Using genome-wide expression profiling with SAGE, we have demonstrated a broad pattern of differential gene expression in rat and monkey EOMs subsequent to experimental perturbations of visual system development. Data show that the altered visuomotor system output associated with dark rearing produced substantial changes in 280 transcripts encompassing a wide range of muscle tissue functions. MD produced alterations in fewer transcripts in monkey EOM. Patterned changes in gene expression in the current study are attributed to the activity dependence of maturing EOM and its associated tissues. These data provide support for the EOM critical-period concept, suggesting that EOM maturation is regulated, at least in part, by the activity patterns of developing visuomotor systems.
The visual deprivation models and gene profiling techniques used were selected to take full advantage of the strengths of each model. Because the rat has a limited binocular field, we chose dark rearing to globally suppress the development of primary visual cortex. SAGE provides excellent in-depth expression analysis and our previously published, normative rat EOM SAGE library served as a control in our study. By contrast, the substantial binocular field of the macaque monkey allowed us to use the more specific, clinically relevant strategy of MD. A SAGE database is not available for the monkey, and the human database could not be used, because species sequence differences become problematic when gene identity is based on a very short SAGE tag sequence. Thus, human microarrays (Affymetrix), which survey approximately 33,000 genes and ESTs and have been demonstrated to have sufficient sequence homology for use in monkey,
38 were used. Collectively, the visual deprivation paradigms and expression profiling tools used in the study are well accepted and provide considerable insight into transcriptional changes in EOM that result from visual system maldevelopment.
SAGE and DNA microarray are formidable tools for assessing the entire transcriptome of cell or tissue types. In an in vivo assessment of the EOM expression profile, we acknowledge that multiple cell types (e.g., muscle, neural, vascular, connective tissue, resident inflammatory cells) contributed to the SAGE and microarray data generated herein, and it is likely that visual deprivation has produced transcriptional changes in supportive tissues as well as myofibers. However, muscle is an integration of a wide array of tissue types and the complex systems biology question of how activity-dependent regulation of the novel EOM phenotype is achieved cannot be addressed only through study of isolated myofibers. In our study, we used stringent controls and data acceptance criteria to provide a conservative estimate of genes that may participate in an EOM critical period.
In serving as the effector organ for the wide dynamic range of eye movement control systems ranging from pursuit and vergence movements of less than 1 deg/sec to saccades that can exceed 800 deg/sec, while maintaining precise interocular alignment and foveation of visual targets, the EOMs arguably face the most extreme demands of any skeletal muscle. Thus, the baseline morphology and gene expression profile of EOM is fundamentally different from that of other striated muscles, with this muscle group encompassing traits from both cardiac and skeletal musculature in adapting to the eye movement role.
15 16 17 18 19 A key gap in EOM biology is the lack of understanding of developmental mechanisms that modulate assembly of the atypical EOM fiber types and their associated supporting tissues. The correlation between the complexity and diversity of eye movement control systems and the novel properties of the EOMs suggested to us that the two were mechanistically linked, with the functional demands placed on EOM acting as direct determinants of the muscle phenotype.
In prior studies, we demonstrated activity dependence in the postnatal appearance of a key EOM trait, the EOM-specific myosin (
29 30 That
Myh13 is tightly regulated is seen in both its late expression
24 and spatial restriction to only the perijunctional regions of specific EOM fiber types.
24 40 41 Interference in maturation of either the visual afferent system
29 or the vestibulo-ocular reflex
30 led to suppression of
Myh13 mRNA, presumably as a result of decreased oculomotor motoneuron activity in both paradigms. Neither manipulation was effective in downregulation of
Myh13 when applied in adult rats. Collectively, these data established that
Myh13 expression by EOM myofibers requires specific signaling, most likely neural activity patterns, during a postnatal temporal window and thereby suggests the existence of an EOM critical period. We did not, however, detect changes in
Myh13 here. This may be the result of the very restricted distribution of
Myh13, the relatively low level of
Myh13 suppression, and/or differences in the sensitivity of the techniques used. In particular, we have taken a very stringent approach toward analysis of the expression profiling data presented herein that may lead to false negatives.
In this study, we extended the breadth of EOM transcripts that are influenced by the alterations in visuomotor activity that accompany dark rearing. Each differentially regulated transcript is a candidate for the EOM critical period. The 280 distinct transcripts that met selection criteria for differential regulation in DR rat EOM were not restricted to myofiber-specific genes, but included genes shared by myofibers and other cell types and genes usually associated with other tissue types. Several muscle-specific genes (upregulated: sarcosin, triadin 1, calpain 3, and cardiac calsequestrin; downregulated calponin 3) were differentially regulated in DR EOM. EOM is known to express cardiac muscle transcript isoforms,
17 19 42 and dark rearing increased the expression of two of these, triadin 1 and cardiac calsequestrin. Several transcripts that function as cytoskeletal elements also were differentially expressed (e.g., upregulated: dynein-associated protein RKM23 and afadin; downregulated: calponin 3). Changes in
Myh13 did not reach significance.
