Human limb muscle fibers contain MyHCI, MyHCIIa, or MyHCIIx and occasional hybrid fibers contain two of these isoforms (I +IIa or IIa+IIx).
40 Coordinated expression patterns for MyHC and MyBP-C isoforms have been reported for rat limb muscle in hypertrophy
25 and for single human limb muscle fibers studied with SDS-PAGE,
24 meaning that MyBP-C-fast dominates in fibers expressing MyHCIIx, MyBP-C-intermediate dominates in fibers containing MyHCIIa, and MyPB-C-slow correlates with a content of MyHC I.
24 Our results confirm previous data in human limb muscle.
20 24 Moreover, we showed in the present study that there is no such coordination between MyHC and MyBP-C isoforms in the human EOMs. We were unable to detect MyBP-C-fast or intermediate in most of the fibers of the EOMs, although these muscles have a predominance of fast fibers when examined on the basis of their myosin heavy chain reactivity (71% of the fibers contain MyHCIIa and 13% are MyHCeom
neg fibers
3 ) and they are among the fastest muscles in the body. This is an additional feature that further strengthens the identity of the EOMs as a separate allotype, distinct from limb muscle. In the masseter muscle, a member of the masticatory allotype, only one MyBP-C isoform, with a molecular mass similar to slow MyBP-C, was identified in single fibers with SDS-PAGE, irrespective of their MyHC composition.
24 Whether this MyBP-C isoform detected in the masseter is identical with MyBP-C-slow or an additional isoform remains to be investigated.
24 The MyHC composition of the fibers in the human EOMs and in the masseter is very complex. Most, if not all the fibers in the EOMs contain more than one MyHC isoform, and in both EOMs and masseter fibers, up to five different MyHC isoforms have been identified,
3 24 26 including developmental and α-cardiac MyHC isoforms.
24 26 41 In addition to the MyHC isoforms detected in our study, transcripts of MyHCIIb are also present in human EOMs (Andersen J, Pedrosa-Domellöf F, personal communication, 2000) and the presence of MyHCIIx cannot be excluded.