At early stages of lens development, Pax6 is expressed in head ectoderm overlying the optic vesicle and then in the primitive lens as it progresses through the lens placode, cup, and vesicle stage.
12 Previous studies have established that Pax6 expression is necessary and, in some cases, sufficient for lens precursor cell specification and lens induction.
6 11 As lens development proceeds, Pax6 expression is downregulated in differentiated fiber cells and becomes restricted in the lens epithelium. We have shown that Pax6 negatively regulates βB1-crystallin expression.
17 To test our hypothesis that normal fiber cell differentiation and maturation requires downregulation of Pax6, we generated seven transgenic lines that overexpress Pax6 in the fiber cells. Lens defects, with different degrees of severity, developed in all the transgenic lines. In the severely affected lines (OVE1078 and LR2), elongation of the secondary fiber cells was incomplete, leaving a lumen beneath the anterior lens epithelium. Electron microscopy analysis showed that the specialized membrane structures—the ball-and-socket interdigitations among the neighboring fiber cells—were underdeveloped or attenuated in the transgenic lenses. Similar defects were also observed in transgenic lenses that expressed only the paired domain and the homeodomain of Pax6.
22 Most interesting was the finding that elevated levels of Pax6 in the lens fiber cells reduced the protein levels of cMaf, which is an important transcription factor in fiber cell differentiation. Our study implies that normal lens development depends on the proper levels of Pax6 in each lens cell type (epithelial and fiber), and loss of Pax6 expression is essential for fiber cell differentiation and maturation.
cMaf belongs to the family of basic-leucine zipper (bZip) transcription factors.
44 Loss of cMaf results in defects in lens fiber cell differentiation.
39 40 43 During early lens induction and specification, Pax6 is essential for activating and maintaining the expression of cMaf in the lens.
45 46 After the lens is formed, cMaf is upregulated in fibers, whereas Pax6 levels decline. The functional significance of this reciprocal expression profile is unclear. In our transgenic study, we demonstrate that higher levels of Pax6 in the lens fiber cells sharply reduces the amount of cMaf protein. Therefore, although Pax6 activates the basal expression of cMaf during early stages of normal lens development
45 and Pax6 can directly activate the cMaf promoter in cotransfections,
46 we propose that downregulation of Pax6 activity in lens fiber cells at later stages of lens development is essential for upregulating the cMaf protein levels during fiber cell differentiation. Using the OVE1078 mice we generated, Goudreau et al.
47 showed that ectopic expression of Pax6 can activate Six3 expression. Taken together, our data imply that during late stages of lens development, Pax6 and Six3 expression mutually regulate each other, whereas cMaf protein levels are negatively regulated by Pax6. In our study, Sox2 levels were not affected by Pax6. Because the lens expresses three Sox genes (Sox1, -2, and -3) with overlapping but different expression patterns,
48 the effect of Pax6 overexpression on Sox1 and -3 should be investigated.
How Pax6 reduces cMaf protein level is still unclear. There are two possibilities: Pax6 either inhibits the synthesis of cMaf proteins or reduces its stability. Based on a recent publication,
49 it is more likely that overexpression of Pax6 reduces cMaf protein stability in lens fiber cells. Previously Goudreau et al.
47 found that active ERK levels are elevated in the fiber cells of the OVE1078 lens, associated with abnormal expression of PDGFα-R (platelet-derived growth factor receptor α). Further, Ochi et al.
49 demonstrated that cMaf protein degradation is regulated by ERK phosphorylation. Thus, we speculate that the reduction of cMaf protein levels in the Pax6 transgenic lens, results in part from an increase in active ERK levels in the lens fiber cells, probably through abnormal expression and activation of PDGFα-R in these cells. Whether PDGFα-R expression is directly regulated by Pax6 remains to be investigated.
The varied effects of ectopic Pax6 expression on lens fiber cell biology are consistent with previously studies showing that eye development and function is highly dependent on the precise regulation of Pax6 levels. Transgenic mice harboring a YAC consisting of a large portion of the known Pax6 locus exhibit malformation of the iris and ciliary body with occasional animals exhibiting severe microphthalmia with associated lens and retinal abnormalities.
50 Although the lenses of most of the animals harboring the Pax6 YAC were normal, it is difficult to assess the relevance of this result to the present study, because the Pax6 YAC mice would presumably not express additional Pax6 in lens fiber cells since gene expression was controlled by the endogenous Pax6 promoter. Mice heterozygous for mutations in the Pax6 gene have defects in the iris
51 and cornea
52 53 similar to those in the human disease aniridia. Lenses from mice heterozygous for Pax6 mutations have anterior subcapsular cataracts
22 that appear to arise from localized epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions. It is intriguing to note that, in newborn mice chimeric for wild-type Pax6 and heterozygous Pax6 loss-of-function cells, only the cells with wild-type Pax6 are found in the lens epithelium, because cells heterozygous for the Pax6 mutant gene preferentially undergo fiber cell differentiation between E12.5 and E16.5.
18 In light of the present data, it is possible that the cMaf levels are abnormally upregulated in the cells heterozygous for a Pax6 mutation, and this Pax6 haploinsufficiency forces these cells to differentiate preferentially into the fiber cells when exposed to the appropriate environment. Thus, Pax6 expression in the lens epithelium may both maintain the commitment to an epithelial phenotype and prevent premature differentiation into fiber cells during late-stage lens growth and development.