The most substantial change in DR EOM involved transcripts related to intermediary and energy metabolism (>21% of the known genes differentially expressed in DR). A key rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis (phosphofructokinase-muscle isoform) was downregulated, whereas several transcripts related to lipid metabolism were upregulated (dodecenoyl-CoA delta isomerase, transaldolase 1, malic enzyme 1, enoyl-CoA hydratase short chain 1, and acyl-CoA oxidase) or downregulated (acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase, thyroid hormone responsive protein, and fatty acid-CoA ligase long chain 5). Upregulation of acyl-CoA oxidase and enoyl-CoA hydratase short chain 1 is particularly compelling, because these represent the first two steps of the pathway for β-oxidation of fatty acids. Three ESTs with homology to β-oxidation pathway transcripts (acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase, and carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase) also were upregulated in DR EOM. These data suggest a shift in DR EOM toward an energy mode that is normally predominant in cardiac, but not skeletal, muscle. Consistent with the energetics theme, a total of seven mitochondria-related transcripts with a broad range of functions were induced in DR EOM. Taken together, the shifts in several muscle-specific and energy metabolism protein transcripts are consistent with the alteration of usage patterns of the EOMs.
DR-induced changes in transcripts that function in protein translation and posttranslational modification were prominent (13.8% of known genes identified in DR EOM), but due to the broad expression of these genes the involved cell types cannot yet be established. Among nonmuscle transcripts differentially expressed in DR EOM were two downregulated collagen genes (collagen type 1 alpha 1 and procollagen C-proteinase enhancer protein). The high percentage of ESTs and novel tags in our library (collectively 74% of all detected transcripts) makes it difficult to assess the full scope of the EOM critical period at this time. Several of the ESTs have sequence homology to genes that fit the altered cytoskeletal and mitochondrial transcript themes. As genomic databases are completed, the EST and novel tag data presented in this report can be reassessed from a broader knowledge of the identities of differentially regulated transcripts.
The patterned changes in gene expression of MD monkey EOMs were considerably less severe than in DR rats. Although control monkey lateral and medial rectus muscles do not differ in baseline gene expression patterns (unpublished data), they exhibited differential expression responses to MD. Differences in the lateral and medial rectus response are not unexpected, because the loss of binocular vision in MD disrupts disjunctive fusional vergence movements, whereas conjugate eye movements driven by the nondeprived eye appear to be normal.
7 Moreover, both visual pursuit and optokinetic eye movements exhibit a temporal–nasal asymmetry that is accentuated in visual maldevelopment. The different affect on horizontal rectus muscles may be a consequence of such differences in conjugate or disjunctive eye movements. As in DR rats, few muscle-specific transcripts were altered in monkey EOMs; increased expression of
MEF2C in the MD medial rectus is consistent with myogenesis. Extracellular matrix components were downregulated in both medial and lateral recti, as they were in DR rat EOMs. Two transcripts related to posttranslational protein modification (
HSPB1 and
PPIF) were upregulated in MD medial rectus, consistent with differential regulation of multiple genes in this class in DR rat EOM. Few transcripts linked to mitochondrial function or energy metabolism were differentially regulated in MD EOMs (
PDK4, a glycolysis regulator, was repressed in lateral rectus;
TKT, a pentose phosphate pathway enzyme, and
OGDH, a tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme, were induced in medial rectus). Thus, the shift in energy metabolism that was seen in DR rats was not observed in the MD monkey. Genes shared between the medial and lateral recti of MD monkeys and between the rat DR and monkey MD models are indicated in
Tables 2 and 3 . Although only two transcripts were shared between MD lateral and medial recti and only one was shared between MD monkey and DR rat, there was sharing of functional categories of differentially regulated transcripts.
We suggest that the nature and severity of the gene expression changes in the MD monkey versus the DR rat are consequences of inherent differences in the visual deprivation paradigms. Rather than the prevention of primary visual cortex (V1) maturation that occurs in DR, MD alters ocular dominance column maturation in V1, while preserving at least a monocular drive to eye movement control systems from the non-deprived eye. Lennerstrand and Hansen
26 and Lennerstrand
27 28 observed decreases in the contraction speed and fatigue resistance in EOMs of MD cats, but saw no accompanying shift in muscle fiber type composition. Similarly, DR rat EOMs show a slowing of contraction speed,
43 but neither DR nor MD altered the expression of many muscle fiber–specific transcripts. Moreover, congenitally strabismic monkeys, which share visual deficits with MD, exhibit modest morphologic changes in specific EOM fiber types.
44 Taken together, the differences in expression signatures obtained from DR and MD paradigms then suggest that EOM requires visuomotor-driven activity for proper development, but that any MD-induced functional adaptations in EOM are associated with transcriptional changes that are either modest or largely below the threshold of DNA microarray.