepresents a single orientation as two different orientations. In addition to the generation of the expected dual grating appearance, we are struck by the ability of these simulations to generate all the perceptual errors (wiggly lines, abrupt offsets, areas of low contrast, and segmented lines) observed by our amblyopes and those in previous studies.
The successful simulation in
Figure 8 of most of the features of amblyopic vision observed in our study suggests that amblyopic misperception of gratings could be accounted for if the neural representation of stimulus orientation in the amblyopic visual cortex misrepresents a single orientation as a pair of orientations. Thus, it is not necessary to postulate neural mechanisms that scramble the retinotopic mapping of the cortical neural images (Hess et al.
18 ), because positional distortions may in fact be manifestations of errors in the orientation code. In discussion that follows, we examine our neural model in the context of current neuroanatomical and neurophysiological understanding of amblyopia.
The functional mapping of area V1 of normal visual cortex has shown that ocular dominance, orientation, and spatial frequency are all topographically mapped across the cortex. Ocular dominance is mapped as bands running orthogonal to the surface and traversing all layers of V1.
63 64 Orientation is represented in radial patterns, sometimes twisted into a pinwheel appearance.
61 62 Although the details of spatial-frequency mapping remain somewhat controversial, it appears that in the macaque the high and low frequencies are mapped into different areas of the ocular-dominance columns.
60 One striking feature of these various maps is that they are not independent of each other. For example, there is evidence that orientation maps and spatial-frequency maps are both correlated with the ocular-dominance maps.
60 63 65 That is, low-spatial-frequency cells cluster around the cytochrome oxidase “blobs” located at the center of the ocular-dominance columns,
60 whereas high-spatial-frequency, orientation-selective cells cluster around the boundaries between left and right eye ocular-dominance columns. Discontinuities in the orientation map generally cluster around the more monocular regions of V1.
Ocular-dominance maps in the visual cortex of animals rendered amblyopic through monocular deprivation of normal vision during development are abnormally narrow for the deprived eye and abnormally wide for the fellow eye.
64 67 68 This expansion of the neural territory dominated by one eye at the expense of the other eye occurs first at the boundary between ocular-dominance columns, which is also the location of the high-frequency component of the spatial-frequency map. Consequently, this reorganization of the ocular-dominance map associated with amblyopia should selectively affect vision of higher spatial frequencies. Consistent with this expectation, monkeys atropinized during early development exhibit visual loss of contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies,
69 reduced deoxyglucose labeling in V1 when the amblyopic eye was stimulated with medium (but not low) spatial frequencies,
70 reduced spatial resolution of individual cells responding to the atropinized eye,
71 and an overall shift in ocular dominance toward the nonamblyopic nonatropinized eye.
71 Similarly, the perceptual errors reported in our study
(Fig. 2) and the contrast sensitivity deficits reported by others typically become more pronounced at higher spatial frequencies.
Furthermore, because orientation is mapped in radial patterns centered on ocular-dominance columns, orientations represented by cells located on the border between ocular-dominance columns are more at risk of becoming dominated by the nonamblyopic eye. However, cells representing orientations rotated ±45° from those at the ocular-dominance border are located near the ocular-dominance column’s center. Thus, shrinkage of ocular-dominance columns should always produce an effect that varies with orientation, which agrees well with the perceptual distortions we observed in amblyopes.
A single grating stimulus would be expected to excite a population of neurons to varying degree because of the finite orientation bandwidth of cortical neurons.
72 73 Normally, the strength of this neural response to a single grating would be a unimodal function of orientation, but it is conceivable that the distribution could become bimodal in the amblyopic ocular-dominance column if neurons in the center of the distribution are lost to the fellow eye. The result would be an amblyopic neural image similar in form to the bimodal neural image created in normal visual cortex by a pair of gratings of different orientation. Thus the amblyope would report that a pair of gratings viewed with the normal eye has an appearance similar to that of a single grating viewed with the amblyopic eye, because both stimuli produce bimodal distributions of neural activity in the visual cortex.
A small number of studies have addressed the question of whether the normal ocular-dominance column arrangement in humans is affected by amblyopia.
57 58 No shrinkage of amblyopic eye representation was found at autopsy in layer IVc in a single subject with strabismic amblyopia, and a similar result was found in the primary visual cortex of a human anisometrope. In spite of the absence of ocular-dominance column shrinkage in layer IVc in human amblyopes, it is not possible to reject a model of amblyopia based on shrinkage of amblyopic eye ocular-dominance columns for two reasons. First, it is likely that ocular-dominance patterns in layer IVc are resistant to shrinkage at the age when the amblyogenic factor first appears.
57 64 Secondly, in animals with late-onset deprivation, LeVay et al.
64 reported shifts of ocular dominance in the noninput layers of primary visual cortex, whereas the layer IVc columnar arrangement had a normal appearance.
Although our model remains somewhat speculative at present, we conclude that the misperception of grating stimuli reported by amblyopes may be a direct consequence of the reduced neural representation of the amblyopic eye signal in the primary visual cortex.
Supported by a Research Development Grant from The Wellcome Trust (BTB).
Submitted for publication May 28, 2002; revised October 28 and December 12, 2002; accepted December 16, 2002.
