We have confirmed that mfERG amplitude decreased with increasing age. We also observed that the responses of the central retina decreased at a greater rate with age than the responses of more peripheral locations. Measures of response timing demonstrated much less change with age than the amplitude measures.
Prior reports of age-associated changes in cone full-field ERGs found significant amplitude reductions
13 14 15 16 and implicit time delays.
14 15 Similarly, fERGs consistently showed reduction of amplitudes as a function of age within a central retinal area of 3° to 15° in diameter. However, other studies reported no changes in fERG implicit times with age.
17 18 19
In the present study, we examined the changes in mfERG amplitude and implicit time measures as a function of age. For all amplitude measures, there were statistically significant relationships with age. Palmowski et al.
26 reported no significant differences in the scalar product amplitudes when they divided their 17 subjects into two age groups (mean of 34 years versus mean of 47 years). Our current data also indicate that comparing the predicted means of subjects aged 34 and 47 years would not yield statistically significant differences. Anzai et al.
27 reported a significant correlation between mfERG amplitude density and age in 33 subjects, but only for the hexagons in the central 8°. They found smaller amplitudes (no statistics given) in this retinal region when they compared responses for older subjects (60–70 years) to those of younger subjects (10–20 years). Mohidin et al.
28 examined age-related changes in 90 normally sighted, relatively young subjects (18–52 years). These authors reported no statistically significant differences in amplitude density among three age groups (18–22, 33–37, and 48–52 years). Analysis of the responses from the center hexagon and first surrounding ring found significant differences among the groups, and post hoc analysis showed that the older subgroup’s mean amplitude was significantly lower than those of the other two subgroups.
28 Jackson et al.
29 examined 46 subjects in two age groups (19–30 years and 60–74 years). They found that both scalar product and peak-to-peak amplitudes showed the largest differences between age groups for the inner hexagons, with less difference between the groups as a function of eccentricity. Significantly reduced peak-to-peak amplitudes were also reported by Nabeshima.
30 in subjects more than 50 years of age. In none of these studies were scatter plots of the data presented. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the age distribution within the subgroups and, thus, the validity of the statistical comparisons. In a recent publication, Gerth et al.
31 reported a statistically significant relationship between peak-to-peak amplitude and age (0.03 log units per decade), based on a linear regression performed on their entire dataset of 71 subjects. This agrees with our peak-to peak amplitude data, for which we found a loss of 0.06 log units per decade.
We also found a significant relationship between age and implicit time, but the slopes of the regression lines were very shallow. Anzai et al.
27 reported no significant differences in implicit time between their younger and older groups. Jackson et al.
29 reported that the mean latency of the P1 component was 1.31 ms greater in their older group (60–74 years) than in their younger group (19–30 years). For comparison, the difference in predicted mean P1 implicit times in our subjects aged 25 versus those aged 67 was 1.19 ms. Gerth et al.
31 reported an increase in P1 implicit time of 0.28 ms per decade (1.12 ms over 40 years) for their lowest luminance condition. This is also in agreement with our present data and with the findings of Jackson et al.
29 In conclusion, implicit time increases as a function of age, but the rate of change is very slow. In fact, we calculated that predicted mean timing of N1 and P1 would not fall outside the PI of our 25-year-old subjects until very advanced ages.
Diminished retinal illuminance due to aging optics or decreased pupil diameter remains a major concern in any study of ERG changes in older adults. According to Fortune and Johnson,
32 the influence of age on the mfERG is primarily due to preoptical factors. They tested a group of 32 normally sighted subjects (16–69 years) with the mfERG using natural pupils (pupil size ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 mm) and also obtained psychophysical measures of lens density in their older subjects. After adjustment for the effect of aged lens and senile miosis in the older group, significant effects of age on the mfERG were limited to the central 5° area. However, these authors accounted only for decreases in stimulus luminance as a function of optical density and failed to account for the concomitant decreases in the level of retinal illuminance. Gerth et al.
31 also examined the effects of optical media density on mfERG responses. They calculated a 0.12-log-unit reduction in light reaching the retina of a 75-year-old subject compared with a 25-year-old subject. The effect of reduced luminance was tested in an experiment in which stimulus luminance was decreased. Their conclusion was that reduced optical density did not account for their findings of decreasing amplitude with age. However, similar to Fortune and Johnson,
32 Gerth et al.
31 accounted for changes in stimulus luminance only, failing to account for the equivalent reduction in adaptation level that would be caused by increased optical density. In
Figure 8B , we demonstrated that changes in both stimulus luminance and adaptation level would predict no change in mfERG amplitudes.
Other studies have examined the effects of lens opacities. Arai et al.
33 simulated moderate cataracts, which decreased visual acuity to a level of 20/70, and reported only small changes in mfERG responses. Jackson et al.
29 also found no differences in mfERG responses between older subjects with aged lenses and those with artificial lenses. Our study did not include individuals with clinically significant lens changes (as determined by clinical examination, visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity). As a result, we conclude that preretinal optical density factors and small pupils in older adults do not account for the mfERG changes observed in our study.