This study clearly showed that factors released from AM and HLE cells acted differently on the ECs. Factors from live or cryopreserved AM promoted the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of ECs. In contrast, factors released from cultured HLE cells inhibited all three angiogenic processes. Earlier studies by others have shown that EC cultured on either the BM side or the stromal side of the AM promotes ECs to form tubelike structures.
34 35 In the present study, we found that coculture with live AM did not inhibit bFGF-induced EC differentiation, and coculture with cryopreserved AM promoted capillary tube formation in addition to the effects of bFGF. Our finding that conditioned medium collected from old AM (3 weeks after 37°C incubation) exerted little effect on EC proliferation and migration suggests that growth factor activities in the AM decreased dramatically during the 37°C cultivation period. Taken together, factors released from the AM, fresh or preserved, do not directly inhibit the angiogenic processes. The in vivo antiangiogenic effect after AM transplantation is therefore more likely to be through its anti-inflammatory activity
21 22 23 24 25 (Kamiya K, et al.
IOVS 2002;43:ARVO Abstract 2262). However, it should be stressed that certain antiangiogenic factors, such as TIMP-3, are matrix bound and are not secreted into the medium. Because the design of this project allowed only the study of the effects of soluble antiangiogenic factors, it is beyond the study’s scope to determine the antiangiogenic activity caused by the matrix-bound factors.
In contrast to the effect of AM, factors released from HLE cells inhibited the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of ECs. Such inhibitory activities were augmented and became significantly different from the control when HLE cells were cultured on intact or denuded AM and were most significant when HLE cells cultivated on denuded AM were further cocultured with 3T3 fibroblasts. Because the preserved AM itself did not inhibit the angiogenic processes, such enhanced inhibitory activities are most likely derived from HLE cells. The results thus highlight the significance of cell–matrix (by the AM) and cell–cell (by the 3T3 cells) interactions in modulating the antiangiogenic activity expressed by HLE cells.
In an attempt to identify factors responsible for the antiangiogenic activity in HLE CM, we first selected TIMP-1, TSP-1, PEDF, and endostatin for study, as they represent the major categories of angiogenic inhibitors found in the cornea ever published.
36 37 38 39 40 41 We found that only the level of endostatin correlated with enhanced antiangiogenic activities. The role of endostatin was further confirmed by the observation that neutralizing endostatin activity significantly abrogated the inhibitory effect on EC proliferation and migration.
42 Similar observations were reported by Chang et al. (Chang JH, et al.
IOVS 2002;43:ARVO Abstract 1867; Chang, JH, et al.
IOVS 2003;44:ARVO E-Abstract 832), who suggested that endostatin may play a major role in the HLE cell–induced antiangiogenic effect. That the addition of endostatin antibody exerted less effect on the HLE cell–induced inhibition of EC differentiation is compatible with a previous report showing that endostatin is essential for the maintenance of the capillary tube structures.
43 Although fresh AM is rich in endostatin content
(Figs. 6D 8A) , it is interesting that neither live AM nor cryopreserved AM inhibited in vitro angiogenesis, suggesting the concomitant presence of high levels of proangiogenic factors, such as VEGF,
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 placental growth factor,
50 51 and FGF
52 53 in the AM, which promoted the in vitro angiogenic processes.
The mechanism(s) by which endostatin content was increased in the CM after cultivation of HLE cells on AM is intriguing. Collagen XVIII is an inherent component of basement membrane
54 and is present in Bowman’s membrane, Descemet’s membrane of the cornea,
38 40 and AM.
21 Endostatin content can be increased either by increased synthesis of collagen XVIII or by increased proteolytic cleavage of the collagen by proteases secreted by HLE cells.
38 Immunoconfocal microscopy revealed that the old intact or denuded AM showed only very faint staining for endostatin-containing collagen XVIII but showed prominent staining in the basement membrane zone of HLE cells cultivated on AM, suggesting that new endostatin molecules may have been produced. Nevertheless, it is still possible that the increased endostatin is merely due to an increased number of HLE cells cultured on AM. To clarify, we intentionally did not air-lift the HLE cells, and quantitated the endostatin concentration by ELISA on a per cellular protein basis, and found that there was still a significant elevation of endostatin-related protein. It has been reported that angiostatin secreted by corneal epithelial cells was augmented through epithelial-fibroblast interaction (Savage JM, et al.
IOVS 2001;42:ARVO Abstract 2592), which might also be true of endostatin.
As for the size of the endostatin-related protein in HLE CM, our preliminary Western blot data show that bands at ∼20 to 21 and ∼26 to 28 kDa were both found (Yao JY, et al.
IOVS 2004;45:ARVO E-Abstract 4812). Whether HLE cells secrete the exact size of endostatin protein (approximately 20 kDa) in addition to the reported 28-kDa fragment
38 needs further clarification. However, because the addition of endostatin antibody did not completely block the antiangiogenic activity of HLE cells, it appears that other major antiangiogenic factors, especially those derived from a proteolytic process, such as angiostatin,
55 or collagen IV–derived antiangiogenic factors may also play a role.
56 57 58 59 60 61
In summary, we report that factors released from HLE cells inhibited the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of ECs. Such inhibitory activities were further augmented by cultivating HLE cells on AM and coculturing with 3T3 fibroblasts. The findings justify the clinical application of combined AM and limbal transplantation or the transplantation of cultivated limbal epithelial cells on AM. The findings in our in vitro study suggest that endostatin may be responsible for the antiangiogenic effect. However, the mechanisms for increased endostatin secretion by HLE cells cultivated on AM await further investigation.
The authors thank Scheffer C. G. Tseng (Ocular Surface Center and Ocular Surface Research and Education Foundation, Miami, FL) and Ray Jui-Fang Tsai (Department of Ophthalmology, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan) for helpful discussions and Chih-Chun Chen, MS (Confocal Microscopy Core Facility of Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital) for technical assistance.