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Corresponding author: Brendan T. Barrett, Department of Optometry, University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK;
Table 1. Clinical Details of the Amblyopes
Table 1. Clinical Details of the Amblyopes
Subject | Age | Diagnosis | Correction | VA | Stabismus | Fixation | Misperception Type |
Veridical perception | | | | | | | |
BK | 50 | S+ A | RE: −0.75/−0.25 × 165 | −0.10 | | | |
| | | LE: +3.50/−1.00 × 70 | 1.58 | 4 SOT | Nasal sup steady | — |
BW | 40 | S | RE: +1.00/−0.50 × 5 | 0.32 | 4 SOT | Temporal steady | — |
| | | LE: +0.50/−0.75 × 175 | −0.10 | | | |
CM | 56 | S | RE: +4.75/−2.50 × 3 | 0.12 | 4 SOT | Central | — |
| | | LE: +4.00/−1.75 × 175 | −0.12 | | | |
DMc | 33 | S | RE: −2.50/−1.00 × 175 | 0.88 | 8 SOT | Central | — |
| | | LE: −3.50/−1.75 × 175 | 0.04 | | | |
EF | 31 | A | RE: −2.00/−0.25 × 150 | −0.04 | | | |
| | | LE: +0.50/−0.50 × 30 | 0.62 | — | Central | — |
JM | 44 | A | RE: +4.50 DS | 0.08 | — | Central | — |
| | | LE: +0.50/−0.25 × 165 | −0.06 | | | |
MM | 16 | S | RE: +6.50 DS | 0.48 | 8 SOT | Central | — |
| | | LE: +5.50 DS | 0.00 | | | |
SL | 43 | S+ A | RE: +0.00/−6.50 × 25 | 0.32 | 10 XOT | Central | — |
| | | LE: −0.75/−3.00 × 173 | −0.02 | | | |
PW | 14 | A | RE: +0.00/−0.25 × 100 | −0.08 | | | |
| | | LE: +3.50/−0.50 × 180 | 1.20 | — | Central | — |
PWa | 68 | S | RE: +10.00/−2.00 × 110 | 0.04 | | | |
| | | LE: +9.00/−2.50 × 75 | 0.30 | 40 SOT | Nasal steady | — |
Nonveridical perception | | | | | | | |
CB | 42 | S+ A | RE: +4.50/−0.50 × 160 | 0.52 | 4 SOT | Central | c, d, e |
| | | LE: +3.00/−0.75 × 85 | −0.04 | | | |
DH | 25 | A | RE: +0.00/−0.25 × 175 | −0.06 | | | |
| | | LE: +1.50/−4.50 × 177 | 0.24 | — | Central | b, d, e |
DHi | 43 | S | RE: −0.25/−1.50 × 110 | 0.10 | 10 SOT | Central | c, d |
| | | LE: −0.50/−1.75 × 75 | −0.10 | | | |
DK | 65 | S+ A | RE: +0.25/−0.50 × 95 | 0.20 | 3 SOT | Central | b |
| | | LE: −1.75/−0.25 × 95 | −0.10 | | | |
DM | 62 | S | RE: +5.75/−3.00 × 10 | −0.04 | | | |
| | | LE: +6.75/−2.00 × 165 | 0.36 | 8 XOT | Nasal steady | a, e |
DS | 30 | S | RE: −0.50 DS | −0.08 | | | |
| | | LE: −1.00 DS | 0.40 | 15 SOT | Central | b, c |
DW | 32 | A | RE: +0.50/−0.75 × 175 | 0.10 | | | |
| | | LE: +2.50/−1.25 × 15 | 0.40 | — | Central | b |
HF | 20 | S | RE: +2.75/−1.00 × 125 | 0.26 | 10 SOT | Central | a, e |
| | | LE: +2.75/−1.25 × 65 | −0.10 | | | |
JS | 26 | A | RE: +3.50/−0.50 × 100 | 0.02 | | | |
| | | LE: +5.50/−1.00 × 55 | 0.30 | — | Central | b, c |
KR | 21 | S+ A | RE: +1.25 DS | −0.18 | | | |
| | | LE: +2.50/−0.50 × 80 | 0.30 | 6 SOT | Nasal steady | b, c |
KS | 65 | S | RE: +0.25 DS | −0.08 | | | |
| | | LE: +0.00/−1.00 × 165 | 1.66 | ∼25 XOT | ? Unsteady | e |
LH | 46 | A | RE: +0.25 DS | −0.06 | | | |
| | | LE: +2.00/−0.50 × 55 | 0.36 | — | Central | b, c |
MK | 43 | S | RE: +6.00/−2.00 × 170 | 0.10 | 12 XOT | Central | a, c, d |
| | | LE: +5.50/−2.25 × 10 | −0.10 | | | |
MP | 27 | S | RE: −0.50/−1.00 × 90 | −0.14 | | | |
| | | LE: −0.75/−0.50 × 100 | 0.48 | 4 SOT | Nasal | c, d |
MW | 19 | A | RE: +4.00/−0.75 × 175 | 0.58 | — | Central | b, c |
| | | LE: +0.25 DS | 0.00 | | | |
MWa | 52 | S + A | RE: −1.50/−1.00 × 40 | −0.10 | | | |
| | | LE: +1.50/−1.25 × 175 | 1.20 | 6 SOT | Nasal sup unsteady | a, b |
PC | 40 | S | RE: +0.00/−0.50 × 115 | 0.58 | 14 SOT | Nasal unsteady | e |
| | | LE: −0.25 DS | −0.04 | | | |
RB | 28 | S | RE: +0.25/−0.25 × 90 | 0.32 | 11 SOT | ?Temporal | b, c, e |
| | | LE: −0.75/−0.25 × 80 | 0.00 | | | |
RE | 35 | A | RE: −3.50/−0.50 × 15 | −0.10 | | | |
| | | LE: +2.00/−1.00 × 175 | 0.60 | — | Central | b, c |
TM | 49 | A | RE: −0.50 DS | −0.14 | | | |
| | | LE: +6.00/−1.25 × 50 | 0.18 | — | Central | b, d |
The authors thank David Whitaker for software support.
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