In the present study, we found that exposing neonatal rats to MMI, an anti-thyroid drug known to suppress serum IGF-1,
13 results in a 31% incidence of NV by day 10, which is preceded by significantly reduced vascularized retinal areas by day 4 of life.
Previous studies have suggested an important role of IGF-1 in the normal maturation of retinal vasculature
14 and in the development of NV or ROP in cell culture, rodent models, and humans. Early studies showed that IGF-1 is a potent growth promoter of retinal endothelial cells and retinal pericytes.
15 Recent studies in IGF-1 knockout mice
16 showed that IGF-1 is critical for normal retinal vascular growth. Smith et al.
17 reported that IGF-1 plays an essential role in VEGF-induced NV in a neonatal mouse model of ROP. By systemically blocking the IGF-1 receptor, they were able to decrease retinal NV by 53%. In human premature neonates at risk for ROP, sustained low levels of serum IGF-1, followed by a subsequent increase, has been strongly associated with the development of ROP.
1 Our finding of an MMI-induced NV, associated with early suppression of serum IGF-1 and subsequent recovery, is consistent with these previous studies.
Our results differ from those of Berkowitz et al.
4 who reported no NV with MMI alone in contrast to an increased incidence and severity of retinal NV in an OIR model of ROP combined with MMI treatment. An explanation for this discrepancy may be some key differences in experimental design between our study and that of Berkowitz et al. In our study, rats were raised in expanded litters of 25. We have reported that rats raised in expanded litters are growth retarded compared with rats raised in standard litters of 10.
18 19 This growth retardation is probably caused by the increased competition for food, since nursing dams have only 12 nipples. In our study, most of the pups that died did so between days 4 and 6 of the 10-day experiments, allowing the surviving pups increased access to food and, therefore, improved nutrition in the second half of our 10-day studies. It has been well established that undernutrition results in reduced serum IGF-1 concentrations.
20 It has also been reported in both animal
21 and human
22 23 24 studies that IGF-1 concentrations recover rapidly once nutrition is restored. It is possible, therefore, that in our study, once nutrition improved, the subsequent rise in IGF-1
(Fig. 2) , in the presence of high levels of VEGF in the avascular and presumably hypoxic retinas, may have provided the synergy necessary for the development of VEGF-mediated NV. This is consistent with the IGF-1 hypothesis proposed by Hellstrom et al.
1 In contrast, Berkowitz et al.
4 used litters of 8 to 10 rats. Smaller litters, with no increased competition for food, may have less suppression of IGF-1 in early postnatal life compared with our expanded litters and thus less opportunity for a rapid relative increase in IGF-1 later on.
Another significant difference between our study and that of Berkowitz et al.
4 is that we analyzed retinas at days 4 and 10 of life, whereas they analyzed the retinas at day 20. The major differences in retinal vessel growth in our study were observed at day 4, when we saw significantly retarded retinal vascular areas in MMI-treated rats versus control animals
(Table 1) . In fact, our analyses showed no significant difference between vascular areas in MMI-treated retinas versus control animals by day 10 (i.e., >90% vascularized). It is likely therefore, that by 20 days, any differences in vascular development would no longer be appreciated.
A further difference between our study and that of Berkowitz et al.
4 is the source of Sprague–Dawley rats. We received our rats from Harlan Laboratories and they from Hilltop Laboratories (Chatsworth, CA; Berkowitz BA, personal communication, July 2004). In oxygen-induced retinopathy, we have reported
25 differences in incidence and severity of NV between neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats from difference vendors (Harlan versus Charles River, Wilmington, MA). We speculated
25 that subtle genetic differences between rats from different vendors influence the predisposition to preretinal NV, despite similar insults.
In our present study, continuous treatment with MMI for 10 days, suppressing IGF-1, resulted in retinal NV in 8 (31%) of 26 retinas and retardation of retinal vessel growth. In contrast, rats treated with MMI for 4 days, followed by a 6-day recovery period, had normalized levels of IGF-1 by day 10 and had almost no NV (only 1 of 26 retinas; 4%). This finding is intriguing, given that the total increase in serum IGF-1 from days 4 to 10 was much greater in rats receiving the short course of MMI followed by recovery than those who received continuous MMI for 10 days
(Fig. 2) . These findings are contrary to the suggestions of Hellstrom et al.
