After the reference determination of maximum fluorescence at
t = 0, a 10-μL droplet of pilocarpine (1%; Alcon, Fort Worth, TX), latanoprost (0.005%; Xalatan, Pharmacia & Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI), levobunolol (0.5% Betagan; Allergan, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico), or dimethylamiloride (1 mM; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was applied to the experimental eye (randomly right or left) of drug-treated mice. The contralateral control eye received 10 μL of vehicle, comprising isotonic saline solution (310 mOsM) with 0.003% benzalkonium chloride (Sigma), which is typically added to ophthalmic solutions to enhance penetration of topical drugs.
18 Dimethyl sulfoxide (0.5%; DMSO) was included in the dimethylamiloride solution to facilitate solubilizing the drug and was also included in the control vehicle administered to the contralateral eyes of that series. Vehicle solution containing 2% to 8% DMSO and 0.03% benzalkonium itself has no effect on IOP in the mouse.
2 4 In comparing right and left eyes and in studying DBA 2J mice, no drug was administered, and both eyes received vehicle alone. After 5 minutes of exposure either to vehicle or drug, the residual fluid was absorbed gently with filter paper (
t = 5 minutes). Measurements for analysis of the disappearance of fluorescence from control and experimental eyes were initiated 15 minutes after instilling drug and at 10-minute intervals thereafter.