The ocular rigidity measurement device consisted of three units: the computer unit and transducer controller, the mechanical dosage system, and the saline solution (BSS; Alcon Laboratories) distribution system
(Fig. 1) .
Custom software was developed (Quick-Basic 5.0; Microsoft, Redmond, WA) for controlling the mechanical microdosage system and recording. The differential pressure transducer (0–5 psi, 1-ms response time; model 286-686; RS Components, Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan) was built in with the electronic amplifier and a 12-bit A/D converter in a box communicating with the computer unit through a data interface (RS-232; RS Components, Ltd.). The microdosage system consisted of a step motor (1.8° step angle motor; model 440-420; RS Components, Ltd.) and a syringe of 1-mL capacity (all borosilicate glass insulin syringe; Vygon, Écouen, France). The stepping motor, controlled by the software, drove the syringe backward and forward with a 6-mm lead screw. The system’s pressure sensitivity, as determined by the A/D converter’s dynamic range in relation to the total pressure range, was 0.015 mm Hg. Noise level resulted in a useful sensitivity of approximately 0.1 mm Hg. The combination of motor step angle, lead screw pitch, and syringe diameter resulted in a volume resolution of 0.08 μL.
The saline solution distribution system consisted of two one-way stopcock ramps (873.02; Vygon) and three polyethylene, uncompressible extension tubules of 50-cm length (1-mm diameter, resistant to 40 kg/cm2; Lectro-Cath 1155.05; Vygon). The tubules were connected by the stopcock ramp and formed a closed system that included the pressure transducer, the syringe, the saline solution container, and the eye. Special care was taken to exclude the possibility of aqueous leakage from the system. The saline solution was injected into the anterior chamber of the eye by a 22-gauge intravenous catheter needle (Vygon).
The pressure transducer was calibrated by sensing the pressure of a distilled-water column. The software performed the conversion of mm H2O to mm Hg (76 mm Hg equals 10,600 mm H2O). Before each experiment, the pressure transducer was tested with closed output, to identify possible leaks in the tubule manifold.
To check the repeatability of the measurements and to investigate whether the temporary pressure increase from the first measurement would affect the results of the second measurement, we performed two measurements for each eye. The repeatability was defined as twice the standard deviation of the differences between the two measurements. Plotting the measurement difference between the two methods against the mean ocular rigidity coefficient can demonstrate any relationship (bias) between the measurement error and the mean measurement.
All measurements were performed under retrobulbar anesthesia (1:1 lidocaine-bupivacaine mixture up to a total volume of 5 mL). The procedure usually started 15 minutes after retrobulbar injection. It was performed in a sterile field, and all components (tubing, needle, and syringe) were gas sterilized. Eyes were prepared with povidone-iodine (Betadine; Purdue Frederick, Norwalk, CT) and lids were retracted by a speculum. After insertion of the needle into the anterior chamber of the eye, the IOP was regulated to 10 mm Hg by appropriate irrigation or aspiration of the saline solution. Additional incremental volumes of saline solution were injected automatically via the syringe in bursts of 4.5 μL, followed by a 1-second delay, to allow the transducer system to reach equilibrium with the tubule manifold and IOP. This delay was chosen after preliminary experiments with our system in enucleated porcine eyes. The data curves obtained in these experiments when the delay was set to 1 second were sufficiently smooth to ensure that the system had reached equilibrium. Furthermore, this delay also allowed the surgeon to observe the measurement process and terminate it in case of any unexpected adverse event. In addition, the increased infusion rate used compared with the theoretical aqueous secretion and outflow (264 μL/min vs. 4.1 μL/min, accordingly) and the exclusion of eyes with several pathologic conditions (such as operated or glaucomatous eyes) minimized the possible effects of variations in aqueous dynamics. After each volume injection, the resultant IOP was measured twice, and the mean pressure was recorded, along with the corresponding amount of the injected volume. The experiment proceeded until a final IOP of 60 mm Hg was reached or 200 μL saline solution was injected into the eye, whichever was achieved first. The system then regulated the IOP to 10 mm Hg, and the measurement was repeated.
All measurements were taken under continuous microscopic monitoring to avoid aqueous leakage from the cannulation site.