The NB index obtained by laser speckle tissue circulation analysis is primarily a quantitative index of tissue blood velocity.
20 27 However, it has also been found to correlates with the blood flow rate in the iris, retina, and choroid.
18 19 20 The rabbit NB
ONH had good correlation with the results obtained with the hydrogen gas clearance method, in which a needle electrode was inserted into the ONH to the depth of approximately 0.7 mm, regarding the changes after systemic administration of endothelin-1,
21 nilvadipine,
22 or inhalation of CO
21 In the present study, the change in NB
ONH and that in ONH blood flow measured by the hydrogen gas clearance method also correlated significantly (
R s = 0.83,
P < 0.001,
Fig. 2 ). The blood flow rate in the rabbit ONH at the IOP of 20 mm Hg was estimated to be 115 mL/min per 100 g by the hydrogen gas clearance method in the present study, which is compatible with the previously reported ONH blood flow measured by the hydrogen gas clearance in normal rabbits (52–119 mL/min per 100 g).
21 28 29
An infrared laser (wavelength: 808 nm; power: 2 mW) was used for NB
ONH measurements by the laser speckle method. Although it should be difficult to accurately decide how deep the laser penetrates into the rabbit ONH tissue, Koelle et al.
30 reported that infrared laser (wavelength: 811 nm; power: 2 mW) penetrated to a depth of approximately 1 mm in the cat optic nerve. On the contrary, Petrig et al.
31 reported that laser Doppler flowmetry (wavelength approximately 800 nm) is predominantly sensitive to blood flow changes in the superficial layers of the monkey ONH. In the present study, NB
ONH significantly correlated with the results obtained by the hydrogen gas clearance method in which the electrode was inserted to a depth of 0.7 mm in the ONH tissue. This finding suggests that the present NB
ONH data are likely to reflect blood flow changes in the rabbit ONH, not only from the superficial layers but also in layers beneath the lamina scleralis.
In the present study, the time course of changes in ONH circulation was documented. NB
ONH quickly decreased and immediately recovered within several seconds after an acute increase in IOP from 20 mm Hg to 40 or 50 mm Hg
(Figs. 3 and 6) . These findings were consistent with the previous works in which the ONH blood flow recovered within 1 minute after the change in OPP in cats.
8 Moreover, very short-term changes just after increase in IOP were also found in the present study. These results obtained in the ONH contrasted with those in the posterior choroid
(Fig. 4) , in which NB
cho was decreased and showed little recovery after the increase in IOP from 20 to 50 mm Hg (OPP decrease from 60 to 30 mm Hg). However, NB
cho decreased by approximately 25% under the condition that OPP decreased by approximately 50%, and NB
av in the choroid showed a slight recovery response immediately after the change in IOP in the 25-second experiment
(Fig. 7) . These findings suggest that the choroidal circulation may not be completely passive against changes in OPP,
32 although its autoregulatory mechanism was apparently weaker than that in the ONH. In contrast, when IOP was increased to 60 mm Hg (OPP decreased to 20 mm Hg), no recovery was seen in NB
ONH (Fig. 3) . Decrease in NB
ONH was considerably smaller, however, than that in OPP (33% vs. 66%). Although change in NB
ONH tended to underestimate the IOP-induced reduction in the ONH blood flow
(Fig. 2) , this finding may suggest that some autoregulatory mechanism still has effects. The current results were consistent with the previously reported ranges of OPP in which autoregulation of the rabbit ONH was observed.
In the present study, NB
ONH in the nilvadipine-treated rabbits was significantly higher than that in the vehicle-treated rabbits, suggesting an increase in ONH blood flow velocity induced by nilvadipine treatment. However, response against the acute decrease of perfusion pressure (i.e., acute increase in IOP) was apparently impaired. Nilvadipine is a Ca
2+ antagonist classified in the dihydropyridine group, blocks L-type calcium channels, and is relatively selective of cerebral arteries.
33 Calcium antagonists impair influx of Ca
2+ into the vascular smooth muscles and usually increases peripheral circulation. Recent studies using isolated vessels including rabbit cerebral arteries
34 35 showed that many kinds of Ca
2+ antagonists abolish or attenuate the stretch-induced contraction of vascular smooth muscles. An in vivo study revealed that a Ca
2+ antagonist (nimodipine) inhibits autoregulation of cerebral blood flow against arterial pressure increase by 40 mm Hg in cats and monkeys.
36 To our knowledge, however, no studies have investigated the effects of Ca
2+ antagonists on the time course of the change in ONH circulation after an acute increase in IOP (and decrease in OPP).
The current results suggest that the Ca
2+ antagonist reduces the basal tone of the vascular smooth muscle, as documented by an increase in the baseline NB
ONH, and attenuates the additive relaxation necessary for the quick recovery response of a decrease in OPP. To maintain a stable vasodilating effect of nilvadipine, the drug was continuously administrated at the rate of 1 μg/kg per hour in the present study. Because nilvadipine is a lipophilic agent and is easily and strongly bound to the receptors on the cell membrane, its effect on the peripheral vessels does not directly follow its concentration in the blood. In animal experiments,
37 the optimum concentration of a bolus intravenous nilvadipine for reducing systemic arterial pressure ranged between 0.1 and 10 μg/kg, and the effect continued for at least 1 hour. Thus, the continuous administration of 1 μg/kg nilvadipine per hour was adopted for the current experiments. Although direct comparison between bolus or continuous intravenous and oral administration is usually difficult, the maximum blood concentration after oral administration of a 4-mg tablet of nilvadipine in normal humans is 3.5 ng/mL,
38 which roughly corresponds to that after a bolus administration of nilvadipine at 0.3 μg/mL per kilogram in rabbits.
