Young adult (6–8 weeks) golden hamsters were used in the study. Hamsters are often chosen for our studies, because we have systemically investigated the axonal regeneration of RGCs in this rodent species.
14 17 19 This study was carried out in compliance with the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. The surgical procedure was also approved by the University of Hong Kong Animal Ethics Committee.
All animals were anesthetized with pentobarbitone sodium (50 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally) for all operations. The left optic nerves in all animals were exposed and transected intraorbitally with a pair of microsurgery scissors. Transection was made approximately 0.5 mm from the posterior pole of the eye, avoiding damage of the blood vessels underneath. In a pilot study, two fluorescent dyes, one gold (Fluorogold; FG;
n = 4; Fluorochrome, Englewood, CO) and the other yellow (Diamidino Yellow; DY;
n = 4; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), soaked in gelfoam (Pharmacia & Upjohn, Uppsala, Sweden) were applied at the ON stump to label the surviving RGCs immediately after the ON transection. A survival time of 2 days was given, and then the animals were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde, and the retinas were dissected. To achieve a flat retina on the slide, a cut was made through each quadrant, and the retinas were placed onto gelatin-coated slides. The fluid on the slide was dried with a piece of tissue paper, the retina was flattened by using a fine pen brush and coverslipped with glycerol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), and the number of labeled RGCs was counted to compare the labeling efficiency of these two methods. Similar staining efficiency was seen in both methods
(Figs. 1A 1B) , thus confirming the efficiency of FG labeling. Note that we have shown that efficiency of DY labeling is high.
20 However, injection difficulties were encountered using DY, as it tended to block the tip of the micropipette. We also wanted to observe the somata morphology of labeled RGCs, but DY only labels nuclei. Thus, FG, which labels cytoplasm of RGCs, was chosen for the remainder of the study. The use of FG for retrograde labeling of RGCs and its efficiency have also been shown in our studies.
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All animals were divided into the following paradigms: