Human PCO and ASC tissues were positive for osteopontin. With this finding, we were inclined to hypothesize that LECs are responsible for the accumulation of osteopontin in human cataractous conditions. To examine the spatial and temporal expression patterns of osteopontin by injury-stimulated LECs, we conducted immunohistochemistry for osteopontin in healing mouse lenses after an anterior capsular incision. Histologic findings were similar to that previously reported by us.
10 Cuboidal lens epithelium was observed beneath the broken anterior capsule. At day 3, lens cells formed a multicell layer. At and after day 5, cells in the multicell layer were elongated and fibroblast-like in morphology.
Osteopontin protein was not detected in the epithelial cells of the uninjured lens
(Fig. 4A) and in the epithelial cells in the injured lens immediately and 4 hours after the injury (data not shown). Cells near the edge of the capsular break showed osteopontin immunoreactivity in two of four specimens examined at 8 hours (data not shown) and in all three specimens examined at 12 hours after surgery
(Fig. 4B) or later. At 24 hours after injury, the lens epithelium was markedly positive for osteopontin, with a gradual fade toward the lens equator
(Figs. 4C 3D) . At 48 hours after injury, osteopontin protein expression was observed throughout the epithelium of the injured lens (data not shown). From day 3, lens cells were multilayered around the capsular break. At day 3, some of the multilayered lens cells were positive for osteopontin, although the cells were not well elongated, but were relatively epithelial-like
(Fig. 4E) . In the multilayers, lens cells were positive for osteopontin at 1 to 8 weeks after injury
(Figs. 4F 4G 4H) . The cells around the capsular break were found to be elongated and fibroblast-like and expressed osteopontin protein in the cytoplasm
(Fig. 4G) . ECM accumulation was also positive for osteopontin
(Figs. 4F 4G) . Moreover, the cells in a monolayer outside the multilayer were also labeled by anti-osteopontin antibody
(Fig. 4H) . Findings at week 12 were similar to those at week 8 (data not shown). No specific immunoreactivity was seen in negative control staining with nonimmune IgGs
(Fig. 5) .