37 Because 2 or 4 mg oral nilvadipine is the clinical dose for the treatment of systemic hypertension, the current dosage in rabbits should roughly correspond to the ordinary clinical condition.
In the nilvadipine-treated rabbits, NBONH decreased by approximately 20% after an increase in IOP from 20 to 50 mm Hg, corresponding to an OPP decrease from 65 to 32 mm Hg (approximately 50% decrease). The apparent dissociation between a 20% decrease in NBONH and a 50% decrease in OPP suggests that the vascular system in the ONH tissue is not completely passive against the change in OPP, even after nilvadipine treatment at the present dose, and that other factors also may be involved in the maintenance of constant ONH circulation against an acute decrease in OPP. Because many kinds of Ca2+ antagonists are commonly used for the treatment of cardiovascular or cerebral diseases, the possibility should be noted that response to OPP changes may be somewhat modified in patients taking those drugs. For example, the acute increase in IOP due to an episode of acute angle-closure glaucoma or secondary glaucoma may exert more unfavorable influences in patients who are taking systemic Ca2+ antagonists.
NO and prostacyclin are released from the vascular endothelium according to the changes in the sheer stress
39 40 and play vital roles in local control of the vascular tone. Because complete inhibition of the endothelium function cannot be obtained in living animals, we tested the effects of
l-NAME (a nonselective inhibitor of NO synthesis) and indomethacin (an inhibitor of synthesis of prostaglandins including prostacyclin) on the quick recovery response in the ONH circulation after the changes in OPP.
l-NAME showed a slight but significant retarding effect on the quick recovery of the ONH circulation, whereas indomethacin showed no effect. The doses of
l-NAME and indomethacin used in this study were equivalent or larger than those used in previous studies in which their vasoactive effects were certified in rabbits.
32 41 42 In the present study, baseline NB
ONH showed a slight, but significant reduction after administration of
l-NAME, suggesting that NO synthesis was at least partly inhibited. However, no manifest change in the blood pressure may suggest only a partial inhibition of NO synthesis. The reduction in NB
ONH and the change in blood pressure after administration of
l-NAME in the present study were apparently smaller than those obtained in conscious albino rabbits.
41 The anesthesia used in the present study may have some influence on the vascular basal tone or vasoactive reaction to
Gidday et al.
43 reported that an NOS inhibitor (
N G-monomethyl-
l-arginine) showed no significant influences on the autoregulatory vasodilatation of the newborn pig retinal artery caused by systemic hypoxia, hypotension, or hypercapnia. In contrast, Buerk et al.
44 found that NO is important for functional hyperemia (vasodilatation) of the cat ONH circulation during increased neuronal activity with flickering light stimuli to the eye, but Buerk and Riva
45 found that it is not essential for vasomotion in unstressed conditions. Because the effect of the NOS inhibitor on the rapid recovery of ONH circulation after an acute increase in IOP (decrease in OPP) was found to be small under the current experimental conditions, it is suggested that NO is not a main mediator for the reaction, at least in this species of animal. However, there remains a possibility that Japanese albino rabbits are not a suitable animal species in which to study of the role of NO in ONH circulation.
In the current experiment involving the amputation of the sympathetic nerve, the alteration of IOP and measurements of NB
ONH were performed approximately 1 hour after the nerve was severed. Therefore, it is supposed that neither the effect of the ganglionectomy, which manifests as a degenerating release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve fiber terminals and usually occurs at least 12 hours after ganglionectomy,
46 nor the denervation supersensitivity that occurs approximately 10 days after injury,
47 48 occurred during the experimental period. It has been concluded in earlier reports
49 50 that sympathetic nerves in mammalians innervate the central retinal artery up to the ONH, but not beyond, whereas all uveal vascular beds are innervated. However, recent study using electron microscopy and fluorescent examination has revealed that sympathetic nerve innervation is found in the retinal arteries beyond the lamina cribrosa in rabbit eyes.
51 Similar to the results of experiments using the microsphere technique, sympathetic stimulation reduces the uveal blood flow, but does not affect the blood flow in the retina and optic nerve of cats,
52 and monkeys.
52 Other investigators have reported that the cat retinal blood flow increases after sympathectomy.
53 Using the microsphere technique, Linder
54 showed that autoregulation against systemic hypotension is partly impaired by sympathetic stimulation in the rabbit retina, but not in the optic nerve. The results of the present study obtained using the laser speckle method suggest that cutting the cervical sympathetic chain has a small but significant accelerating effect on the basal level of ONH circulation, whereas it shows no significant effects on its quick recovery response after acute changes in IOP.
We performed several experiments in the present study, and some of the systemic parameters such as P
o 2 during the sympathetic nerve amputation experiment were different from those in other experiments
(Tables 1 3 and 4) . Although we do not have a good explanation for this difference, a main reason would be the surgical procedures used in this experiment for amputation of the sympathetic nerve, and that the time intervals between the induction of general anesthesia and the NB experiments differed between this experiment and others because of this surgery. None of the systemic parameters, however, exceeded the normal ranges of healthy rabbits.
In conclusion, the present series of experiments using the laser speckle method indicate that recovery in the ONH circulation is accomplished in the first several seconds after an acute increase in IOP, and that the influx of Ca
2+-related vascular smooth muscle relaxation was confirmed to play a role in the response. The production of NO or prostaglandins, or sympathetic nervous system appeared to have slight effects on it. The laser speckle method was found to be suited to noninvasive monitoring of the changes in ONH circulation with high time resolution and its process after various stimulations and to investigate factors relating to them. There are differences regarding anatomy and blood supply in the ONH between rabbits and primates or humans, despite similarities in the arterial supply.
55 Therefore, the current results may not be directly applied to the ONH circulation of primates or humans, but should provide useful information for future laboratory studies and probably for clinical settings.