The presence of a humanlike macula and foveal specialization in the monkey retina makes this species particularly attractive for the study of the metabolic requirements of these specialized areas of retina. The only published report of the intraretinal oxygen distribution in the fovea of a monkey pointed to unusual oxygen requirements of the retina in this region.
1 Retinal oxygen consumption was essentially confined to the outer retina, with the inner retinal oxygen consumption being described as very low.
1 This remarkable suggestion that the inner retina in a region of high visual acuity could have a low oxygen consumption was recently supported by equivalent findings in the high acuity visual streak of the rabbit retina.
13 In the rabbit, this was explained by the possibility of high levels of anaerobic metabolism in the inner retina, consistent with earlier findings of high levels of glycogen in the inner retina.
In the present study, the large number of measurements made in the avascular region of the fovea probably contains some close encounters with the foveal pit. The exact location of the electrode track with respect to the foveal pit cannot be assessed funduscopically, so we lumped all foveal zone measurements together to produce an average measurement. We are confident that we were able to position the electrode in the avascular foveal zone, even though the surrounding capillary net was not visible funduscopically. The avascular zone in monkeys has been described as almost circular, with a diameter of 666 μm.
16 The approximate center of the avascular zone is not difficult to estimate, given the pattern of surrounding feeder vessels that are readily visible. We estimate that the angle at which the electrode penetrates the retina is ∼40° from the perpendicular, so in traversing a track length of ∼350 μm, the sideways displacement would be approximately 225 μm, which is still within the foveal area when the electrode reaches the outermost retina.
The oxygen consumption of the outer retina was shown to be significantly greater in the parafoveal area of retina than in the fovea or inferior retina. This is consistent with earlier work in the monkey fovea and parafovea in which statistical analysis was not performed, but it was suggested that light-adapted parafoveal oxygen consumption could be higher than in the fovea.
1 Our finding that oxygen consumption of the inner retinal tissue in the foveal area is small under air-breathing conditions
(Fig. 11)is also consistent with earlier work, in which investigators that did not quantify the oxygen consumption of this region but described it as very low.
A major finding of the present study is that oxygen levels within the inner retina of the monkey show a relative immunity to the effects of systemic hyperoxia. The muted oxygen response in the innermost retina was not due to inadequate time for the oxygen response to develop. We routinely monitored the preretinal oxygen response after each change in the percentage of oxygen in the ventilation gas and waited for the new oxygen equilibrium to stabilize. This was usually no more than 10 minutes, which is consistent with recent studies of vasoactive response times to systemic hyperoxia in humans.
17 Muted intraretinal oxygen changes in the face of extreme systemic hyperoxia has been reported in several other mammals, such as the pig,
4 cat,
18 rat,
19 and guinea pig.
20 However, this phenomenon has not been measured in the fovea or posterior pole of the primate eye. Landers et al.
21 measured preretinal oxygen changes in monkey eyes 6 to 9 months after photocoagulation therapy in treated and untreated areas of nasal retina. They reported a preretinal oxygen tension of 8.6 ± 4.5 mm Hg over untreated retina during air breathing, which increased to 86.2 ± 41 mm Hg during oxygen ventilation. However, the scatter in their measurements was large, and the example data presented shows a preretinal level of ∼7 mm Hg during air breathing and between 20 and 40 mm Hg during 100% oxygen ventilation. These values are very similar to those that we report in the foveal, parafoveal, and inferior areas of retina in our monkeys. An earlier study in monkey eyes
22 in which only relative measurements of preretinal P
o 2 were reported also suggests that 100% oxygen ventilation leads to less than a doubling of the air breathing preretinal P
o 2.
In the present study the completely avascular nature of the primate fovea allows the full retinal thickness to be analyzed using a multilayer model of inner and outer retinal oxygen consumption.
9 13 14 This analysis has shown that increased oxygen consumption in the inner portion of the foveal retina during systemic hyperoxia is responsible for the muted oxygen response, with the oxygen consumption of the outer retina remaining unchanged. This is consistent with earlier findings in the vascularized area of retina in the rat during systemic hyperoxia, for which more complex models were needed to accommodate the oxygen input from the retinal circulation.
2 Whatever mechanisms are involved in this regulation of inner retinal oxygen exposure may be important to retinal function. Although systemic hyperoxia is not an environmental concern in the natural world, the retina may well be equipped to deal with the local variation of oxygen level due to changes in supply or demand. For example, in the developing retina the inner retina may well be subject to hyperoxic oxygen levels before the development of the photoreceptors. Both too little, and too much oxygen can be damaging to the retina. Retinal hypoxia is thought to play a major role in ischemic retinal diseases. Retinal hyperoxia is damaging to the developing human retina, as evidenced by the sight-threatening consequences of oxygen supplementation in premature infants. The ability of the retina to cope with variations in oxygen environment may be an important component of retinal homeostasis. The primate retina must also cope with a marked degree of spatial variation in photoreceptor density and type,
23 which very likely requires individual photoreceptors to have different oxygen demands based on the local oxygen availability and the needs of its neighbors.
Detailed studies in the rat have suggested that a combination of autoregulation of the retinal oxygen input and an increase in oxygen consumption of the inner and outer plexiform layers are responsible for the muted rise in inner retinal oxygen tension in hyperoxia.
2 6 These studies either exploited the highly layered distribution of retinal capillaries in the rat,
2 or used occlusion of the retinal circulation to allow extraction of oxygen consumption information from the inner retina (Yu D-Y et al.
IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 97).
6 In the guinea pig, a species with a naturally avascular retina, retinal oxygen levels are maintained during systemic hyperoxia by a powerful mechanism regulation choroidal oxygen levels in the face of confirmed systemic hyperoxia.
20 24 The absence of such regulatory mechanisms in the avascular region of the rabbit retina,
9 coupled with the reported retinotoxic effects of systemic hyperoxia in the rabbit,
25 supports the suggestion that such regulatory mechanisms may be important for healthy retinal function. Given the present findings from the monkey retina, it is reasonable to assume that similar properties may be found in the human retina. The importance of such regulatory mechanisms controlling oxygen levels in the inner retina is difficult to determine. However, such mechanisms would certainly have clinical implications in those diseases in which modulation of the intraretinal oxygen environment is proposed. These include novel ideas for increasing oxygen supply to degenerating photoreceptors or detached retinas,
26 or the more widespread use of laser photocoagulation to reduce photoreceptor oxygen uptake in ischemic retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and occlusive diseases of the retinal circulation.
The authors thank Dean Darcey for expert technical assistance, and acknowledge the cooperation of Xinghuai Sun, Wenyi Guo, and Xiaobo Yu and support staff from Fudan University, Shanghai.