1 that IGF-1 plays a purely permissive role, because the IGF-1 increases were greater in the short-course–recovery group. One possible explanation for less NV in the short-course–recovery group is that IGF-1 levels in these pups may not have been depressed enough, and for a sufficient period, to suppress normal retinal vascular development and thus subsequently stimulate NV. However, results from our retinal vascular area studies
(Table 1) suggest that 4 days of MMI treatment significantly retards retinal vessel development compared with 4-day control animals. We also found that at 4 days, IGF-1 is significantly suppressed in all rats treated with MMI
(Fig. 2) . Further work on the role of serum IGF-1 in angiogenesis in immature retinas is needed.
The thyroid hormone axis has an important role in the development of the central nervous system, including the eye
26 and the retina. A recent study by Sevilla-Romero et al.
27 showed substantial differences in the developing retinas of euthyroid rats compared with congenitally hypothyroid rat pups. Hypothyroid retinas were smaller, had reduced overall thickness, and had fewer dividing progenitor cells. Further, a marked delay in all main developmental parameters in the hypothyroid retinas was seen. In addition, Tilton et al.
28 reported that hypothyroidism increases permeability of retinal vessels in rats, and thus may allow serum growth factors, such as IGF-1, increased access to the retina. Transient hypothyroidism is common in premature infants, and the more premature the infant, the more severe the transient hypothyroxinemia.
29 30 We speculate that low serum thyroxine may contribute to retardation of normal retinal vascular development, which may exacerbate the insult to the peripheral retina or developing vasculature and contribute to the subsequent development of preretinal NV (i.e., ROP in preterm infants). Although thyroid hormone supplementation in hypothyroid preterm infants remains controversial,
29 further studies on the effect of thyroxine on the developing retinal vasculature are warranted. Our data support the suggestion that T4 plays an important role in abnormal angiogenesis in the immature retina, and we speculate that hypothyroidism, for a critical period in a neonate’s life, may be an additional risk factor for ROP.
The changes we observed in serum T4 concentrations may provide an explanation for the paradox of less NV after a short course of MMI than a longer course, despite greater recovery of serum IGF-1. We found that rat pups treated continuously with MMI for 10 days had continued suppression of T4, whereas rats treated with a short course followed by recovery had normalized T4 levels by day 10. This leads to the hypothesis that suppression of T4 may be essential in the pathogenesis of NV in immature retinas. The complex interaction of the IGF-1 and thyroid hormone axis needs further investigation.
Regarding weaknesses of our present study, the mortality rate in the MMI-treated rats after 10 days was not trivial. Nevertheless, in previous studies of neonatal rats raised in expanded litters, we observed similar mortality rates. In acidosis-induced retinopathy, rats receiving ammonium chloride
31 or acetazolamide,
10 had a very similar survival rate of 50% to 60% in 13-day experiments. Furthermore, it is possible that NV was actually underestimated, since the smallest and sickest rats may be more likely to have NV. Unfortunately, it is not possible to control for survival rate in these studies, and autolysis of retinal tissues precludes analysis of NV in rats that die during the course of an experiment. We did not perform postmortem examinations of neonatal rats that died before the conclusion of the study (often the mothers eat their dead pups). Therefore, we cannot completely rule out a possible toxic effect of the MMI, but, based on our findings of changes in serum T4 and serum IGF-1, we believe that our retinal findings are most likely to be a specific drug-induced NV.
In summary, we have shown that the anti-thyroid drug, MMI, retards normal vascular development and induces NV in neonatal rats. These findings are associated with suppression of IGF-1 and T4, but the relationship is complex because complete recovery of IGF-1 is associated with less NV, and therefore serum IGF-1 must act in more than a permissive role. Further studies are warranted into the role of IGF-1 and thyroid hormone in the pathogenesis of ROP.