Subcellular compartmentalization of cell cycle regulatory proteins plays a key role in regulating cell cycle progression. Translocation of these proteins from the cytoplasmic biosynthetic site to the nuclear action site is essential in many cellular events. Therefore, we asked whether translocation of Cdk4 is present in the cells stimulated with FGF-2 and whether such translocation is regulated at the level of PI 3-kinase. To document the translocation process, cells were treated with FGF-2 for 1, 8, 16, or 24 hours. LY294002 was used only in the cells treated with FGF-2 for 24 hours. Cells maintained in DMEM-0 for 24 hours showed no nuclear Cdk4 staining
(Fig. 5A) . Cells treated for 1 hour began to show faint nuclear Cdk4 staining in a few cell cultures
(Fig. 5B) . The nuclear Cdk4 staining was increased in cells treated for 8 hours, although the staining potential remained weak
(Fig. 5C) . All cells treated for 16
(Fig. 5D) and for 24
(Fig. 5E) hours demonstrated a strong positive nuclear staining and faint cytoplasmic staining. Simultaneous treatment of cells with FGF-2 and LY294002 for 24 hours demonstrated a faint cytoplasmic staining in the absence of nuclear staining
(Fig. 5F) . Although the inhibitor markedly inhibited Cdk4 expression, as shown in
Figure 4 , the absence of nuclear Cdk4 staining and the positive cytoplasmic Cdk4 staining in the cells treated with the inhibitor suggest that LY294002 is involved in the nuclear import of Cdk4, and that the translocation event of Cdk4 is therefore directly regulated by PI 3-kinase. This result is in agreement with reported findings in Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts (IIC9), in which LY294002 inhibits the translocation of Cdk2 to nuclei.
28 We also examined whether PI 3-kinase is further involved in nuclear sequestration of Cdk4. Cells stimulated with FGF-2 for 16 hours were treated with LY294002 for 1, 2, 4, or 8 hours in the absence of FGF-2. Cells maintained in serum-free medium demonstrated a very low level of Cdk4 in the cytoplasm
(Fig. 6A) , whereas cells treated with FGF-2 for 16 hours demonstrated dual staining of the nuclear and cytoplasmic Cdk4
(Fig. 6B) . When cells were treated with the inhibitor for 1 hour, the dual location of Cdk4 was not altered
(Fig. 6C) , but when the cells were treated with the inhibitor for 2
(Fig. 6D) or 4
(Fig. 6E) hours, LY294002 facilitated the translocation of Cdk4 from nuclei to cytoplasm. Cells treated with the inhibitor for 8 hours demonstrate the absence of nuclear Cdk4, but they showed a cytoplasmic and perinuclear Cdk4
(Fig. 6F) . Because expression of Cdk4 is not induced in the absence of FGF-2 and the nuclear export of Cdk4 is mediated by LY294002, this observation suggests that PI 3-kinase is involved in the sequestration of Cdk4 in the nuclei.