Pax6 overexpression in lens fiber cells results in multiple defects in lens morphology and structure. Some of the defects are directly or indirectly related to the disruption of coordinated levels of Pax6 and cMaf proteins in the lens. (1) Secondary fiber cell elongation is not complete in the Pax6 transgenic lens, leaving a lumen beneath the anterior lens epithelium. This result is consistent with the observation that loss of cMaf results in the failure of fiber cell elongation in gene knockout mice.
39 40 43 (2) cMaf activity is essential for the expression of the major fiber cell proteins β- and γ-crystallin, and to some extent, it is also important for αA-crystallin expression.
39 40 In the severely affected Pax6 transgenic mice, the total amount of proteins was approximately 60% lower than normal. Because crystallins make up approximately 90% of the total lens protein, we assume the levels of crystallins are reduced to the similar extent. The decrease in total crystallin proteins could directly result from the low levels of cMaf in the Pax6 transgenic lens. Furthermore, elevated levels of Pax6 in the fiber cells may inhibit β-crystallin expression as shown previously in cotransfections.
17 Indeed, the relative ratios of βB1-crystallin mRNA and protein are significantly reduced in the Pax6 transgenic lens. This result coincides with the most recent finding by Cui et al.
54 that Pax6 can block cMaf-mediated transactivation of the chicken βB1-crystallin promoter in cotransfection experiments.
One notable feature of the present study is that obvious phenotypic changes were not seen in transgenic lenses until E18, although the modified αA-crystallin promoter used in this study are active by E11.
30 This is similar to mice that overexpress Pax6(5a) in lens fibers that do not develop major lens abnormalities until after birth although the transgene is active by E12.5.
28 Because it has been observed that appreciable Pax6 expression is found in all lens cells shortly after the lens forms, whereas it is lost from lens fibers later in development,
10 it is probable that the late onset of these phenotypes reflects a late susceptibility to Pax6 overexpression in lens fibers. This may be at least part of the mechanism controlling developmental changes in crystallin gene expression in lens fiber cells.
35 55 However, the onset of the morphologic alterations is also likely to be influenced by the observation that not all lens fiber cell nuclei in transgenic lenses contain the same amount of Pax6 protein, possibly due to a complex feedback loop between the promoter used in these studies and Pax6. Further, although Pax6 is a transcription factor whose effects should be cell autonomous, the need for lens fibers to form ball-and-socket joints and extensive gap-junctional communication with their neighbors can result in extensive abnormalities, even in lenses containing only a few mutant cells.
56 57
Microarray analysis on P7 wild-type and LR2 transgenic lenses has revealed more than 500 differentially expressed genes.
58 Because our present data suggest that Pax6 can regulate gene activity at the protein level as well as the transcription level, the full spectrum of Pax6 effects on the lens are likely to be extremely complex. Further, there are two Pax6 isoforms, Pax6 and Pax6(5a), that result from alternative splicing of the 5a exon.
23 Both isoforms are found in human lens at equal levels, whereas Pax6 predominates in mouse and bovine lenses. The two Pax6 isoforms have overlapping but different DNA-binding specificities.
24 For example, Pax6 and Pax6(5a) can both transactivate some Pax6 targets such as αB-crystallin
14 but only Pax6 is able to bind to the PISCES element of the glucagon promoter
59 and to repress the chicken βB1-crystallin promoter.
17 Mice without the 5a exon undergo eye formation, unlike complete Pax6-null animals; however, they have iris hypoplasia.
25 Transgenic mice that overexpress Pax6(5a) in lens fiber cells have been generated and exhibited lens defects phenotypically similar to those in the Pax6 mice in this study.
28 However, the population of genes with expression levels that are altered by Pax6(5a) and Pax6 expression are quite different as assayed by microarray analysis.
58 60 Further, preliminary studies have shown that, unlike the Pax6(5a) mice, α5 and β1-integrin protein levels are not changed in Pax6 transgenic lenses (data not shown). In contrast to the Pax6 mice, the cMaf protein levels are unaffected in the Pax6(5a) transgenic lenses (data not shown). These observations support the hypothesis that Pax6 and Pax6(5a) control the expression of overlapping yet distinct sets of genes in vivo.
In summary, we tested the hypothesis that ectopic expression of Pax6 in lens fiber cells would disrupt normal cell differentiation and maturation. We found that elevated levels of Pax6 in lens fiber cells inhibits fiber cell elongation, denucleation, and formation of specialized membrane structures. Most interesting was our demonstration, for the first time in vivo, that Pax6 negatively regulated the protein levels of cMaf and transcript levels of βB1-crystallin in the lens, implying that the role of Pax6 in late-stage lens development is to maintain the undifferentiated phenotype of the lens epithelium.
The authors thank Kirk Czymmek (University of Delaware Core Microscopy Facility), the Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Phillip Wilmarth, Li Xu, and Shanyu Ho for technical support; Paul Overbeek (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX) for generation of OVE1076 to -1078 transgenic mice and for a critique of the manuscript; the University of Missouri-Columbia Transgenic Animal Core, for generating the transgenic mice lines LR1- to -4, and Ales Cvekl (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY) for valuable discussions.