A three-layer diffusion model, developed and fully described by Haugh et al.
16 and Braun et al.
17 , was fitted to the outer half of intraretinal PO
2 profiles, corresponding to the avascular portion of the retina. Briefly, the outer retina was divided into three anatomic layers: the RPE and photoreceptor outer segments (OS), the photoreceptor inner segments (IS), and the outer nuclear layer and outer plexiform layer (ONL-OPL). Because mitochondria are localized to the photoreceptor IS, oxygen consumption is nonzero only in the IS layer
(Fig. 1) . The solution to the O
2 diffusion model is an equation for PO
2 as a function of distance (
x) from the choroid that is linear in nonconsuming regions (OS, ONL) and quadratic in the consuming region (IS).
P C is the fitted PO
2 at the choroid–RPE boundary.
P L is the fitted PO
2 at the inner–outer retinal border (
x =
L), which was taken to be 50% of retinal depth. The main parameter derived from fitting is
Q OR-O2, the oxygen consumption of the outer half of the retina.
Q OR-O2 was corrected to compensate for the differences in profile length, due to possible tissue distortions that may occur during electrode withdrawal, by multiplying the fitted
Q OR-O2 by (
L OR),
2 where
L is the outer retinal thickness, in micrometers, of the individual profiles, and
L OR is the average thickness of many outer retinal profiles.
L OR is the actual thickness of the outer retina, taken to be 100 μm in the current study, based on published data.
13 14 A more detailed discussion of this correction factor can be found in Yancey and Linsenmeier.
13 A satisfactory model fit to the data could not be obtained in one cat.