To minimize any technical variations, hybridization was performed for each time point in duplicate using two independent arrays.
Z ratios were calculated for each gene of interest as the ratio of fold changes between untreated and treated conditions of RPE cells at each time point. Since there were two independent technical repeats for each experiment, a
z test was also performed to give a two-tailed
P value for each difference with a significance threshold of
P < 0.001. Analysis of these differences revealed that from the 2742 genes spotted on the stress gene array between 1% to 1.6% of genes (specifically, 29, 31, 39, or 46 genes at each time point) were found to be significantly upregulated (
z ratio >2;
P < 0.001), whereas between 1.8% and 5% of genes (specifically, 58, 72, 110, or 128 genes at each time point) were significantly downregulated (
z ratio <−2;
P < 0.001) compared to controls over the time course after the injury. Only those genes which expression values were changed at least twofold and the
P value was <0.001 at the same time for one or more time points during the course of recovery were considered for future analysis. Low abundance genes downregulated more than sixfold after treatment in which verification assays (Northern blot) were not possible were omitted from the analysis. Analysis of 368 downregulated and 145 upregulated genes meeting these criteria demonstrated that several functional gene groups, possibly associated with AMD pathogenesis, were affected by prolonged oxidative injury. Interestingly, changes in expression of apoptosis related protein, extracellular matrix protein, and stress-related genes followed a specific pattern. Most of the genes, which exhibited a pattern of significant elevation immediately at the end of the injury, were involved, either directly or indirectly, in the protection of the cells from the oxidative stress (
Fig. 4 , middle panel). An apoptosis-related group of genes was significantly downregulated after the injury (
Fig. 4 , top panel). Other functional gene expression groups did not demonstrate any noticeable pattern except for an overall increase in the degree of gene dysregulation, as can be seen in the case of extracellular matrix related proteins (
Fig. 4 , bottom panel). A detailed analysis revealed a pattern of dysregulation reflecting a possible mechanism of successful recovery from the oxidative injury in RPE cells
(Table 1) . A group of genes responsible for directly ameliorating the oxidative stress (MGST1, TRX, TXNRD1, PRDX1, FTH1) as well as antiapoptotic genes (BIRC3, ALDH2, TNFRSF1A) was significantly upregulated. The microarray expression pattern of three of these genes (TRX, TXNRD1, PRDX1) was confirmed by Northern blot analysis
(Fig. 5) and demonstrated close correlation with the
z ratios over the various time points. In addition, genes responsible for controlling oxidative protein damage (HSPA70, DNAJB1, DNAJA1) or DNA damage (RECQL4) were upregulated as well as a transcriptional factor (ATF4) known to be responsible for the regulation of a number of stress-related pathways. Other genes (CASP3, CASP6, CASP9, TNFRSF10, TNFRSF12, TNSF12, BAD, TRAF4, cFOS, FADD, DAP, and NGFR) linked to cell death pathways were significantly downregulated in the RPE cells after the injury.